
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Just Watch

"Daimon, do you really think he'll just show up? He made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with any of this." Earnest was pacing back and forth in Daimon's office, waiting for the woman to come back. (Preferably without Sae.)

Daimon set down his glass with a confident look on his face, "Earnest, why don't you believe in me? I guarantee you that Sayrid will come."

"Yeah, I'm kinda hoping he doesn't."

"Why not?"

"I mean think about it, Daimon. He doesn't want to because were illegally testing on innocent kids. If he shares that to the public, we're screwed. You'll be sent to prison or worse."

Daimon chuckled, "No need to worry about me. Miss Clyde and I have our ways of disappearing from the public eye if things were to ever turn out like that. If anything, Sayrid is the least of our problems. No, he isn't a problem at all."

Daimon's eyes were sparkling with insanity and a wide grin born of pure evil bubbling within him. His hope was to show Sae that there was no "bad" in what he was doing, but he knew that wouldn't be so easy. Sae was a man who cared for the innocents and perhaps because he knows what it's like to be treated in a way that no living being should ever be treated.

"Sayrid cares. So if he really does, he'd stride on in like a knight wanting to save the subjects. Only if he doesn't that truly make him worse than...well, me." Daimon laughed.

Earnest couldn't believe what Daimon was saying. Of course people don't want to see kids suffering, treated like guinea pigs. Sae's reaction was normal, Daimon was just expecting more from a human only so that he could twist a pure soul into something as evil as himself.

"I'm worse than both of you..." Earnest muttered under his breath. Daimon immediately got up from his chair to pin Earnest against the wall, irritated.

"You're right. You're a cruel man, Earnest. You ask for so much attention and compliments that I'm running out with each passing day." Daimon put his forehead against the wall next to Earnest's head. He turned his head, his warm breath tickling Earnest's ear.

"Earnest, calm me." Daimon whispered softly into Earnest's ear but those simply horrifying words were like a loud alarm ringing in Earnest's ear. His heartbeat was pounding so loud that Daimon put his hand on Earnest's chest which made it worse.

Earnest was at a loss of words as his body was getting hot and sweat started to flow down his forehead and the back of his neck. Daimon continued torturing Earnest. Even just putting his head on Earnest's shoulder escalated Earnest's temperature.

Daimon sighed, "I guess you can make it up to me later then."

Without any word of warning, Daimon's scooped up Earnest in his arms and carried him to the couch, laying him down on his back.

Earnest was breathing heavily and his forehead burning up. Daimon grabbed his phone in his desk to ask for Miss Mason to bring him an ice pack before sitting back in his chair.

"Tch. How are you ever going to get a girlfriend if you can't even deal with me?" Daimon finished his glass. He chuckled seeing at how disappointed he was. But the sight of Earnest in such an embarrassing state brought a disgusting smile to Daimon's face.

"You better wake up soon, Earnest."

The door opened and the woman stepped in but before another word, Daimon nodded his head and left the office to meet with her just outside a windowless, soundproof room.

"Am I right to assume he's already inside?"


Daimon's grin was so wide that his cheeks were hurting. No longer able to wait another second, Daimon swing open the door to see a most peculiar sight.

Sae was standing still. Absolutely motionless. A little girl, the embodiment of the night, was hugging his leg.

Daimon walked up to them but the girl opened her eyes and dragged Sae to the corner of the room, continuing to hold onto his leg. Sae took her hands before crouching down and smiling softly at her. She seemed to calm down to a certain extent and hugged Sae.

The woman and Daimon were silent. While she wanted to be on lookout and not caring enough to really react, Daimon clenched his fists tightly with the urge to strangle both Sae and Raven.

Daimon walked up to them, separating the two then dragging Raven by the hair out the testing room. Sae chases after them, stopping Daimon when the woman stopped Sae.

"What the hell are you doing? Get out of my way." Sae's suppressed anger was bound to be unleashed any second, his dangerous aura making the woman's day better and better as the two men couldn't help but do and say such stupid things.

"Just watch."

Sae eventually calms down but his brow was still twitching even after she was implying that it's be best if he was able to calm down before following them into another room.

Sae dreaded the thought of seeing that poor, innocent little girl being tortured by a brutal man like Daimon Croft. He had taught Aziel a most important lesson, he could only hope to do the same for the girl.