
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
72 Chs


The moment Sae opened his eyes, he felt strange. All because a specific young mistress had been combing through his long black hair with a comb...while he was sleeping.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'd prefer to go back to my cell than have some maniac brush my hair while I'm sleeping." Sae snatched the young mistress's wrist, wrapping his fingers tightly around her wrist while looking at her with annoyed eyes. The young mistress simply did nothing as Sae sighed before getting out of the bed.

"You know, you're really fucking creepy sometimes. Even Levi kept her distance...ish." Sae ruffled his bangs then turned to find the woman staring at him through her silver mask. Sae pinched the skin between his brows, annoyed at how innocent she looked as she just sat in a chair by the bed with the comb in her lap.


"Are you upset?"

Sae lifted his head and looked at her with a disinterested look. Sae nearly glared at her for sounding and looking like a completely different person from the night before and the woman he thought he knew. She was in her regular white gown with her bright white hair. Sae had already picked up on how different she could be depending on her appearance. She was usually more formal and polite when in her regular "angel-like" appearance but she was acting like a younger, softer version.

Sae put his hand on his hip and slightly bent forward, observing the strange person in front of him, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The young mistress put the comb aside and stood, stepping closer to Sae who straightened up. She chuckled softly before putting her hands behind her back then circling Sae, confusing him even more. Sae, getting irritated, stuck out his arm, blocking her then stared at her with a dangerous look in his eyes, "Don't taunt me."

The young mistress took off her mask and the fabric piece, throwing them across the room like they were nothing. Sae grabbed her by the collar, lifting her off her feet, "I don't give a rat's ass that you are a woman nor the fact that you are the woman who I am supposed to serve, we made a deal."

The innocent yet annoying woman giggled like a little girl at play, "I didn't agree to anything. You're just demanding."

Sae let her go, dropping her onto the floor. The loud thud echoed in the walls. Realizing this, he remembered how bad things could get if someone were to step into the room and find Sae standing in the young mistress's room with her massaging her throat on the floor.

"Tch." Sae clenched his fists while the woman kept laughing.

"God, you really are different after one fucking night." Sae spoke in a low, cold tone. The woman got up to her feet, approaching him to trap Sae in her embrace when she suddenly vanished into a white midst. Her playful laughter echoed but when Sae looked back at the door, the young mistress stood in all black. Her serious and dark aura instantly gave Sae the thought that this was the woman he knew. Still, the person in front of him just a second ago gave him an unsettling feeling.

"Remember: You must keep your mind blank."

Sae just nodded but he could just barely keep to his word. After encountering something like that, how could he keep his mind blank and mouth shut?

"She will be your guard. Despite her chipper personality, she's serious when she has to be." the young mistress handed Sae new clothes, a similar outfit to the one Sae always wore. An all black outfit with a few silver accessories to go with the ring and necklace she had already given Sae the other night. Sae stared at the items in his hands before looking back up to see the room empty.

Sae wanted to ask himself what was happening, but then he'd get lost in his thoughts which was exactly what he was asked to avoid. Sae just walked to the bathroom to get changed. He stepped out, the heels of his black shoes clicking on the marble floors. He sat in a chair and waited patiently until the young mistress or the other woman returned.

It wasn't long until the door opened with the young mistress in all black, holding a pair of scissors, "I'm afraid you'll have to meet after all. If you are fine with it, I'd like to cut your hair."

Sae narrowed his eyes for a mere second before he sighed, "Go ahead."

The young mistress stepped over and behind Sae who straightened up in his seat. She held a strand of Sae's hair in her gloved hand, admiring it's shine. Now that she had a good look at Sae's long, black hair, she nearly didn't want to cut it. But she snapped out of that and started cutting, the sound causing Sae to feel slightly bitter.

As the floor covered in more hair, the colder Sae's neck got. Once he no longer felt his hair being touched, he stood and stared at the strands on the floor.

"If you'd like, look in the mirror before we go."