
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
72 Chs


Sae's aura was ice cold and Earnest could only assume who he meant by "Levi". In the end, Earnest avoided asking if who he thought was the right person and instead, he led Sae to his boss. In his dimly lit office, Daimon had a blank expression on his face. He felt lost, not even able to understand where he was. But before long, Earnest walked in with Sae. At the sight of his dear friend, Daimon instantly had a wry smile on his face and he stood from his seat, hands folded behind his back.

"Ah, I see she had already brought you here. Well, I hope she wasn't too much trouble." Daimon's voice was filled with mischievous intention that ringed in Sae's ear. He glared at the grinning man.

"Look, I only need to know what you did to Levi."

"Oh ho, you must mean Miss Clyde. Well, yes she was here but if anything, I saved her life. She was in critical condition to where she had been passed out for hours due to lack of food and energy, I had hospitalized her so that she could continue with her plans. I have no idea why I am being accused-"

Sae walked over and slammed his hand on the desk, startling Earnest who he had just pushed aside. "So you're telling me she left, in good condition?"


Sae lifted a brow as he searched for a glimpse in Daimon's eyes. Sae had never tried harder not to laugh out loud at the sight of Daimon's incredibly dull eyes. There was no hint of excitement, or fear. Simply...blank. However, when Sae landed his gaze on Daimon's lips, he had hit the jackpot. His wry grin was more than just the twisted smile, there was evil written all over it. Whatever he said about Levi, Sae couldn't just brush off that annoying grin.

"I apologize, but would you be so kind as to tell my what your name is?"

Sae dragged his hand to the edge, straightening up, "Sayrid."

Daimon lifted a brow, "And your surname?"

Sayrid bit his lip hard enough to bleed, "I'm afraid that's private information. But I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough."

Daimon chuckled, "Fair enough." Sae put his hands in his pockets before deciding to leave but Earnest grabbed his arm, "Could you please stay a while longer?" Sae clicked his tongue, turning around then leaning against the door, "I'm not gonna give you or her or anyone blood." Earnest looked at Sae with wide eyes from his words. Even Daimon was a little surprised that he had already jumped to that. Daimon sat back down in his seat, crossing his legs.

"Well, there's no need for that right now. However, it's not blood we need from you, Sayrid. If anything, I simply ask that you accompany us to watch a few tests. We have two very special subjects and I have asked for another subject from Country B. When we have all three subjects, we will start and you will tell me what you think. Now that's not too bad right?"

Sae, who was staring at Earnest's earring the entire time Daimon was talking, didn't reply but actually approached Earnest who suddenly started sweating. Daimon waited patiently for an answer as he watched Sae stand uncomfortably close to Earnest, staring at his earring as if he'd never seen one before even though even he was wearing a pair.

"I'm sorry but do you, by any chance, have a brother?" Sae's rather random question had Earnest completely thrown off. Earnest stammered but eventually got out the single word, "yes". Sae seemed amused for reasons that neither of the other men could figure out. Still, Earnest could't resisting how Sae figured that out.

"Levi had files of all sorts of people. I often snuck into her office during work times and I remember seeing someone wearing that same earring. I remember he had two different colored eyes, one pale blue and the other black. You two look alike but not identical." Sae stepped back but Earnest looked at him in disbelief. Soon, that disbelief turned to worry, "Why did she have a file on my brother? Did she have one on me too?"

Sae crossed his arms, "She only had a file on your brother...Irving? Anyway, there was only a brief description."

Earnest didn't look any better. If anything, he looked worse. In his head, he was wondering is Levi was planning to take his brother away from him. When Sae suddenly put his hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring look, Earnest felt better but he still wished he could check on his brother right away.

Daimon checked his watch then looked as the door opened and the mysterious woman walked in, alone.

"You failed?" Daimon sounded quite disappointed as he clenched his fists and looked as if he would throw something at the woman who looked the same.

"You forget, Mr. Croft, it's not the time that I bring your subjects, it's how. Right now, the subject has a visitor. Seeing as he is alone and in a secure area, guess who that visitor is."

Daimon had a sour look on his face. Sae and Earnest both had their ideas but Sae was the first to speak, "Tell em the basic information of the subject."

The woman turned to face Sae, with a threatening look on her ruby red eyes.

"God is my strength." She spoke with a low voice and her aura was one that craved for blood and not in the way Levi does. Sae grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall. Earnest tried to stop Sae while Daimon was getting tired of Sae's violent acts, "Let her go, Sayrid. She has done nothing and will do nothing to hurt Aziel."

Sae glared at the woman, not caring about Daimon's words or Earnest's useless attempts to get him to stop. But the woman suddenly had an insane look in her eyes, wide and the red seemed to bright that it was like something had awakened within her. She twisted Sae's arm, kicked him in the nuts and dragged him out of the office, throwing him over the balcony.

"Daimon! Why didn't you tell her not to fight?" Earnest had a bead of sweat flowing down his forehead and looked so nervous that he'd pass out while Daimon just sat back down.

"Nah, let her have her fun. I've kept her restrained long enough, she must've been dying for a fight. Sayrid is a worthy opponent, from what I hear from Miss Clyde, there's nothing to worry about."