
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
72 Chs


"Where am I...?"

Sae was still standing still, completely dumbfounded at the sight of the silver mask just lying there on the ground like it was nothing. But he noticed that the white fabric wasn't attached to the mask. It was actually still on the woman's face, meaning that half of her face was still covered. The woman finally straightened her back and lifted her head but before she fully faced him, Sae passed her to grab her mask.

While the woman just watched as the peculiar man was acting unusual, Sae held the mask tightly in his hands and couldn't take his eyes off of it. A mask of pure silver. Such beauty which hides the face of the angelic yet demonic woman behind him who seemed to not know anything judging by her previous question.

"Put this on." Sae swung his arm back, handing the mask to the woman without turning to see her face which obviously caused the woman to have questions.

"Are you alright, sir?"

Sae scoffed, "Sir? Do I look like I'm worth that kind of treatment?"

"Well if you are so specific about treatment, how about you be decent enough to face me when I am speaking with you?"

Sae was getting irritated with the obviously clueless woman behind him. Through gritted teeth, he spoke angrily, "I'm afraid I cannot do that. Not until you put on the mask in my hand."

The woman just stared at Sae. Clearly, he was serious about every word that came out of his mouth but she had no idea what he was talking about or how she got into such a grey world. Sae could then feel the mask slip away from his fingers and a sudden gust of wind that swept him off his feet. The woman was holding onto him from behind, wrapping her arms around Sae's shoulders as they got higher up, able to see the ruins.

"Are you more comfortable with her than you are with me?" Sae could feel the strange woman breathing on his neck and her words echoing in his ear as she whispered softly as if the wind carried out her words for her.

"Put on the damn mask, will you?"

"Hmm, she likes you, you know. Though, she's a soulless monster, she's amused by you."

"I'm sorry but I don't give a rat's ass about that, just put on the mask." Sae grabbed the mask from the woman and placed it on the woman's face, shielding it. Right after he put the mask back on, the two could feel gravity pulling on them as if it wanted to imprint their figures into the ground that would last forever. Sae kept his eyes open while he stared at the dull skies full of nothingness.

'Tch. Such a boring sight right before I can die...'

Sae turned around in the air and laid eyes on a tall metal rod which was getting close. Grabbing onto it, he swung himself up and land back on his feet, causing him to scrape them even more while his hands were hurting like hell after his little stunt.

'Damn it, where is she?' Sae looked around like a lost child, wondering where the woman in bright white could be. Seeing as the whole country seemed to consist of only grey tones, spotting her might be difficult if she was too far. Luckily for Sae, the woman was interested in him:


Sae whipped around to see the woman in all black again and instantly prepared for the possibility that she would suddenly attack him but it was all for nothing as she was standing still. Though her face was shielded by her black mask, Sae could tell she was holding in something.

"If this mask ever falls off again, you have to swear to me that you will kill me the instant you lay eyes on mine."

It was dead silent. Not even the wind made a sound. Sae looked at her with a bored expression and walked up to her, observing.

"Do you not have any? Are they wild or bloody? What's so bad about your damn eyes?" The woman remained silent, not wanting to speak more of the topic she hated so much. No amount of amusement, not even from Sae, could possibly calm her down.

"Hey, what's so-"


Sae lifted a brow before widening his eyes when the woman suddenly knocked him on his back while she just stared at him.

"Tch. What the hell are you doing? The mask comes off and you're suddenly so open. I put back on the mask for you and you suddenly go all dark side on me, telling me to kill you if I see your fucking eyes. Are you aware of how stupid you sound? Now you attack me out of nowhere even when you treasure me so much?"

"I had to make it even."

She crouched down and grabbed Sae's wrist, sliding a dagger into his cold hand which made him stare back at her in disbelief, scoffing.

"What, you want me to kill you now? Pfft! What the fuck are you trying to do? Is suicide really so amusing to you that you decide to come to such a foolish conclusion in a matter of seconds?"

Sae stared at the woman's chest which had been stabbed by the dagger, which he held in his hand.

"Tch. My apologies for saying this, but for some well-mannered mistress, you sure act like some spoiled princess."

"You don't know how right you are, Sayrid." the woman pulled back, the sound of the blade escaping her body as she stood over Sae.

Sae stared at the blade. No blood. The woman landed on her knees, the jagged rocks stabbing her knees which made a disturbing sound that Sae found disgusting. Again, there was no blood that could be seen which made no sense. Both the blade and the rocks should be coated entirely in red, along with some dark stain on the woman's clothes but there was nothing.

"There's no good way to ask, but why aren't you bleeding?" the woman chuckled at Sae's question. She found herself to be stuck in circles, going absolutely nowhere in hiding from Sae.

"I need an answer, Sayrid. Do you swear to kill me?"

"If I found a way...I wouldn't. It's quite repulsive for me to take your life when you don;t give me a good reason. You just act like an idiot. Sorry to say this, but you and Levi are more alike than I thought you'd be."

"More than you thought we'd be?"

"Mn. I knew that Levi found someone she looked up to but she also despised. It sure as hell wasn't me so it had to be someone that she was keeping secret. Levi's only really secretive when it comes to her work and there is no exception for the Blackfords whom she carries such deep hatred for."

Sae finally got up, the rubble doing a bad job at cushioning him. While he spoke, the woman couldn't take his eyes off of him. He spoke in such a caring way while occasionally making fun of Levi and cursing at her here and there.

"But even with that, I still don't like being lied to. Levi tells me that you got in the way of her business. But I don't think it's impossible that Levi lied to me on that. I don't think that it's impossible for you to lie to me too, but I'm willing to at least hear what you'll say." he sighed at the end and looked off into the distance. The sight was as dull as ever now, but Sae strangely found it peaceful. Of course, it couldn't beat the crystal clear waters of that river within the forest where Sae could watch the stallion run freely, but it was enough to keep him from depressing thoughts.

When Sae looked down to see if the woman was even alive, he was left dumbfounded.

"What do you see?"

The woman stood. Her black mask in her hand but black fabric covered the bottom half of her face, revealing only her eyes which seemed so beautiful that one would say they were inhuman. The unimaginable sight left Sae speechless. He gazed deeply into the woman's eyes which held no color but were identical to the color of the dull grounds they stood on. Though lacking in a color most would find beautiful, her eyes were crystal clear much like the lake Sae was so fond of. Sparkling brighter than a star, but filled with something indescribable.

It was disappointing.