
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

"Your World..."


The sound of a gunshot rung in Amari's ears. His eyes were wide as he stared at his furious father. He watched the room move before him, where he no longer looked at his father but was now staring at the ceiling. A loud thud as his body hit the floor and the heartbroken cries of his ray of light.

Aurora instantly reacted, pulling Amari into her arms, resting his head against her neck as she stroked the back of his head. She held onto him tightly as she looked at whom she thought would be her future father-in-law with reddened eyes.

"Why...I don't understand why you would do this!" she cried. The man threw the gun off to the side and stepped closer to them, causing Aurora to squeeze Amari harder.

"How does it feel son? To be held by the woman you love...the woman you will leave just as your mother left us...how does it feel?"

"Please stop! Please...don't do this to your son!"

His demons had completely taken over him. He no longer was the kind and polite man everyone admired, he had fallen apart. He slapped the girl across the face.

"Shut up you worthless bitch! You ruined my son's life, you ruined mine! We were fine as we were, we were together and that was all we needed until he had to meet you! Why? WHY??" he covered his face with his hands, "...why did he have to meet you?"

Aurora was absolutely dumbfounded. Her whole life, she was surrounded with kind-hearted people. Sure, she met a few who didn't like her, but never in her entire existence, did she feel like this. Like a bad omen which had brought chaos to a family, and the man she desired to run away with. Was she really so horrible? Was there no way to overlook this, and move on?

Aurora held Amari's head in front of her. Admiring his beautiful face, she cried as he wouldn't open his eyes. He was dying. Her tears fell to Amari's skin, which absorbed them.


The man was about to steal his son back from Aurora when Amari suddenly woke and rammed his father into the wall.

Amari's appearance had changed. His silver hair nearly reached the floor, and his eyes no longer showed Aurora or his father of the innocent, polite young man. His eyes were glowing violet, and his wide smile was so monstrous, that the image seared into his father's mind.

"W-what's wrong with you? Let me go, son!" he groaned.

"Son?" Amari's voice was the most noticeable difference. No longer calm and happy. No. His voice was sing-songy, a voice that would sing a lullaby about his victim's death.

"Just because that is what you call me, that does not mean you see me that way. When she left...you left me too!" Amari bumped his head on his father's chest, still gripping the man's neck.

"This isn't the first time I've laughed like this in front of you, you know. Even with my back arched like that, in the corner of my eye, I could still see your fearful expression. You thought of me as a freak, didn't you?"

Amari looked at the counter behind him. On the desk, was a vase filled with fake spider lilies which were attached to quills.

"Hmm." he focused back on the trembling man in front of him.

The body fell and blood spilled on the tiles. Out of the man's chest, right over his heart, was a quill with the flower of final goodbyes. Amari turned around, Aurora was standing, but her hand was on the door handle as tears still streaked down her face.

Amari shrugged with a bright smile on his face, "Oh well, I didn't expect you to stay. Ooh! Better yet, why not send a letter to Levienne Clyde? Let me become one of her slaves and rot in a cell! Hmm? After all, I have sinned!" he had his hands folded behind his back and bent forward, still showing her a big smile.

"Let me become one of her slaves and rot in a cell!" at these words, Aurora hesitated. What did she want? Her eyes had seen horrible things, and her heart broke as she felt that she would be alone again. Just earlier today, Amari and Aurora were happy. He had promised her that he would go to the ends of the world for her, with her.

She was breathing heavily, and her heart was racing.

"Hmm?" Amari straightened up and stepped closer to Aurora which caused her to turn the handle. Seeing this, Amari chuckled.

"So you can move! Congrats! Now, if you want to do what's right, you really should talk to Levienne Clyde." he said.


"Do you think it a sin...if I...don't?" she said weakly. She was back to being mesmerized from Amari's eyes. She was cursing at herself internally, but he was irresistible to her. Seeing his surprised face, she blushed.

"Ah, I've lost my mind, haven't I..." Aurora tucked her hair behind her hair, avoiding eye contact with him. But Amari had a completely different reaction to her words.

'What? What's wrong with her?' he thought. Amari didn't see Aurora the way he did before he had just escaped death. He no longer wanted her. In fact, he wanted nothing to do with her. In his eyes, she was a simpleton who was still holding onto something so untrustworthy...love.

Aurora looked back at him, and found herself stepping closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and slowly moving her face close to his.

But just before their lips touched, Amari grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the ground.

"What's this? Still in love with that pathetic fool, are you? HA! So troublesome!"

Hands on his, she denied it, "You're still the man I love!"

Amari sighed. He no longer smiled but just showed her and incredible annoyed expression which was like an arrow that had pierced her heart.

"Was I too nice to you? Well, I am a softie, but you really are an idiot, huh? Well, let me spell it out for you."


He sang, "You're world has died!"