
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

My grimoires!!

[Amelie] "Anon she found out, she mistook you for another person. Before they could burn down the shack, I and Jonah came right on time and we were about to convince them that they got the wrong person".

[Mrs. Teresa] "I am sorry, it was a misunderstanding"

"A misunderstanding?!! Get the hell away from me, I don't want to see a beast like you again in my life, I begged you, but you didn't listen, you just wanted to kill me even if you had no proof, you would have still killed me"

[Teresa] "No how I wouldn't, you just felt suspicious of me because...."

"Because what? because I was going into my home or what?"

[Amelie] " she said she saw you following us and after we left you tried going into the house and she thought you were the one harboring the girls in the village"

"Following! eh....I. I wasn't following you guy, since when I have been here I haven't stepped out too, I tried going out to get some fresh air and when I came back this lady stopped me and told me she wanted help with her firewood and I followed her"

[Teresa] "yes is true nothing but concrete prove would have been enough, I am very embarrassed"

Anon "I don't still care, just leave me alone!"

Jonah "Teresa I think you should leave for now"

Amelie "maybe when he has calmed down"

[Teresa] "I am sincerely sorry, the villagers too, they have been checking up on you, they are sorry"

Anon "I am not angry at the villagers, just leave, they would have not done anything if you didn't place the false accusations on me, just leave!!"

Teresa left.

[Amelie] "I guarantee you, she didn't mean any harm, she just lost her daughters two months ago"

Anon" so what is about all these females missing?"

[Jonah] "well it started 7 months ago, when some teenage girls were playing outside and it was at night, it was a peaceful society, so no one worried. They were three friends and after a scream, the villagers around didn't get concerned because they know the girls like to play all sorts of games, it was until the villagers noticed the area was very quiet and when they came out they couldn't find the girls"

[Amelie] " they thought they went to play somewhere but the actual parents were worried because they never stayed so late. They began a search and firstly went to each other parents' houses to confirm if they were there but unfortunately they weren't, they alerted the villagers that night and they arranged a start crew that night, They searched and searched but the three girls were nowhere to be found"

[Jonah] "the parents were devastated and couldn't heal, the search team was still on for two months but they found nothing and within those two months parents have been isolating themselves and their children but after three months of no one being missing, the villagers became free again and children started playing outside again and then it happens again the fourth month, four teenage girls found missing".

[Amelie] "villagers were scared and didn't know what to do, but what they knew was they were only targeting young females. Villagers remained isolated in their houses but still, they weren't safe because within their sleeping female children will also be kidnapped, this brought sadness to society, in seven months over 20 children have been declared missing and two have been declared dead"

"Oh that's sad, I get their pain now, and how did two children get killed"

[Jonah] "two girls went missing two months ago and the day after that, their dead bodies were found in the village river"

I felt really sad for them, they have been through a lot.

"Oh. And I am guessing the mother of those two children is..."

[Jonah] "yes, Teresa"

Anon "this is not wickedness, this is pure evil, I will find out who is behind this!"

[Jonah] "that's the spirit but you have to do that when you are healed and only in the day time"

Amelie "nobody is allowed out at night unless you are a vigilante".

"There is no need for that, I can just use my..., where is it?!"

[Amelie] " where is what?"

"My grimoires!!"

[Jonah] "we don't know about the where about of your grimoires but we know about just one, which I presumed is a light grimoire"

"What of the other grimoire?"

[Amelie] " which other grimoire?"

I can't tell them that is the creation grimoire, it is meant to be a secret.

"Oh! Sorry not a grimoire, a very old-looking book, it was given to me by my grandfather before he passed away, please do you know it's where about".

[Amelie] " oh, no we don't, we only saw your light grimoire, sorry"

"No thank you, where is the grimoire?"

[Amelie] "Jonah can you please get it for him"

[Amelie] "so what were you planning on using the grimoire for?"

"Oh! Never mind I will just try to join the vigilante group"

[Amelie ] "yeah that is a great idea"

Jonah came back with the light grimoire.

[Jonah] "here it is"

Anon "oh, thank you very much, Jonah, I will head up to my room to rest a little"

[Amelie] "nice idea, you should rest, we should start the day with how many weeks you have missed"

Anon "missed!!?,how long have I been unconscious, with all those wounds and broken bones you took a total of 4 weeks before you just woke up now"

Anon"4 WEEKS!!!!!?"

[Jonah] "37days to be precise but who is counting"

Anon "that's more than a month, this is making me dizzy, I want to rest, and we should add a day to that"

Jonah and Amelie laughed and I went upstairs to my room.

"Our is bad, really bad, this place is really bad, days I couldn't even count for I have lost blood, angel and even Laura, the only hope I have now, could it be the person being the girl being missing that also took Angel"

"I was told only the wielder can access the creation grimoire but I don't want to think of the consequences of it getting into the wrong hands, Angel would have known what to do, it could be possible, maybe angel was found before I was found by Amelie and Jonah,

All this thinking was making my head hurt.

[Anon] "there is only one way to find out, this is bad, but which do I start looking for first"

"SHITTTT!!! What have I been doing since "I screeched out.