
My Journey Through Life So Far

This are kinda the things that has happened in my life growing up. May seem kinda not necessary but I had this strong urge to put down most of it. Kinda like an open diary of sorts. I hate expressing myself by open mouth so I'm doing this open book. Some parts of my life may be offensive to others but it happened to me and I don't think I need to apologise for that. Well maybe sorry to those it happened to as well, I can relate. Although I'm still quite young, (shameless) I feel I've been through a bit. I don't know why but i just have the urge to put them down.

Carl_Joe · Politique et sciences sociales
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30 Chs

Full Time

So hi guys, want to apologise once more for disappearing on you like that.

Past couple of weeks have been really really bad at work. The laying off workers to prevent crowding and reductions and a lot of other political stuff.

Honestly for a drilling company the politics in there is frightening.

Anyway I'm home now and I'm working on a few original books and a few fan fics.

I really hope you guys support me cos I'm going to be doing this full time. I won't drop this book ever, in fact this book aside from my journey journal will be my ramblings page. Inspiration page as well for maybe other authors to right fan fics with. Of course I'll keep the ones ill write, makes sense right?

You can use this place to blow off steam. Blowing off steam is fun.

Anyways thanks to you all and remember, stay safe.

please comment and vote and other stuff.

peace out