

Not long after the 23rd shot was administered. The capsule started to leak blood. The 23rd shot was actually a shot to the brain itself.

During the pain resistance tests, Mitch was introduced to pain no one could even imagine. However, the simulation ensured that his brain would be protected. To put simply- The brain was fine but everything wasn't.

That being said, it didn't mean that it will come out completely unscathed after the tests. Most subjects suffer mental damages that usually results with the organs malfunctioning or the brain going into a vegatative state. Mitch wasn't like other subjects, that's why he was valued.

"Massive blood loss detected!"

Finally, the symptoms others recieved was now showing itself in Mitch's body. After recieving the news from the handler of the subject's vitals, they started to lose hope.

'It was destined for failure.'

Things immediately went south. The cause was unknown once again but that didn't stop them from moving forward to rescue the 'once in a lifetime' test subject that any scientist would be fond of.

Try as they might, nothing worked. Dr. Henry watched from the sidelines issuing commands one after the other.

His mind was in turmoil.

'Is it really hopeless? Make me a miracle, 1217!'

He went over with intent to blackmail.

"I'll kill the whole 1200 ward if you die!" He was fumming in rage. So close! He was so close! Is there really no hope for humanity to trancend their human nature?

It was futile. Mitch was experiencing pain that he never felt before. Due to it, shouting was a pipe dream. The pain was intense beyond compare. It wasn't mere physical pain like he encountered before. This type of pain target's his existance, his soul.

Mitch has long gone numb to pain but what he is feeling now renewed everything. It was like a thousand years of suffering all jammed in a few minutes.

He was feeling extreme rejection. With that feeling, his body bled. His pores squeezed out his blood like sweat. He shed tears of blood as well. His previous lack of control returned to him and he began trashing inside the capsule.

The banging was crisp. The caretakers tried to alleviate Mitch's condition from afar but it proved to be useless. They need to approach and apply hands-on treatment but with his beserked state, they were afraid.

With no choice they had to call in the special force. The group that was tasked to control and serve the caretakers in subduing potential threats. 'Restraints' were called in.

The group was a bunch of soldiers who willing participated to be a lab experiment in exchange for fortune. They gave their loyalty to the government. Their wholw being wasn't theirs anymore, they are merely swords and shields for the organization.

3 enhanced soldier went in under the orders of Dr. Henry. They worked together and opened the capsule. Like a fish, Mitch's body flopped to the ground. The needles were already withdrawn at this point.

All 3 were lean and fit. They weren't too tall, maybe about 165cm to 170cm. They didn't bother greeting the caretakers and went to restrain the rampaging 1217. It only took seconds for them to contain Mitch. The caretakers didn't respond late. They were like 'Restraints', precise and quick. Their moves were fluid like morning dew on a blade of grass. They quickly hooked up Mitch to their life saving machines and injected him dozens of medical drugs for pain relief.

It was a failure. Once a subject was injected something else aside from the solution, it meant all the previous efforts were useless. This was why he wasn't allowed to eat nor drink 12 hours before and after the operation.

Mitch's flailing on the floor completely dyed it crimson. Like a whilted rose, his strength was drained from him, his life was no longer in anyone's hands. From this point on, it was his choice. If he willed to live, he shall. If he deemed it unnecessary, then the afterlife he goes.

Most kids opt to just die, end their suffering. However Mitch received an epiphany. At the peak of his demise, he finally remembered..

'Hahh... what a waste.' A caretaker thought. Their view of Dr. Henry dwindled down.

'If we kept him, we might have breakthrough in other experiments which isn't impossible compared to this one...' The thoughts lingered in each and every caretaker present in the room.

Even Dr. Henry was starting to regret his decision. 'Was it really impossible...'

"Keep him alive at all cost." He shouted.

But it was in vain. A few minutes passed as Mitch's pulse grew weaker and weaker. Finally, 20 minutes later.

Mitch was gone.

I had major exams recently ^^ so I didn't have time to write but now it's okay. Sorry hehe

Liennelcreators' thoughts