
My Jesse St James (Glee)

Jesse saved me and now I am eternally grateful to him. He takes me out on dates but I haven't had a chance to return the favour. Until I met Rachel... A love fan fiction about Glee's Jesse St James. Can Allison keep Jesse to herself or will Rachel tear them apart?

Emiangel03 · TV
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"But that can't be right! I was here yesterday! I handed it to you!" I was worried about how my test had gone missing. "I'm sorry miss but we're going to have to fail you." The teacher sighed. I looked over at Rachel who was smiling innocently. I knew she took it. She must of. Especially with now Finn and Jesse.

I spent the whole day watching her in case she was going to do something. I was getting annoyed. Every single time she did something from steal tests to put hairs in my food. I had had enough.

At lunch I texted Jesse and asked him to pretend to text Rachel to meet him out in the parking lot. Like he once did himself. I was going to make her walk through the same trap as she deserved it. I had gotten some of the football players to join in with the fun as they seemed to hate Rachel just as much as she did. When Rachel eventually came out I was standing waiting for her. The guys where hiding waiting for my signal.

"Rachel this whole jealousy thing has to stop. I'm sick of it. Sick of you putting hair in my food as I honestly be sick because of it. Then stealing my tests! Like please. So if you won't stop it then.... I guess we'll have to make you." The football players now stood up they had the eggs hiding behind their backs. Rachel smirked. "Bring it on." After she said that I smirked back. "You're gonna regret that." Then I moved backwards and we all started throwing eggs at her.

No wonder Carmel high liked to egg their competition. It was so much fun! I smiled looking over to the camera that I had recording. "This is for you Jesse." I blew the camera a kiss before throwing another egg. Then we ran out after a bit and Rachel stood there wiping it off her face. "Now you have to stop okay Rachel?" I sighed happily to myself. She then came over to me. "Stop testing me..." She glared. "Or what?" I asked. She then threw herself onto me trying to fight me but luckily Uncle Will stopped her just in time.

"EVERYONE TO CLASS NOW!" He shouted. "Except you two. Come with me."

Uncle Will had sat us both down at the Principals office. Obviously Rachel and I didn't talk. Uncle Will didn't look pleased when he was talking to both a woman with blonde hair, she kind of looked all wrinkly old to me and a man who also looked old but dark hair. They were all shouting and it made my heart race. I didn't want to go back to Carmel. Everyone appreciated me here more than when I was there... Even if I did get to be a sort of prom queen or something? I guess that was Jesse's idea but I missed him.

The woman came out bringing us now both inside of the office. We were the only two sitting which made us feel a bit inferior but I guess that's what it's like in schools. "I'm not impressed with the egging that you had organised. Or the poisoning and test stealing that you had done to her. You should not have tried to fight her. As a result you will both be suspended for a week. Then you both will come back here and if I hear anything more about this you'll be expelled. Understood?" The headmaster man said looking from me to Rachel. Uncle Will couldn't even look at me. I could tell he was disappointed. But she was testing my patience and as a result I won even if I got suspended. That would teach her to mess with Jesse's girl. The real one.

I had to wait at the reception waiting for my brother to come and collect me since Uncle Will didn't want to drop me home. He was giving me the silent treatment. Rachel and I were forced to sit together for the third time. "If you leave Jesse alone and stop testing me I will leave Finn alone. Deal?" I tell her finally bucking up the courage to even look at her. "Deal." We shook on it. Luckily no egg got on her hand as that would of been disgusting.

Rachel's dads picked her up then Cameron came in with Uncle Will. Uncle Will kneeled down In front on me. "How dare you do that to our best singer in this school. How dare you disrespect me like that?! All she wanted was to be with Jesse and you are taking that away from her. I try to be nice to her in all possible ways to get her to keep in glee club but you are testing my patience young lady." He didn't look or sound happy. Favouritism sucks. Cameron picked me up glaring at Uncle Will. "No! You do not disrespect my sister like that! Stop favouriting your job over your family or you won't have any family to come back to. So she messed up whatever but she won't be coming back here." He snapped and carried me out to the car. I really do love my brother. He then took me for ice cream.

Jesse showed up. "Sorry I was at rehearsals or I would of gotten here sooner." He kissed me and Cameron passed him an ice cream. "Thanks." Jesse sat beside me on the other side of the wall as we all faced the beach. We had driven a bit far to the beach but it was all good. "If it's any consolation I thought it was amazing what you did." Cameron laughed. "Same here." Jesse smiled and rubbed my hand. "Thanks guys." I smiled back and we all ate our ice cream sitting on the wall.