
My Jesse St James (Glee)

Jesse saved me and now I am eternally grateful to him. He takes me out on dates but I haven't had a chance to return the favour. Until I met Rachel... A love fan fiction about Glee's Jesse St James. Can Allison keep Jesse to herself or will Rachel tear them apart?

Emiangel03 · TV
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"Come on obviously I'm the better Diva Rachel like it's obvious!" Mercedes argued with Rachel as we all sat at a table at lunch. I was trying to not make it obvious how much I hated Rachel. "What do you think Allison?" Mercedes turned around and looked at me and so did Rachel. Rachel kicked me underneath the table as if to tell me she was gonna take me down if I didn't pick her. So I got up and left heading out of the school as I just needed some time alone.

I was heading over across the road everything was kind of blurry from the tears that came into my eyes. Then all I heard was someone screaming and someone shouting my name then I was pushed onto the grass with someone grabbing on to me. I seemed to have passed out at that moment.

The time I woke up was when I was in the nurses office and Finn was sitting in there with me. He seemed nervous. I started to sit up a little. "Hey." He smiled. "Hi. What happened?" I asked rubbing my head. "Well.. you were walking across the road while Jesse was driving as he was texting then I sort of made us both fall into the grass. You passed out and now we're here. Your uncle and brother couldn't make it out of work and Jesse didn't even notice what had happened.." He sighed and moved to come sit next to me.

I was a little bit surprised at this. Well mostly of Jesse not noticing me... His own girlfriend. That he was about to run over... He's a good guy just I don't really know if I wanna get in a car with him anymore... He saved me from falling but not save me from dying.

Finn put his arm around me hugging me. I hugged him back and Rachel being Rachel stood outside the door specking in and now looked extra angry. I had millions of questions going around in my head about if Finn liked me or if now I can make a compromise with Rachel about staying away from the other guy. Also If Jesse loved me or if he didn't? Maybe he purposely tried to run me over?

"Finn can I go to sleep now? I'm tired and I don't really wanna see Rachel looking in on us." I asked him and he nodded. He tucked me in which was weirdly comforting and then he left to go shout at Rachel. She would of been even more mad now but she deserved it.

When I woke up I was in Jesse's bedroom? I woke up to see flowers and chocolates. I woke up to see a 'I'm sorry' card. I woke up to hear crying from the bathroom. I went in and saw Jesse in pieces and I hugged him tightly. I comforted him saying it was alright. "I love you." He say to me. "I love you too." I smiled.