
My Idle Cultivating System

Hiro died and reincarnated in future.He got a system which was pretty similar to the game which he used to play.Follow the journey of Hiro in Intergalactic war and race to top of world.

Book_Monster · Urbain
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15 Chs

Emperor Reborn

Inside sun god mansion

A beautiful woman was walking to and fro,she had a worried looking face.If outside knew what was happening right now the world be shocked.The woman feared by many was now looked helpless and had worried face."Why hasn't my son come back."

"Don't worry he may take time to come back after all he's coming back after long time.He may be taking time to seeing the neighborhood."An elderly man said.

"You just shut up you old fool.Do you how worried i am my boy isn't like that.I'm getting a bad feeling that he is in some trouble."While looking at heavy rain pouring down.

"Don't worry don't worry nothing can happen to him.Theirs my disciple protecting him from shadow."

Just as the woman was going to say something,a message came.After reading the message the old man stood up and his whole was shaking as if he was electrocuted then turned into a white shadow and disappeared from the mansion.Seeing this the woman was little dumb folded and followed the old man.

"Young master Hiro young master Hiro"a beautiful voice was shouting as she held a boy not barely aged 20.Then she held a jade like token and said something.Sending the message she held the young boy and stared to circulate the Qi in her and transfer to the boy.As Qi/Chi enter the Hiro he jolted a little.

Lightning and thunder were jumping between gap of

his finger.

After transferring more than half of her QI she was breathing quite heavily.She looked at the boy who was held in her arm and sigh a little , Hiro's breath was now back to normal but there were still lightning jumping between body.

Suddenly there appeared a white shadow .Seeing what was happening in front of his eye old man Lance was angry.His anger changed to panic and worried , fear was seen in his eyes. Just as he was sorting his thought a woman screamed turning his slowly he saw Angela and he turned paled.He knew what was going to happen if he get less blame or punishment he would be dead."Who done this to my boy"seeing Hiro in that state Angela was enraged and little worried.

Trying to clam down Angela,Lance said "Angie can you clam down a little i will explain if you clam down"Angela turned her head to old man Lance and said "If you don't give a good reason and who have done this to my child i will even forget that you are my father and kill you."

Hearing this Old man lance jolted he tried best to keep his composure ."Angie this wasn't done by other family he was struck by lightning "old man said hurriedly.He knew if this was done by any other people their whole family and related people will all killed by Angela and bloodbath will come.

Angela one of the most powerful cultivator and Empress of fifth heaven.Even in nine heaven all the Emperor and powerful family knew who to provoke and whom to not and Angela was one of the people not to be provoked.

"Get him to the healing capsule right now.For the lightning if it was from above heaven or others technique i will slay them all even if all the world turns to chaos."

Saying that Angela turn to look at the heavy pouring sky.

"Where am i .Did i die again "

"ha-ha can a dead person keep his consciousness.This time there wont be reincarnation ,i may disappear for ever ."

Thinking this his all emotion, regrets, longing surfaced one after another.

"I want to live more ,i haven't started cultivating yet, i want to see the new world ,i want to roam all around the nine heavens."

That right Hiro wasn't the native of this world.He died in his original world and his soul transferred to newly born Hiro.When he found out that he can live one more time he was happy he wanted to do things he was not able to back then and there was another reason.This was a cultivation world ,he always thought that cultivation was only possible in web novels and friction now he was living in one.

To sort out all the information need to become a true native of this world hiro from young age read all kinds of books.Many people said that he was reincarnation of Emperor himself because he was always cool and collective in any situation.

That state of mind since childhood made many people think that he was reincarnation of Emperor.Only he knew how scared and exciting it was to be in this world.After the spirit reawakening every place and situation was dangerous.What if an old man who looked like verse of dying was a powerful cultivator who can kill him in instant.What if sweet and innocent looking little girl was beast in disguise.For the sake of living he always kept the cool and collective face and respected all and made friends.Even the rebellious one in middle school became one of this friends.

"I don't want to die i want live " As he shout out loud an unknown energy was mixing with his body that was transforming him to a new being.It can be said that he was transforming into the heaven and hell itself.

"When will my boy wake up"Said in worried voice by Angela.

"He will awake up soon.This is the best healing capsule there in world with the help of the pills and treasure you used even a dead will come back alive"

"Old fool you just keep quite.As the disciple you send to protect my boy gather them all here within a hour"

Not knowing what to do old man Lance called all the disciple who was protecting hiro from shadow.

"Disciple greets Master and the Empress " said 3 voice at the same time.

"Leave the basic courtesy for now.If you don't give me reasonable answer death will be the last thing you wished that came faster."

"Now explain me what were you doing when my boy struck by lightning."

"Reporting to Empress.It happened suddenly that all of us could not even react.The power of the lightning was more terrifying than heavenly tribulation we saw or experienced.When the lightning stuck Young master we were also knocked away by the aftermath"

"So you are saying that lightning was more powerful than heavenly thunder that impossible.Any other lightning and thunder cannot powerful than heavenly thunder it is one of the phenomenon even ninth Emperor can release."Angela said in while in daze.

"What was the color of the thunder "Asked the old man Lance.

"Reporting to master .The first lightning was purple in color while the second was black as if the soul will be sucked if one stared at it.I only stared it as it flashed but my soul was damaged."said another disciple who was a boy.

"Whose technique do you think this old man."

"I'm not sure.Purple lightning and black thunder aren't written in the history or ever seen or heard.This may be the first time someone has seen this kind of phenomenon."

Thinking for a while Angela said "You all can go back to your post.Raise your cultivation base and heal yourself."

Angela tossed a jade token to the disciples "Go back before i change my mind and kill you all for not protecting my boy well"

Listening to those word all the Disciple and old man lance got stiff and fear can be seen on their eyes.

All the Disciple turned into shadow and were gone."Old man call all the doctors and physicist right now even if they are doing something important or closed cultivation"

One should know that closed cultivation was a period when a cultivator goes to deep cultivation either to breakthrough there current level or enlightenment if anything"

Following what Angela said,old man Lance pressed the jade in his hand and send a message.