
My Idarian Lover

Anais was living happily as a high class vampire but then everything went downhill. She lost her career, her family; everything. She was eventually thrown away from her own home and left to die. After a tragic ending, she gets reincarnated into a new body in a very different world. The people, their ways, everything was different. She struggled greatly yet she tried her best to lead a better life. But what she didn't expect was for her to be a warrior about to get married to one of the Idarian. [Reactivating] 'What?' [Welcome to the warrior system] 'Warrior system? What is this now?' [You have been selected for becoming the next warrior. We were awaiting you] 'We who?' Anais was astounded beyond belief. She didn't have any idea what was going on. Where did shit pop up from? [Your terms and conditions have been updated.] [Failing to follow the rules and going against the system will result in immediate banishment] [You must choose a male now] 'Wow, was the system giving her an ultimatum?' Just when she thought that she was through with all drama, this came to bite her in the ass.

A_C_Azariah · Fantaisie
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18 Chs


She finally gave birth. After hours of struggle and trying to push the baby out, the baby was finally out of her abdomen and ready to see the face of the earth.

As she lay on her side, she saw through her drowsy eyes Aron was reaching out to take the baby from the mid wife and his brother Robert standing by his side peeking over Aron's shoulder at the baby.

At the first touch, he loses his super natural ability. It was evident in his skin and strength. His skin lost the rich glow that comes only with being a vampire. The diminishing strength and the sudden dropping of his shoulders. Only a vampire could notice that.

The newborn started to wail.

It's a girl but most importantly it's a soulless.

The relief was huge and a small smile touched Anais's lips after a long time. She willed herself not to think about how the baby came to. She may not love the child right now but she will learn how to, she definitely will.

Before she could ruin the beautiful moment with her sad tears, she turned away from them


Robert was trying to keep her away from the truth, she could tell. When he came to visit the baby, she could tell he knew something about her culprits.

He wasn't like Kurt or other brothers. So, it was fairly easy to deal with him.

And now they were alone. Aron had gone over to the house to bring them lunch and the baby was peacefully sleeping after crying for a while. He has to come clean.

"Tell me, you've learnt something about the people who wronged me, haven't you?"

"You just gave birth today. Couldn't it wait till next week?" He looked disoriented

"I-I just want to know and get this over with"

"Fine, my sources tell me they were lone wolves who came together and formed their own pack."

"How many?" Anais didn't keep track of her assaulters. She was out of touch with reality in those moments.

"Look Anais, today is a day of happiness. Let's not ruin it"

'I am not the one who ruined things' she thought but didn't press the matter further.

"I will let you sleep now. We will talk later" and with that, he materialised out of the room.

And Anais was left alone. But she wasn't alone for too long. Shortly after Aron materialised into the room.

"Hey, I brought lunch. Sorry, it took me a while to find the inn. You know, I have a terrible sense of direction"

"It's alright, you didn't take that long" she tried to weakly smile at him but it turned into a grimace as she tried to sit up.

"Here, let me help you up"

Aron came up to her and positioned his hand behind her back and helped her up. Her abdomen was still sensitive from her surgery. But she couldn't eat while laying on the bed.

Then she watched him prance around gracefully bringing over the side table and laying all the dishes and serving her lunch. Then he settled himself opposite her and served himself. They ate their lunch in silence.


A week passed by and it was finally time for Robert to come clean with Anais. She couldn't wait. She wanted to leap out of her bed and shake him until he spilled everything.

But she breathed in and out slowly and willed himself to calm down. She was so close, she could kill to know.

But that would do her no good. So, she forced herself to calm down yet again

The door opens with a creak and Robert steps inside. She appreciated the effort. For the last couple of days, she had little to no privacy as the two brothers fretted over her day in and out.



"So, now tell me"