
My Hybrid System, Long forgotten.

In olden times, there was an orphan named Alec. Growing up without the knowledge of who his parents were, Alec was forced to live with his uncle who mistreated him and barely gave him a proper meal.  However, in an effort to get food he committed an unintentional crime whose penalty was death. When Alec was caught, he ran into the woods and was chased down by the local police officers, along with his uncle's sister, Elva. While running in the woods, he unconsciously stumbled over a tree root causing him to fall back down the hill. "No!!" He screamed as he rolled down the hill.  "Arrr!!" Alec winced in pain when he subsequently stopped rolling.  As he observed the damages he bought from the fall, he heard far away chatterings of the police officers after him. "Shit! They are nearby," Alec muttered in panic as he right away stood on his feet to continue running. However, just as he took one step farther from the place he stood, he fell inside a deep dark hole.  "No!!!!!!" Alec screamed as he went down the deep dark hole. The last thing he saw was a mild red light before passing out. "Where am I? " he asked, "What happened?" Just then a screen appeared before his eyes. [System processing…] [System activated] [You have successfully activated your Long forgotten hybrid system] "What?" This was where his ride began.  Now the fate of mankind lies in his hands as he keeps on completing quests and tasks to get stronger. The question is, will he be able to cease and defeat Lucifer? ******* Support the author with your votes. ********* Note to new readers, The first few chapters may appear similar to MVS if you have a look at it carefully but as the book goes it will take turns to become a story of its own. If you are not relaxed reading it, I will advise that you do not even begin but if you wanna stick with me till the story's transformation then I will be glad to have you as one of my readers. ********** Author's note, There might be a few grammatical errors in the first few chapters but I promise that as you read, you will get to revel the story.

Ultimatefive · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Unanswered Questions

Back at Azalea, Silvia got home that night feeling sore and pains all over her body. It was expected after being flogged one hundred lashes on the butt.

"Silvia…. I was so worried about you. Why did you go? Are you alright?" Mrs. Elizabeth asked the moment she saw her daughter enter the house. Her voice was mixed with worries and at the same time anger.

But after seeing her daughter's walking footsteps, she immediately realized at once that all wasn't right. So immediately she ran towards where Silvia sat on the chair.

"What happened to you? And why were you walking like that?" Mrs. Elizabeth asked, pressing hard on her hip.

"Arrr! Stop mum! It hurts," Silvia cried in anguish while forcibly brushing off her mother's hand on her swollen hip.

"Silvia! Tell me now, what the hell happened to you?!" Mrs. Elizabeth yelled in anger seeing Silvia grunt in pain with only a touch.

"I-I went after my friend, Alec," Silvia said with a sad tone

"W-What! You did what?!" Mrs. Elizabeth exclaimed in shock.

"Can't you see mum, he was wrongly accused."

"And how the hell did you know that? He was with his uncle when that incident happened so there is no rationalization for that. Don't tell me you got caught by an officer?" 

"I-I did and was given one hundred strokes of lashes on my butt," Silvia stuttered lamentably trying to hold again her tear ."Alec ought to have been executed by now. "

"Come on child, don't be sad. After all, the deed is already done. Wait, let me go get hot water to massage your butt, and don't ever try this again. Your father will be very pissed if he hears of this," Mrs. Elizabeth said, rising to enter the kitchen.

However, immediately as she stood up to enter the kitchen, a loud knock was heard on their door.


"Did you come along with someone else?" Mrs. Elizabeth asked in confusion.

"No, I came alone," Silvia answered with an equally confused voice.

"Let me go get the door first," Mrs. Elizabeth said, rushing to open the door that was almost on the verge of being knocked down by the hard knock.

Swinging the door open, the first thing she saw was officers surrounding their house.

"What is the meaning of this? You guys have already punished her, what else do you want?" 

Mrs. Elizabeth asked in fury on seeing how the officers were rampaging around her house.

"Madam, a criminal by the name Alec Phil escaped before his execution," an officer spoke out.

"And how the hell does that concerns me or my family?"

"The boy in question was a close friend of your daughter. So we got orders to come and search your house. There are possibilities of him escaping to come here and hide," the officer explained.

"I'm sorry but he is not here and I'm not gonna let anyone ramble my house," Mrs. Elizabeth said, blocking the entrance with her body.

"Madam, please step aside let's carry out our job. If you insist on obstructing, we will have no choice but to-"

Silvia who had been happily eavesdropping on their conversation interrupted with resentment in her voice.

"You dare not complete that sentence, you motherfucker!"

Turning to look at her mom she quickly uttered with a smile.

"Mom, let them have their way. Since Alec is not here, why stop their search?"

Mrs. Elizabeth, having no choice after she heard her daughter, half-heartedly stepped aside for the officers to do their job.

Since the house was a small family-sized bungalow, it didn't take long to search the entire house.

"Thank you, for your coopera-"

"You must have done with the search, now leave," Silvia said, pointing towards the door.

The officer gritted his teeth in anger before making his way out of the house. If it wasn't for the fact that they were all women and also the family of a well-known retired officer, he could have hit them mercilessly till they plead for mercy.

Silvia's joy knew no bound after she heard Alec escaped.

"But how the fuck did you manage to escape even after our attempt?" She thought.

Mrs. Elizabeth said nothing else to Silvia as she went on to get the hot water for the massage.

"Mom, where do you think he must have run to? Because I'm planning on going looking for him when I'm back on my feet strong," Silvia said amid her mother's massage.

"Do not dare!" Mrs. Elizabeth scolded, knowingly pressing the massage towel hard on Silvia's butt.

"Arrr! Easy mom, it hurts. I know you are still angry over what happened but please don't punish me like this, it really hurts," Silvia cried to her mother in pain.

"Don't dare say anything about wanting to look for that boy 'cause I'm already fed up with all the troubles associated with him, understood?!" Mrs. Elizabeth yelled, still pressing the towel hard on her butts.

"Alright mom, now please stop torturing me," Silvia pleaded.

"Very well then," Mrs. Elizabeth answered before continuing the massage.

"Just wait for me Alec, I will surely come to find you wherever you are, 'cause I'm sure you are still very much alive, somewhere," Silvia muttered under her breath in desperation.

"What do you say?"

"I said the massage is better now," Silvia knowingly lied.


Meanwhile, back in the car, Alec was pondering what the system showed him.

"Does this mean I'm a demon too? No, No that can't be. It's barely a day since I got here, I can't be a demon. The system clearly showed my race to be still human.?" Alec thought.

"Maybe I should ask Karg to see if he has heard something like a system ability before," Alec thought but remembering how people looked at him like a mad person when he asked them that question, made him have second thoughts.

"Oh gosh, how I wish this system was a person, it could have answered all these questions, directly." Alec shrugged.

Alec was so occupied with his thoughts that he didn't realize when they got to their destination.

"Welcome to our home, Alec," Karg announced to snip Alec out of his thoughts.

"Okay," Alec answered simply, getting his ass down from the car.

Stepping out of the car, his eyes were greeted by the magnificent sight of a large building structure. 

Never in his life had he seen a building of such quality and style.  

"Alec," Karg called, noticing wasn't following behind.

Alec was surprised when he saw Karg has already gotten to the doorstep while Kim was nowhere to be found, meaning she had gone inside.

"I'm coming," Alec quickly answered. Even while walking into the house, he was nevertheless looking up and down in astonishment.


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