


"Nara, why did you hide from us all when in fact Senyo and Clarin are already married?"


I don't know how it started. Suddenly Mr. Johan pushed the patient's room door carelessly. He entered without permission.

Sadly, Mr. Johan questioned something to Senyo, Clarin and I had closed all this time. I suddenly saw my mother widen her eyes. She quickly left her chair and joined in demanding an explanation from me.

"What does it mean?" Mother is confused.

I tried to normalize the heartbeat. Something must have happened in the next room, so Mr. Johan came over to me.

"What is it, sir?" I still pretend to be innocent.

"Nara, don't play with old people. Just answer my question!"

I felt that my blood flow was getting heavier. My head was throbbing twice. Mr. Johan raised his voice. He had never done this before.

"Y- yes, sir..." I replied quietly.

Hearing this, Mother became more and more shocked uncontrollably. She gripped my shoulders. Inflicts unbearable pain.

"Nara, explain to me what all this means!" Mother gritted her white teeth.

I was just joking with Mom. Now, the woman has transformed like a lion ready to pounce on its prey.

"I'm sorry, mom,"

I was so afraid of Mom, my tears spilled out. My whole body shivered. If I could just disappear, I probably would by now.

"Why did Senyo even marry Clarin? And why didn't you tell me? You pretend like everything's okay."

I was so devastated to see my mother wept bitterly. None of this is what I wanted, mom. Those who force the will to get married. I'm just a foreigner forced into Mr Johan's family life. I can't do much. Moreover, to prohibit Senyo and Clarin from uniting. Ah! I wish I could tell all this to Mother.

"Nara, I'm also disappointed in you. Now, answer my question. Why haven't you gotten pregnant yet?" Mr. Johan is not satisfied with extracting information.

Maybe being honest is better than having to invent a new lie.

"Sir, once again I apologize. Actually Senyo and me never slept in the same room during our wedding."

"Never slept together?" Mr. Johan's voice rose an octave.

Mother was getting louder and louder. It was revealed that Senyo and me had a bad relationship.

"Oh, Nara! No wonder you're not pregnant until now," said Mr. Johan while ruffling his own hair.

It never crossed my mind that our secret would be out so soon. I'd really like to see Senyo for clear information.

"It's up to you! I give up,"

Mr. Johan left my room. He slammed the door pretty hard. Shows that he is really disappointed and angry. Meanwhile, Mother began to take steps to get away. Following Mr. Johan's actions.

"You have lied to your mother, Nara! I'm very disappointed to you." She said, then walked away.

"Mom, wait! Listen to my explanation first."

I tried to get off the patient gurney. However, my physique refused. I can't catch up to Mom so fast. It took a long time to get out of here. In the end, I let my mother, who now doesn't know where to go. In my heart I pray that Mom will be fine. I hoped that some miracle would melt her heart and bring her back here.



I finally succeeded in getting into a wheelchair without anyone's help after trying for a few minutes. I left the room and entered the next room. Where Senyo is lying.

"Sir..." I called and he immediately turned around.

Don't want to take time. I'll just get straight to the point.

"Last night Mr. Johan asked me about You and Clarin's wedding. In the end, Mr. Johan and my mother were angry. Now they're all gone."

Senyo, who was originally on his back, has now changed his position to a cross-legged position. His eye bags are so big. Just like people haven't slept in days.

"Clarin who dismantled everything,"

"Huh, how come?" I was taken aback by Senyo's words.

"Last night she came and was kicked out by father. She was accused of being married to another man and then pregnant. Father pushed her away hard. I was so angry, Clarin even leaked that we were actually married and she was pregnant with my child,"

"Sir, but Clarin is not pregnant,"

"SHUT UP, NARA! Don't add to the problem."

Suddenly Senyo raised his voice. It was very difficult to convince him that Clarin was not actually pregnant. Alright. Hopefully one day he will find out the truth.

"Sorry," I hissed.

"Dad go home. I concluded that he would no longer want to help me."

"My mother looks like that too,"

"My savings are running low, Nara. It won't be enough to buy a car and our medical expenses."

I saw a look of sadness on Senyo's face. Yes, he will discuss with me in difficult times. If you're happy, Clarin must be the port.

Seeing Senyo confused, I couldn't even think straight. If Senyo doesn't have any money, how much more do I do. So far I've only been living with him. I don't slander, but as far as I know Senyo's treasure is running out because too much was given to Clarin.

Aha! I remembering Clarin so I have an idea.

"Sir, what if we use the money from the sale of Clarin's house for hospital expenses? I don't think 2M will feel lacking if you only use it a little," I suggested.

Senyo was silent with his chin on his back. A few moments later, his head nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll call Clarin here," he answered.

An hour passed. I returned to Senyo's room after eating the porridge brought by the nurse. When he got there, it seemed that Clarin was waiting.

"Honey, I have something to tell you," said Senyo. The three of us in the same room at the moment.

"About your father again? Ah, never mind. I don't want to hear. It's really annoying when you remember what happened last night," she said sarcastically.

"No, honey,"


"Dad has given up and he probably won't help me in any way, including materially. As for Nara and I's medical expenses, is it okay if the money from yesterday's sale of the house is used? Just a little." Senyo's face was pitiful.

"WHAT?! No! It is mine and cannot be contested." Clarin crossed her index finger right in front of Senyo. I who heard it even despair.

"I don't know how to pay for this hospital. Come on, Clarin. Please your husband."

"I can't, because I gave the money to Mo-, A- hem..."

Immediately, Clarin stopped her speech.

"Who did you give the money to, Clarin?" Senyo got excited himself.

"Oh, I mean for the future of our child," said Clarin nervously.

"Please, madam. Just this once." It's my turn to beg.

"Hey, poor girl! I don't even give my husband's treatment, much less for you." Clarin poked my head with her index finger. Her sharp nails were piercing.

Senyo let out a heavy breath. I think he is less firm in dealing with Cila. After all, it was Senyo who had bought the magnificent building. It wouldn't hurt if Senyo asked for a share for an urgent matter like this.

"Listen! I will never give up the proceeds from selling the house to other people. It's only for the child in my womb. If you need money for medical treatment, why don't you just sell your current house?"

"Selling the house we currently live in?" Senyo looked at Clarin's cynical face flatly.

