
Chapter 141: Music Recording

Wei Mo Ran shook her head insinuating she didn't meant her words to came the way it sounded. "I don't mean that you are following her path. It's just that you two have a few coincidence which are near. Even the day you two debuted wouldn't be too far off from each other, it wouldn't be weird for others to say that you are her rivals. I don't disagree with the idea of dancing but surely you also know that Xie Hue Lin also danced on her music video don't you?" The two of them entered the elevator in a private box where they could speak without being overheard by others.

"Yes, is it a bad idea?" Li Lian saw Wei Mo Ran pushed the elevator button.

"Your songs are different from each other and if the dance is the problem we could change a little more to your concept." Wei Mo Ran hummed and rubbed her chin. "She used a pure white dress didn't she?" Wei Mo Ran pulled a scheming smile to whisper, "I have a good idea for your music video but let's discuss this again later. We're here." Her words came along the loud chime of the elevator.

Inside the studio, Du Zhen and In Shu had seated and took the time to discuss a few change they had made yesterday when a knock came across the room. Li Lian entered the room to greet Du Zhen and In Shu who had been waiting for her. "Good Morning Mister Du and Mister In was I late?"

Du Zhen stood responsively and returned her handshake she offered. "No, we just came earlier than the promised time. Is it your first time recording song?"

Li Lian shook her head in response, "No it isn't my first time." She had went to a music college which was one of the most famous college in Beijing and the practical lesson required them to record their own song.

"That would make our work smoother today then but no need to rush recording usually take up to three weeks of even months." Li Lian gave her nods while she record her song, there would be a few changes that would be made by the composer and one line would often changes until they have gotten the right note.

"But we need you to finish the song in less than a week or at most five days." Wei Mo Ran spoke crossing her right arm to her chest her left hand held the paper which contain the lyrics of the song that In Shu had written.

Du Zhen smiled awkwardly he didn't want to say Wei Mo Ran as a person who doesn't know anything after knowing she had work along other singers for years and guess she would have known music recording wouldn't be as easy as it sounded. "I'm sure you can complete it even less than three days." Du Zhen encouraged Li Lian and sent a glance to Wei Mo Ran a little worried that she would sent a cold bucket of water to Li Lian again.

"I will do the best I could," Li Lian offered a smile and entered the separate room which was divided with a wide glass. Before she entered she noticed how In Shu had a haggard and sleepy look on his face.

Du Zhen pushed the button and spoke through a standing microphone for his voice to come over the next room where Li Lian was. "I will play the song once Ms. Yue, try to get use to the tune first and do tell me if there is a note that you can not hit or is too low." Li Lian gave her thumbs up instigating she understood his words and Du Zhen played the song to her earphone.

Like the one she heard previously there wasn't many changes to note from the song if there is, she could only tell how the music have gotten smoother and encouraging. She hummed between her lips along with the tune whilst reading the lyrics. Seeing Li Lian mouthing the lyric without a voice as a light practice Du Zhen smirked.

"She's a natural at this. This is only her second time hearing the music and it didn't even take her another take to go with the melody flow." He remarked which Wei Mo Ran agreed easily. She wasn't being unreasonable by saying aloud that they have to finish the recording in less the a week or five days. It had been almost ten years she work as manager. After working with many other singers she knew well the positive and their negative in the singers she was assigned to. Li Lian In particular had a talent on singing, it was as if her she was a true born singer.

"A true born singer." Wei Mo Ran whispered in a smile. She wondered what theme she should go by when she create and article for Li Lian's debut when she found the perfect word for her. One that she was sure many would agree to her.

"Then we would start." Li Lian heard Du Zhen voice came after the song ended and saw him giving sign of three fingers to fold one by one each time a second passed. By the time the last finger was folded, the melody folded into her ears.

Li Lian open her eyes she shut briefly and her parted lips let a soft sound. "Before I held you, I never knew the world I was in was this bright." just one sentence and Du Zhen felt shivers all over her body. When he started to compose the song, he recalled Li Lian's audition and her voice all the time he created the song while imagining how she would sing his song. When he heard the voice she sang it came exactly the way he imagined that his whole body began to shiver.

She didn't only hit the right note but her emotion and the way she leaded people to hear her voice that made no one could stop hearing her song in mid way.

"If they break me down, take my wings would I fall?" Li Lian sang the song and smiled gently like a person who was holding a fragile butterfly with a broken wings. "I reached out to you with a small breath of longing, the fragile you are the proof of your strongest time. Don't be afraid and hold your hand out to me because I will be your pillar." she continued to sing her song without being stopped once by Du Zhen. It wasn't only because he was entranced by her voice that he can't make out a single comment but also that he can't find a single mistake to her singing.