
My Household is Full of Assassin Maids

Art Cover by: https://twitter.com/asagi_0398 "Where did my happy normal life go? When my family suddenly hired a group of maids, it seemed like a welcome change, but appearances can be deceiving. Little did I know that these maids were not ordinary household servants. Unbeknownst to the world, my family carries a dark legacy as skilled assassins, and these maids are no exception. Trained in lethal arts, they wield their tea trays and meal trays with deadly precision, eliminating those who become targets. "Welcome back, Young master~" The maids greet me with seemingly gentle smiles, but behind their eyes lies a world of secrets and danger. Ahhh... I wish these maids were just normal.

Yamiru · Politique et sciences sociales
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33 Chs

Open Curtain

Author Note: Those names inside parenthesis are their real names.

Real name: Kasumi

Code name: (Cipher)


"By the way... I'm surprised you guys found where I am."

I'm pretty sure my clothes don't have a tracker planted in them.

"Oh, well, you better thank Cipher(Kasumi) for it."


Stratega(Shizuka) then came closer, her voice barely a whisper as her face neared my ear. "Kasumi's codename."

Oh.... I see. Kasumi is skilled in hacking, wiretapping, and spying... The term "cipher" also carries the meaning of something being hidden or encoded. I guess it suits her for being the support, yet cunning.

"You're quite merciless, by the way." I glanced at the man's lifeless body on the ground.

Blood was still spilling from the bullet holes, pooling around him.

"Thank you, Ryo-sama," Mirage(Momo) said, a hint of pride in her voice. But then her expression turned serious. "But let's not linger here for too long. We need to get you and Aya-senpai out of here."

"Wait... Before that, I need to give them payback for beating the shit out of me." I glared as we ran through the hall.

"Ryo-sama... How are you gonna take revenge on them without killing?"

A grin flashed across my face. "Take their money, of course."

I mean, if they have no funds left, they won't be able to cause any more trouble since they'll need to re-supply. It's a win-win situation.

"Ryo-sama..." Mirage(Momo) and Stratega(Shizuka) gave me a blank look of disappointment.

"W...What? Why are you two looking at me with that disappointed look?"

"Ryo-sama, I can't believe you're actually so focused on money... Do you love money that much?"

Huh? Is that even a question!?

Just then, as we were in the middle of the hallway, three yakuza emerged from a side corridor, guns pointed at us.

But before they could even fire, Mirage(Momo) and Stratega(Shizuka) had already shot them down.

As expected... Always headshots.

The yakuza's bodies dropped to the ground, their threats silenced.

We ran past the fallen bodies, and I quickly grabbed a handgun from one of the lifeless yakuza as we continued to follow Stratega(Shizuka) and Mirage(Momo).

"Cipher (Kasumi), come in," Mirage(Momo) whispered into her earpiece, her eyes darting around the corridor.

"Cipher (Kasumi) here. What's going on?"

"Where are the others?" Mirage(Momo)'s voice held a sense of urgency.

"They're covering our tracks, making sure there's no trace left."

"Good. By the way... Can you help us locate the vault room?"

"The vault room? Why do you need that?"

(Momo) exchanged a quick glance with me before replying, "Ryo-sama has expressed some interest in their ill-gotten treasures. We're adapting."

A moment of silence followed (Kasumi)Cipher's contemplation, broken only by the soft clatter of keyboard keys on (Momo)'s side.

"I've pinpointed it. You're currently positioned in Area B. This Yakuza facility is surprisingly extensive. The vault room is situated in Area C, deep within the warehouse section. Be cautious; it's heavily guarded by armed Yakuza, armed with AK47s, M4A1s, and sporting bulletproof vests."

"Why the excessive security?" Momo mused aloud.

Shizuka leaned in, offering an explanation. "With their base compromised, they're likely moving their assets to a more secure location."

"Got it. We'll put a wrench in their plans."

Cipher's voice came through again. "I'm dispatching (Nana)Seven and (Yukiko)Cheshire to the vault room."


"But hang on, what about Aya-senpai and her siblings?"

"They're in the care of capable escorts, Ryo-sama. Right now, you need to focus on your immediate surroundings."

As we hurried to Area C, the echoing gunfire greeted us, growing louder with each step.

I saw (Nana)Seven and (Yukiko)Cheshire engaged in a fierce firefight, their movements coordinated and precise.

"We're here," Mirage(Momo) announced as she positioned herself alongside them, returning fire.

"Mirage... Stratega," (Yukiko)Cheshire greeted, her lips curving into a wry smile. A subtle shake of her head betrayed her amusement.

Then came Seven(Nana)'s decisive voice, cutting through the cacophony. From the depths of her maid skirt, she conjured a flashbang with an almost theatrical flourish.

But this was no mere performance. "I'm going in," Seven(Nana) said, her tone a mix of confidence and determination.

"Seven(Nana), don't let recklessness govern your actions."

A terse retort from Seven(Nana) signaled her readiness. "I'm annoyed." Her combat knife gleamed as it emerged, a flash of deadly intent, and with that, she surged forward, a force of nature in the midst of chaos.

Her movements defied human limitations, a ballet of bullets as she nimbly sidestepped and evaded, her lithe form untouched by the bullets

Her agility was uncanny, verging on the supernatural.

Was she even human to begin with?! The paradox of her petite frame and astonishing agility painted a picture that bordered on the fantastical.

In a blur of action, Seven(Nana) closed the gap. With the precision of a surgeon, she hurled the flashbang, a blinding beacon amidst the maelstrom.

Exploiting the momentary blindness, she struck down her first target, a swift and deadly stab to the throat.

Her momentum carried her seamlessly into the next engagement, where a single fluid motion ended with her snapping a neck with chilling ease.

"Good work," (Yukiko)Cheshire commended, leading the way toward the entrance of Area C, and we followed.

I could hardly believe my eyes. Seven(Nana)'s display of combat prowess was like something out of an action movie, and I found myself momentarily entranced by the spectacle unfolding before me.

"We're nearly at the warehouse."

"Erm... Some not-so-great news... The cops are on their way." Cipher(Kasumi)'s voice, carried by the earpiece, cut through the tension.

"Damn it... We need to speed things up." Mirage(Momo) took charge, and we followed closely behind, urgency fueling every step.