
My Household is Full of Assassin Maids

Art Cover by: https://twitter.com/asagi_0398 "Where did my happy normal life go? When my family suddenly hired a group of maids, it seemed like a welcome change, but appearances can be deceiving. Little did I know that these maids were not ordinary household servants. Unbeknownst to the world, my family carries a dark legacy as skilled assassins, and these maids are no exception. Trained in lethal arts, they wield their tea trays and meal trays with deadly precision, eliminating those who become targets. "Welcome back, Young master~" The maids greet me with seemingly gentle smiles, but behind their eyes lies a world of secrets and danger. Ahhh... I wish these maids were just normal.

Yamiru · Politique et sciences sociales
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33 Chs

Encounter with the Strange Senpai

After the intense training, I prepared myself for school with Mizuki and Momo by my side. As we walked down the side road, which was just 500 meters away from our home, I couldn't help but feel the aches in my body from the rigorous workout.

"I feel like my body's aching," I groaned.

Mizuki looked at me with a sly smile. "I watched you, Ryo-sama. You used Jiu-Jitsu on Nana's kickboxing, didn't you?"

"Uwah... Where were you watching from?"


"Why were you on the rooftop?"

"I had just returned from an assassination job."

"Huh?! You just came back from an assassination?!"

Momo joined in the conversation. "Was it the one with the drug dealings?"

Mizuki nodded. "Yeah, there were quite a lot of them to take care of."

Wow... It was unexpected to hear that even assassins take action against criminals. But then again, I shouldn't be surprised. After all, they were trained by my father.

"So what did you do with the drugs?"

Mizuki smirked. "Of course, I burned them."

She nodded confidently. "I had to. It's better to dispose of such dangerous substances completely."

"I know that, but... shouldn't you inform the police about it?"

Momo chimed in, "Ryo-sama, we assassins shouldn't be in the light. We're not vigilantes, but trained to eliminate threats by orders."

"...I guess you're right. It's just different from what I'm used to."

"It's all part of our world," Mizuki said with a grin.

As we reached the school gates, I noticed a taller, stunning girl waiting for me. Her black hair was tied into a ponytail with bangs, and her green eyes were captivating. She had an alluring figure, and her uniform indicated that she was a third-year student.

Wow... She's quite attractive...

"Uhm, You know... It's kinda getting uncomfortable being watched by you," she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Is there something you need?"

She giggled, covering her mouth. "Well... It's okay." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, are you Ryo Sorata?"

"T-That's me."

She nodded. "Ahh, It's you... You have been reported to the student council."

Eh? Did I do something wrong? I'm pretty sure I didn't, right?

I racked my brain, trying to recall what I had done over the past few days, and suddenly it hit me.

The senior student looked at me with a knowing smile. "It seems you finally remembered, I take it?"


Then Momo chimed in. "What did Ryo-kun do to catch the student council's attention?"

"Are you... Momo Inaba?" the senior student asked.

"Yes, I am Inaba Momo. Nice to meet you, senpai."

"Heehee, I'm glad you're a polite kouhai... So what Ryo-kun did was... he ran in the hallway and jumped out of the window, even though he's on the second floor."

Mizuki looked at me with disappointment. "Wow, So Ryo-kun can be this bad boy."

"S-Shut it."

"Anyway, This is just a question, but... you two seem very close to Sorata-kun. What's your relationship with Sorata-kun?" the senior student inquired.

Momo and Mizuki exchanged glances. "Fiancée~" they said in unison.

Excuse me... what?

My heart skipped a beat as I processed their words. Fiancées? This was news to me! As If you two are! I'm a certified virgin you know!?

"F-Fiancées?" The senior student cleared her throat. "Sorata-kun..."

Please don't look at me like that, and please don't take these two seriously!

"It was all a joke, Senpai..."

"H-How cruel!~" Momo suddenly acted as if she was hurt. "You said you would be our wives till the day you die, and now you claim it was all a joke? How could you play with our hearts..." Teehee.

"Y-You tainted my heart with your lust, Ryo-kun... S-So everything was just a joke to you... huh." Mizuki also joined in. "How terrible of you." Teehee.

Oi, I'm seriously in a tough spot here...

The students around us started whispering.

"Ryo-san was actually a beast..."

"How could he do that to them."

"Damn it, the Ryo!"

The rumors were spreading like wildfire, and I could feel the weight of their judgmental stares. I tried to explain, "No, wait, it's not like that! They're just messing around—"

But my words were drowned out by the whispers and speculations that continued to swirl around me.

"Just kidding~," The two said in unison. "We're just childhood friends~" Teehee.

I was on the verge of snapping, but I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. This isn't the first time they've pulled a prank like this... I should have known better.

"Anyway, you haven't introduced yourself to us... Senpai~" Momo said with a bright smile.

"A-Ah, That's right! My name is Asano Aya! I'm the vice president of the student council, also a third-year student." She bowed.

The bell then chimed.

"That looks like the bell. Well then... See you later, Sorata-kun." Aya smiled as she walked away.

I sighed as we made our way to the classroom, the students passing us looking at me with disgust and disappointment.

There goes my whole reputation...

I glared at Momo and Mizuki. "You two... Better fix this shit."

"W-We will..." Momo said timidly.

"Y-Your face is quite scary, Ryo-sama..."

And so, we entered the classroom, and my school life took a nosedive. Even my classmates looked at me with disdain.

It might take a while for me to repair the damage.

After that, it was lunchtime, and I immediately made my way to the student council room and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" A familiar voice asked.

"Ryo Sorata."

"Oh, It's you.... Wait a bit."

I waited for a couple of minutes before she finally opened the door. Is she perhaps busy with some student council work? As expected of Aya, always busy with her duties.

"Come in, Sorata-kun," Aya said with a warm smile, inviting me inside.

Hm? The room smells like lavender... Did she clean recently?

"Sit down," she gestured to the sofa.

I took a seat, glancing around the tidy room. "Senpai, did you clean the room?"

"Hm? Yeah," she replied cheerfully. "Is green tea okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Okay then~" Aya poured a cup of green tea and placed it on the table in front of me.

"So... Senpai, are you going to scold me?" I asked, feeling a bit anxious.

"Hehe... No, not really," she chuckled.

"Then... Why..." Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming sense of drowsiness washing over me. "Eh? E-Erm, sorry..."

"What's wrong, Sorata-kun?"

"Senpai... I suddenly feel sleepy."

"Hmm, is that so? Then you can sleep, it's fine really."

"Yeah... The sofa seems soft... So I'll sleep." I slowly lay down on the sofa. "Please wake me up once the bell chimes in." And with that, I let my drowsiness take over, drifting into a peaceful slumber.

"Sweet dreams~" Aya whispered softly as I dozed off.