
The Sinful Spot

She must be very perplexed. Marrying a man she didn't love to make ends meet, only to lose the one she loved in the process. I was curious as to what it was about her husband that she disliked so much.

Why couldn't she be content with a man who helped her in school and evidently loved her enough to marry her? As those ideas raced through my mind, she grasped my body.

She took the posture that usually sends signals to my brain, crossing her hand across my shoulder and laying her second hand softly on my chest.

I wanted to question her as to why she doesn't love her husband. It was evident that she married him for his money, but she should have accepted the concept of marriage by now and focused on becoming a married woman.

I wish I had asked her that question back then, but I couldn't muster the confidence. Those same fingers that pushed me into a frenzy while stroking my d'c'kk were caressing my torso that night in the dark corner of the restaurant.

The restaurant was quiet, with only a few customers inside. It wasn't as lively as the ones inside the mami. It lacked a generator, so it made do with a lantern at the counter, where the attendant took orders and served customers.

I responded by stroking her laps, freely running my hands across her laps. She shifted her weight and moved closer to me. We were peeking at each other while we touched and caressed one other.

When I couldn't take it any longer, I murmured into her ears, and she laughed. We exited the restaurant and made our way to the devilish hidden seductive location behind the parade ground.

The wood log was still there. Someone else had done a good job of organizing things. With the addition of more logs, it could almost pass for a sleeping table. I also found smoked cigarette sticks and stubs of indian hemp.

It was evident that some corpers or military men were smoking marijuana in the same location. We sat on the log and resumed where we had left off. We'd had several conversations and were eager to explore each other.

We kissed intensely for a while, and she stroked me during the process. Damn! She was talented with her hands. Her hands probed all the sensitive areas of my body, causing me to sigh softly.

I put my hands into her white polo, pushed the bra aside, and caressed her b'reeaasstt, keeping contact with the ni'pplllee

In reflex, she leaned closer to me, practically hugging me in the process. I buried my face in her bossom, lifting her polo to make more space for me.

As she held my head, I sucked at her b'r'e'a's't. My d'kkk was so firm that it pressed up against my short.

As I touched her laps, I slipped my hand into her shorts. As I did this, she spread her legs and rocked her hips. My mind kept telling me to hurry up! This location did not appear to be safe, and whoever smokes there may have come to perform his usual thing that night.

I unfastened her shorts, and as I pulled them down, she adjusted. I did the same with mine, making sure to keep them within arm's reach if anyone came our way. As she pulled out her jeans, I wore my condom.

I stroked the insides of her laps, massaged her pubic area, then reached for her clit and rubbed it as she tossed her head back in delight.

She sat on the log, leaning slightly backwards and supporting herself with her hands, her knees bent and spread in front of her.

I knelt in front of her, spread her legs more, positioned my d'I'ckk at the opening of her c'uunntt, and plunged inside.

I slammed into her with such force that she had to lean on my shoulders for support.

As I b'a'n'g'ed her moist c'u'n't, she gave out little moans. Her c'u'n't twist wonderfully on my d'ckk was soaking wet. She pushed against my every step as I rotated my waist in different ways to offer her the most pleasure.

Her first o.r.ga.sm was strong as she clung to me tightly and rocked her waist against my d'kkk as her c'u'nt's thick lips enveloped and clasped my d'kk.

I kept myself from c.umm*ing, and when the pleasure became too great for me, I removed my d'kk from her for a few seconds. I took advantage of the situation by turning her as she knelt on the log, pointing her a'r'se to me.

She moaned loudly as I approached from behind. I gripped her a'r'se and ba'ng'e'd her steadily while she clutched the log tightly.

As I ba'n'g'ed her, my Tommy hit her round a'rs'e, and I watched in awe as the a'rs'e bounced up and down with the waves and rhythm of my beating.

As she c'l'I'm'ax'ed again, she moaned loudly, and I intensified the hammering as I ca.me. As we remained in that position for a few seconds, I drew back and removed my condom.

She wanted to stay and hug for a few more minutes, but I told her about my observations with the cigarette butts all over the place. We parted ways, and I saw her off to her dorm. I returned to my hostel to rest my head.

We talked for a few minutes before the ugly one came in. I informed him about my sexscapade, and he listened intently. I first skipped the portion where Jane got married, but following the discussions, I decided to include it.

He regarded it with skepticism. Everyone in camp came for fun, as far as he was concerned.

Some capture their own fun drinking at the mami, some during the morning drills, some others desire to enjoy the liberty to fuc**k before returning back to their monotonous life.

"Wetin be your own nau if she's married and still wants to fu*ck , then go ahead and give it to her" He said, smiling. Then something struck me! I've had the wedding ring in my pocket all day! I looked everywhere but couldn't find it.

. I was aware that I had left them in my pocket. It had to have fallen off at the sinful location. I had to hurry up and get it! I told the ugly one, and he agreed to accompany me. As I led the way, we traced our way to the location.

We were already in the dark, so we took care not to run into any military personnel. We heard some sounds and movement a few poles away.

We practically crawled to the spot to see the world's 11th wonder! It was a scene I would never forget quickly...

Why don't you go zamfara, Assaya? Bloody hediiooottssssssssssssssss

Day 12 - Saturday 


I was starting to dislike being the squad leader. It meant that I had to attend every morning parade.

Camp was not as severe as before, and corpers easily avoided parades and lectures by staying at their dorms while the military men blew the biggle.

They simply conceal themselves beneath the bunks until the military guys depart for the parade ground. Every morning, I had to be on the ground to take attendance and attend to other matters that required my attention.

I reluctantly departed the hostel while the most of the corpers went to their favorite hideouts and waited for the coast to clear. The dedication was performed as usual, announcements were given, and the parade began.

Corpers from each platoon were grouped together to create a team while the military personnel instructed them to march to the tune of the band, with the trumpets directing their tempo.

They were nearing perfection as they marched in unison. The camp commandant was present to observe and manage the events.

No one dared to leave the parade area while the camp commandant was present, but once he was gone, those who were not part of the marching crew made their way to adjacent stores and joints.

"Can you find my ring?" I didn't have to turn around to see who was asking. I couldn't find the ring last night, and I didn't even bother looking after witnessing the most bizarre e.r'o'ti'c scenario.

Nope! That was an odd, nasty scene, at least to me and the ugly one.

He was clearly more troubled than I was by the image, as he kept motioning to me that we should move closer to the spot and do something.

after sneaking up to the sinful spot with the ugly one last night, we witnessed two corpers making out.  It wouldn't have been as bothersome if they were just two corpers, but they were of the same sex!

It wouldn't have been as aggravating if the same sex corpers had been female; they were male! Gays! *****

I would avoid the vexing specifics in the benefit of those who might find it repulsive *******

The ugly one was visibly enraged, and he kept signaling to me that we should move closer to them. I didn't understand why he wanted to confront them, but I flatly refused.

I weighed them and realized they were physically strong enough to carry both of us. The lingering odor of marijuana in the air indicated that they had been smoking for some time.

In that kind of situation, how were we going to confront two adults? Finally, he took my counsel and we left. He insisted on us mobilizing some corpers and returning with them.

On our way back, we had to navigate through dark regions and around corners to avoid being trapped outside when the lights went out.

By the time we returned to the hostel, it was clear that mobilizing people and returning there would be pointless.

That night, he kept talking about it, arguing that we should have addressed them. I attempted to persuade him to reason with me.

Those guys aren't going to let us frighten them, let alone catch them and turn them in to the authorities.

When they realize it's just us two, they'll undoubtedly fight back, and things could become ugly.

Worse, if they manage to apprehend us, they may claim we were the gay men and they were the ones who apprehended us.

"I can't find my ring!" I was brought back to reality by the voice, and I turned to see an angry pair of eyes locked on an angry face glaring at me.

The sinful spot is not far away; I could simply walk there and look for the rings. I silently prayed that I would find them.

"I carried it with me all day yesterday while looking for you." I responded. I was in it and didn't notice her. She shouldn't expect me to take it with me all the time.

"What happened to it?" She inquired. "It's in my hostel." I responded. "I'll stay here while you go and bring them to me." She reached a conclusion. "I won't be able to return to the hostel until I finish what I'm doing here!" I told her about it.

If she wasn't going to wait, she should go away! Despite the fact that I didn't tell her. She glanced at me as though weighing me, then she walked away. I wanted to get her phone number so I could call her and return the ring when I found it.

Sonia, the dancer in charge of the dance and cultural group, approached me. She inquired why I hadn't called back as promised, and I explained that I was too busy at camp.

She informed me of their progress with the practice. "We're performing tonight with platoons 1, 3, and 4." She provided me with some information. I hadn't yet seen the schedule for the theatre and dance competitions.

"Do you think you'll be there to watch us?" She inquired. "I'll be there to keep an eye on you." She grinned when I told her. "Put on your dancing shoes, because we're about to rock your world!" She said this while performing some of her dance moves.

I applauded her when she did this. "You definitely enjoy dancing," I remarked. "I enjoy dancing, acting, and any other sort of theatrical performance." I was raised to be a performer."

"I'm hoping you win that trophy today." I made a request. "It's a long shot, but it's not going to end this evening." It's only a matter of qualifications. The two finalists will perform live next week at camp social night." She informed me of this.

I called Jane after my conversation with Sonia, and she told me she was at the hostel. She did not attend the procession. I moved cautiously towards the naughty location. I was going to check back again on the ring. I was hoping it would be there.

I arrived and couldn't find it. I looked in every nook and cranny, but it was nowhere to be found. I gave up after a long and comprehensive search. I sat on the log, contemplating my next move.

"Are you looking for this?" I moved my head towards the direction of the voice. It was a massive guy  with big shoulders. Dark and bulky, with a prominent manly chest.

His ears were gleaming from the way he had shoved all the hairs like a prisoner. Above all, he wore a gleaming ring on his extended arms... It was the ring I had been looking for.

When I saw him holding the ring, I felt comforted. I couldn't figure out why he was smiling at me. I was about to run forward to hug him when I realized he was the gay guy we saw last night.

He was more macho than I realized last night, and for once, I was glad I didn't listen to the ugly one's suggestion. When I extended my hand to retrieve the ring, he paused for a moment before returning it to me.

"Does she own it?" He inquired as I took the ring from him. “Whose?” I inquired, not knowing who he was referring to. "Is she your girlfriend?" He said this while smiling. I still didn't get the smile.

Picking up a lost ring and returning it to its owner was not amusing. "So you're working with married women?" He inquired once more, still smiling. How did he find out Jane was married?

I was concerned; what else did he know? And how did he track me down to this exact location this morning? Confusion was clearly written all over my face.

He had to have observed it as he continued to explain. "I saw you two making out here last night," he pointed out, pointing to the log. "I later found the ring and picked it up."

I assumed the girl would return later to hunt for it, so I kept my sight fixed on this way during the morning procession." He spoke to me.

As he walked behind me and talked, I had already begun retracing my steps back to the parade field. I wasn't comfortable with the way he was smiling at me, so I turned around as he spoke.

"I noticed you come this way after the morning parade and followed." He had completed his gist. "So, why did you pick up the ring?" I inquired, trying not to appear unpleasant or ungrateful.

I was still perplexed as to why he picked up the ring if he anticipated the owner would return for it. "I had no choice. Other folks might come over that night and pick it up." He stated.