
Naughty Life

"I told him last night after you talked to me." She said it again. I'd completely forgotten about the tense interaction with Sgt Banjo. I'd made the decision to cut her off. if I dont do that she will definitely land me into a hot mess here.

 I didn't want to intervene in the lives of military men, especially when they were intimidating and had a voice that could send shivers down your spine.

"How did he respond when you told him?" I had to inquire of her. “Nothing. I contacted him and ended the phone call after I was done talking to him." That is absurd! I'm quite sure she just told him and then hung up on him! Perhaps she even threw in some derogatory comments.

She might even have mentioned me as the cause! This is dangerous. In this camp, she is quickly becoming a threat to me. What if the sgt believes she abandoned him because of me?

Will the sergeant be that harsh? Is he going to forget about her as if nothing happened? Damnit! Just when I thought I had solved the puzzles, additional troubling questions appear, like an unpleasant pop-up box that distracts you when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to visit the web.

She was relieved and excited all at once. "I had no idea what I was thinking. But, thanks to you, I'm feeling much better." She said. " You rescued me from the lion's den." And I became a member of the wolf's coven! I muttered within myself.

We talked while cleaning up the campsite. After all, it was just the typical selection we used to do in secondary school. Before we finished cleaning up, we made sure the morning parade was over.

After that, I went to the hostel to take a bath and get something to eat. When I arrived, the ugly one was nowhere to be found. His hankie was no longer draped across the window.

I was still uneasy about the quiet treatment. Perhaps he was still irritated by my stunt. He needs to grow up! Jane called when my phone rang. We haven't had the chance to talk since she confided in me about her marriage.

"You've been trying to avoid me." She said this when I answered the phone. I didn't know how to respond to her. I had resolved to cut her off. For crying out loud, she was married! But that night at the parade ground stuck with me.

I wished she hadn't told me about her wedding. Maybe we would have had a chance against each other. 

But marriage is a complicated thing, and I didn't want to be involved with another man's wife. I have heard that sleeping with a married man can totally destroy your life according to the bible that tells us that marriage is an ordination from God, so what God has joined together, let no man put assunder. 

It's just wishful thinking. "I haven't avoided you." It's just the stress and craziness of camp. you know how busy this camp can be" I responded to her. "So, what are you up to now?" She inquired.

I would have told her I was at the platoon stand working on files, but instead I told her I was at the hostel doing nothing.

Then, to show her that I wasn't ignoring her, I asked where she was so I could meet up with her. "I'm standing in front of the accounts office." "I just signed my transportation allowance," she told me.

I quickly dressed up and zoomed out of the hostel like a gazel on a hunt.

When I arrived at the accounts department, I noticed her sitting alone in the front. She didn't just sit alone; she appeared lonely.

Corp members waited in large lines to sign their transportation allowance. As I passed the huge queues, I thought to myself, "The mami was going to bubble this night."

I'm hoping they'll be pleased with the work we've done so far and let my unit sign there. "What brings you here alone?" I inquired of her. She grinned as she rose from her position on a log of wood.

"I was expecting you. "Did you sign yours?" She inquired, and I informed her that I was in fainter's platoon, to which she laughed. "When are you going to sign?" "I'm not sure.

Maybe when we wake up from our coma." "Well, now that I'm N2,500 richer than you, please allow me to get breakfast for you." She kindly made  request and that alone was a turn on for me.

 "I have not seeing you visiting mami, I assume you don't go there?" I inquired of her. "Don't forget that there are other places one can buy food in this camp. "Please accompany me." she said and I followed her as she made her way to the NCCF worship center.

There was a tiny restaurant next to it. It was tastefully designed, quiet, and cozy. We ordered meals, and she inquired as to why I was avoiding her.

I argued that I wasn't trying to avoid her. 'It's apparent you are; you said we'd chat once I told you my story.' But you haven't called or checked in on me." She was earnest as she said, looking into my eyes.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have told you about the wedding." "It has absolutely nothing to do with that." It had! I discovered that I was trying too hard not to offend her rather than hitting the nail on the head.

I convinced her that my failure to contact her was due to a lack of time at camp. I didn't want her to be upset. I was really sorry for howshe felt.

I really shouldn't have! We spoke as if we were reconciled lovers, and she held my hand on the desk while we talked. "I'm getting pretty bored here at camp." My small journey with you was the only thing that kept me entertained." I was thrilled when s She made the announcement to me.

"Do you consider that an adventure?" I inquired. “Yea. It was entertaining to watch you moan and scream as you cam.e." What a blatant b.itch!

"You will do worse if I am in a position to make you moan," I informed her. “Really?” "Of certainly," she says. I gave her my assurance. "It was only an issue of who was in charge."

You were in charge back then; if I was, you'd still whine and scream." She stared at me as if she understood exactly what I meant. I didn't like where the conversation was going, but I had no choice but to continue out of politeness.

She must have been excited by the conversation because she left the seat opposite mine and joined me in the double sofa where I was sitting. As we talked, she placed her head on my shoulder.

She slipped a hand inside my shirt and delicately touched my stomach. She was really passionate, rubbing every muscle in my tummy. "Hmm...I like the smell of malizia."

"What's your obsession with Malizia body spray?" I inquired of her. I recall her telling me she knew someone who used the scent.

Someone close to her had to have done it. "The first man I ever actually loved," she said gently. "It was his favorite fragrance."

I remembered him when I perceived it from the front seat of that bus on its way to Kogi.

” It had to be a profound relationship for her to recall him with something as mundane as body spray.

"What became of him?" "Why did you guys split up?" I inquired, expecting the usual tales of 'he crushed my heart and fled with another woman,' but she replied coldly:

"Jide occurred." "Who is  Jide?" I asked and before she could respond,  The biggle for morning seminars was blown at that moment. The restaurant attendant approached us and advised us that if we stayed, their establishment would be locked and sealed by the military.

We were forced to leave. The lecture was as boring as boredom can be. Someone mentioned learning specific handi-skills. He talked about how you can establish a business in a tiny room with his special plant that makes paint, candles, powder, cream, and other cosmetics.

It sounded too good to be true, and I knew it couldn't be. I was curious if he was using the same plant for all of the goods he just named.

Wax is a petroleum byproduct that can be used to make candles and other paraffin-related cosmetics such as mascara, lip gloss, and so on; whereas powder, chalk, and paint require talcum or kaolin as their raw material.

If such a factory could be designed, it would require the combined efforts of a professional Chemical engr and a Mechanical engr to convert such diverse raw materials to the completed items he indicated.

Another guy was selling books on the formula for making all cleaning materials, including soap, detergent, dishwashing liquid, and other items.

I dozed off as additional speakers waited their time to boring us with their fairy stories. I retired to the hostel to recuperate after the dull lectures, which I slept through.

When I arrived at the hostel, the ugly one was not there. Other corpers were carrying their lunch flasks to the kitchen.

I fell asleep. The call that came into my phone jolted me awake. Ms Enoh was calling. "Come to my office immediately," she said as I answered the phone.

I was curious as to what was so essential that she had to sound so tense. "Is anything the problem ma?" I inquired. "Yeah, I'm going to die, and you're the only person I can think of contacting right now...

I remained motionless, staring into thin air to ensure that I had heard correctly... Her laughter from the other end stunned me and brought me back to reality.

I could tell she was joking since she was laughing so hard. "Jaree, come to my office and stop asking yeye questions." She laughed even harder when she hung up the phone.

When I arrived at her workplace, she was fully dressed and carrying her handbag, ready to leave. The elderly lady with whom she shared the office/apartment was sitting in her chair, filling out documents and updating them on her computers.

"The identification card has arrived. You must inform them immediately." She said this while handing me a tiny nylon bag holding laminated identification cards.

"Anyone collecting must sign here." She remarked this as she handed me another piece of paper holding the Kgn of every member of my squad.

I followed her out of the office. "You scared me on the phone," I told her as she walked down the stairs. She grinned and questioned why I should bother asking her whether everything was fine.

"Do you believe you'll be the person I call if things don't go well?" She inquired as she continued to chuckle. I didn't hesitate to respond to her. "What are your plans?" I inquired of her.

“Hiaaaa! "When did you start spying on me?" "Do you mind if I go to my boyfriend's house?" she inquired. I shook my head and smiled.

I have not seen Ms. Enoh in such aura. i wondered where she was going to.

"When are you going to return?" "If you ask me another question, I will spank your a'r's'e," she replied, still smiling.

"Do you believe I'm like you, a corper?" She was clearly in a hurry to get where she was heading. I followed her into a nysc vehicle parked in front of the camp quarters.

As the vehicle drove away, I continued glancing at her. When our gazes connected, I blew her a kiss. She waved and smiled at me. A text message arrived on my phone a few minutes later. Ms Enoh had sent me a message.

When I opened it, a simple statement greeted me: "I shall be returning tomorrow." **kiss** I responded almost instantly to the SMS; I will be waiting for you. You might have to abandon me. **kiss**

I had to wait... And it was well worth it.

I couldn't get back to the accommodation since the biggle for the evening parade had been blown and military personnel were blocking the entrances.

I had to rush to the evening parade. I divided the passport into two sections and gave Wangu a portion of it as she assisted me in distributing it to the platoon members.

As they obtained their identification cards, they signed across their kgn. We left the ground clean for the final time.

Wangu stayed close to me as usual. We talked while cleaning up the mess around the camp enviroment.

"Do you realize you're a true leader!" It was the RCCF girl, Chifawu. I smiled at her as she remained on my left side and Wangu remained on my right! Blessed among ladies, thou art! I grinned once more.

"You've been performing all of the work with us, rather than hanging back to supervise like others," she said in conclusion. "Well, I do my best."

Leading by example is the most effective technique to encourage your followers." "I told her." "I'm very impressed," she continued.

"You can always write a recommendation letter for me whenever I start looking for work," I told her, and she smiled.

"You are my guardian angel; you should be writing recommendations for me," she explained.

"I'm also impressed that you're undertaking this punishment with us; you know how the obs crew used to be," I said.

Those on obs are permitted to visit the studio whenever they are on shift. However, the majority of them use it to avoid the morning parades and lectures. Even when they weren't on duty, they stayed and gossiped.

"I'd like to invite you to a discussion show at the obs tomorrow." You'll be a guest on our unique conversation show." She informed me of this. I inquired as to how and what I should anticipate.

"It's just a discussion show, with almost the same questions you got at fellowship on Sunday." You will be in the studio with a NYSC representative.

We're trying to gain a corper's viewpoint on camp life and compare it to what camp should be like according to the officials.

Just like the ideal vs the actual condition." Hmm... that sounds intriguing. "Please include me." I told her about it. "Thank you; I'll phone you later to confirm the timing and other details."

After cleaning up, I went back to the hostel while Wangu distributed the remaining ID cards.

When I arrived at the hostel, the ugly one was gisting with his mates. "Has the fainter's troop completed their sentence?" As I walked in, he inquired.

He was finally speaking to me. That's a promising indicator. Maybe he'll talk about the last night's event and we'll be fine. "Yes," I said.