
My Hitman Academia

(This story is not a Yaoi.) Good-for-Nothing-Tsuna is how he's recognized. Having the same dream as all the kids, just wanting to be the same as their father, to be a Hero. However, he was not born with the same potential as his brother. Even with the spark of hope he received, things didn't turn out as they should. The portrait is NOT mine, contact me if you want me to remove it.

Just_A_Chuunibyou · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

A second boy injured.

Been 5 days since I haven't returned home, so when I returned home I was surprised to find Nana-San taking care of Ichigo who is extremely injured.

Without asking what had happened and without taking an extra look, I simply went back to my room and closed the door.

That day I didn't notice the look of extreme hatred Ichigo was giving me.

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Today I am 12 years old. Yes, it's been two years since I became friends with Kyoya.

Strangely, I'm thinking Kyoya is my lucky star, that's because these two years were the quietest times in my life.

Ichigo and his followers just stopped bothering me, it was a miracle.

Thanks to that I was able to train with Kyoya without further interruptions and I must say that even though I still can't defeat Kyoya, I can survive him.

In these two years I finally managed to get Kyoya to talk about her Quirk.

Kyoya is 14 years old, 2 years older than me and his Quirk is 'combat genius'. Yes, a strange and even simple Quirk, but that explains why he enjoys fighting so much.

Kyoya is simply a monster when it comes to combat. It's also because of this that I'm not sure how much stronger I got in thi time.

By the way, I'm at the same school as Kyoya now, Namimori Middle School. Kyoya somehow became head of the disciplinary committee, even the teachers respect him.

Luckily Kyoya is someone who follows the rules and hates whoever breaks them, so he has a lot of followers now, which is a bit hilarious. A curious fact is that all members of the committee are delinquents that he 'bited to death'.

I declined Kyoya's invitation, the title of Dame Tsuna (Good-for-Nothing Tsuna) still accompanied me.

Luckily it looks like Ichigo has changed for the better, as although he still keeps some sarcastic comments and even encourages some bad actions, it's much less than before.

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Today after school ended, I didn't meet Kyoya, he still has a job as head of disciplinary committee, so I had the day off today.

But as I'm someone free and with no idea what to do, I just went to the same place as always, where Kyoya and I trained.

I thought that today would be the same, that the place would be empty as usual, but to my surprise as soon as I arrived at the place there were several people.

However, what caught my attention was not those who were standing, but the boy who was lying on the ground.

This boy had brown hair that almost reminds me of the color orange, his face covered in bruises. What looked like toys was lying around him along with what looked like broken glasses.

The insults that the standing children threw at the boy already explained to me what was going on. As a victim of something like this, I definitely understand what I should do.

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Unknown boy pov.

This world is moved by Quirk, that's what I learned as a child. No matter your social status, as long as you are born with an amazing Quirk, you will reach a high position in society.

As for those born with a weak Quirk or nothing special, you're destined the not to get a high position easily.

My Quirk?. Hyper focus. A Quirk that helps keep me focused on completing something, to the point where I don't care about food, sleep or anything. This is a Quirk that does more harm to me than it helps.

In this world where only your Quirk's usefulness tells your social status, mine is on the lower scale.

And well, not even the school forgives that.

This is my second school I go to and guess what? I'm treated the same only because I don't have a combat Quirk and may not be a hero.

Of course, I'm a dreamy child too, of course I dream of being a hero... But I'd rather give up on that dream if I can avoid living hurting myself.

And of course, being a kid who doesn't want to be a hero makes you even more bullied by other kids.

That's why I'm in this situation, having all my projects destroyed and throw to the ground.

All because when the teacher asked what we wanted to be and I replied that I didn't want to be a hero... Haha...

Looking at these kids acting superior, just because they have Combat Quirks gives me a stomachache.

"Hey." An unfamiliar voice overcame all the bullies' conversation.

I look at the person who had the courage to do it. A plain looking boy, brown hair, big bright eyes, small and weak looking, he seems just another victim to these bullies.

But there was one thing that made me freeze, the boy's gaze. His eyes glowing bright orange, a look of absolute peace, a look so peaceful it left my heart calm. Just looking at this boy gave me reassurance.

The bullies didn't seem to notice this, I couldn't hear their exchange with the boy, but the boy's calm gaze didn't change one bit.

I could only watch in awe as the bullies ran towards the boy, who simply dodged the punches and countered by tripping the bullies, making them fall to the ground.

The bullies didn't seem intimidated yet and tried to attack a second time, only to end up in the same situation.

The boy didn't even seem disturbed by the situation and just continued to look at him with that calm, a look that made them panic.

Before I knew it the bullies had run away, leaving me alone with the boy.

I saw him slowly approaching and then extending his hand to me.

"Are you okay ?." He asked me with such a gentle look... For some reason I felt my eyes getting wet.