
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

Test my limits

As I opened the letter, 600 jewels cascaded onto my palm—a glittering testament to Lara's kindness. "She's generous, or perhaps she pities me," I mused, my heart swelling with gratitude. The letter read:

*Dear Jade,*

*Your steadfast presence during the quest did not go unnoticed. Here is your reward, for you have earned it through patience and grace. May fortune smile upon your future endeavors.*

*Warm regards,*

*Lara from the bakery.*

"She's truly kind-hearted," I whispered, clutching the letter to my chest. "Her generosity fuels my resolve to grow stronger." With renewed vigor, I set my sights on new missions.

Time marched on, and within two months, my powers had soared. I could now summon a myriad of light orbs without fatigue, craft arrows of pure radiance, and sustain a protective dome that could withstand assaults from D to C rank monsters. My efforts had not gone unnoticed—I was now a C rank mage within the guild. Brief encounters with Gajeel and Juvia had been fleeting; Gajeel paid me little mind, but I harbored hopes of friendship in the near future. For now, another mission beckoned.

The mission board held a quest that piqued my interest—a C rank challenge issued by the mayor of Magnolia to vanquish a beast plaguing the hunters, with a reward of 30,000 jewels. "An excellent opportunity to test my limits," I thought, already envisioning the battle ahead.

Upon reaching the mayor's office, I was greeted by a receptionist whose smile was as warm as the morning sun. "I'm here for the mayor," I announced, presenting the brochure.

"Just a moment, please," she replied before disappearing to summon the mayor.

The mayor, a peculiar man with an elongated neck and a head that seemed to defy gravity, approached me. His suit was as dark as the night sky, adorned with golden floral patterns, and a red butterfly bow tie added a touch of whimsy to his attire.

"The beast you seek resides within the forest," he informed me. "It's a swift, six-foot-tall wolf, but otherwise unremarkable."

"No creature is too great a challenge," I declared, my confidence unwavering.

"Good luck, young lady, and tread carefully," he cautioned.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the silence grew more profound, the absence of wildlife unnerving. A rustling behind me prompted a reflexive cast of a light orb, only to reveal a rabbit emerging from the underbrush. With a flick of my wrist, I diverted the orb, sparing the creature. "Safe travels, little one," I whispered, a smile touching my lips.

The path led me to a cave, its mouth gaping like a portal to another world. Inside, the darkness was oppressive, the air heavy with the weight of untold secrets. Human skeletons littered the ground, their silent screams echoing through the void. "What mysteries do you hold?" I pondered, pressing onward.

A call, ethereal and compelling, drew me to the heart of the cave, where a katana lay in wait. Its scabbard was adorned with white feathers, its beauty otherworldly. The moment my fingers brushed against the hilt, the katana erupted in light, and a sensation like the flutter of wings caressed my hand. When the light receded, the katana had vanished, leaving behind an angelic wing tattoo upon my skin.

"What magic is this?" I began, but my words were cut short by the arrival of the wolf. Its fur was as white as snow, its eyes a crimson abyss, and a scar marred its right eye—a testament to battles past.

"So, you are the fabled wolf," I said, conjuring another orb of light.

The wolf dodged with ease, its movements a blur. I unleashed a barrage of light orbs, but to no avail. "This won't be easy," I conceded, summoning a quiver of light arrows.

"Arrows of light!" I cried, releasing them toward the wolf. Dust and smoke enveloped the area, and for a moment, I believed victory was mine.

But as the smoke cleared, a barrier shimmered around the wolf, its mocking gaze piercing through the haze. "Cunning creature," I muttered, frustration mounting.

In a moment of distraction, the wolf lunged, its claws poised to strike. I erected my dome of light, but the wolf's ferocity shattered it, sending me crashing against the wall. Blood filled my mouth, and despair crept into my heart.

"Is this how my story ends?" I wondered, the wolf's shadow looming over me. "Will someone find me here, or is this my final stand?"