

“This few days were very refreshing, I may say…” I said to Hannah as we were driving to school. Mike and Peter didn't stayed for the night, so Hannah and I stayed up all night talking how our lives changed rapidly.

Hannah was a person with a dark side, he never cared of what other people think, and to see her in love? Oh you must be really good to take her heart. She didn't had very happy and calm childhood so she doesn't trust other people. She is a little bit of darker, emo something, never too cheerful and the thing I love the most about her, very super sarcastic! Now? Since she met George, she fully changed! Her closet has a few bright colors now and she even has a T-shirt with a small flowers on it! George changed her but in a good way. She is a human now. Most of the times when she doesn't eat hamburger and drive at the same time like now!