
Kissing in the class

It's Monday morning, all the students were already in class. Some chatting, some reading etc. Victor was just looking at Alice.

"What's this? Am I crushing on her or what? She's a new comer and we're friends so it's too early to develop feelings for her right?". He was interrupt by a girl.

"Hey... your book fell down so I picked it up for you", Sandra said.


"Can I sit next to you? Don't say no please"

"Okay, you can".

Sandra sat next to Victor. Yet Victor was still staring at Alice.

"She's so beautiful", he said.

"Who? Me?" Sandra asked.

"Em.. no. I wasn't referring to you. I'm sorry".

Sandra was a little bit embarrassed, but she acted like nothing happened. She really liked Victor and wanted to get his attention. She unbuttoned her browse and draged her skirt up a little bit so that Victor can notice her sexy body. She moved closer to him.

Victor noticed what Sandra was doing.

"Are you okay? we are in the classroom have you forgotten?" he asked.

"Then stop looking at her", she said pointing at Alice.

Victor laughed.

"What's wrong with you? It's not like we are dating, you just approached me and now you are acting like a jealous girlfriend".

"That's because I like you from the beginning we started schooling here but I didn't have the chance to tell you".

"You are seriously in sane. How can you....." Victor was interrupted by Sandra's lips.

She was obviously kissing him in the class. He was shocked.

The kiss drew everyone's attention. Alice saw it and was shocked. She felt a little bit Jealous but she faced her front.

"Why do I feel jealous? it's not like I like him or something. I don't understand, but why would She kiss in the classroom, they should have gone outside. Oops, looks like I'm interfering in someone else's business", she said to herself.

Victor pushed Sandra away.

"You're totally in sane. Don't you ever sit close to me or come close to me. I don't know you, and I don't like you either", Victor angrily said.


Few hours later, school was over. Everyone left the class except Alice who was still thinking about what happened earlier.

Victor came back to the class.

"Alice, I've been looking for you. Why are you still here?".

"Em... nothing. Just go I'll join you later." She said.

"No we will leave together.".

"Ha ha. Leave together, Victor we are not in a relationship okay? you can just leave".

"Why are you sounding like that? We have been going together. Or is anything bothering you? Tell me".

"No I'm fine". she sighs. "Since you don't want to leave, I'll go first"

she left.

Victor was wondering why Alice sounded angry.