
The Costume***

First day we had a quirk apprehension test and the second a test with All Might? I didn't believe that. I'm thinking this was to mess with us. Though we likely would be doing some kind of activity. I mean it was the hero course, not the ethics course. You didn't learn about the morals of a hero in the hero course. You learned how to be a hero.

Combine that with the costume request form we were supposed to send in before entering UA. Well, I had long since put in my costume request form. I was sent a message that my order was completed. Apparently costume design was a test for the support course. I had to wonder who was given my costume to create. 

I scratched my head. Truth be told I wasn't sure that was right. However, if we had to submit said form before. It likely meant we would have to use those costumes soon. Would a couple of days allow the support course students to complete the requests? Maybe not the first years.

Speaking of the support course I walked past the support course. However, Powerloader was leaving one of the labs. He stopped, "Oh, are you here for your costume? I didn't think I sent that notice out yet."

I blinked, "Uh, no. I was just passing by to get to lunch. This side of the building is just normally empty because everyone is in the labs."

He laughed, "Eh, yeah some of those kids would sleep in there if possible."

There was an awkward silence and Powerloader seemed to be at a loss on how to continue the conversation. So I asked, "You mentioned a notice about my costume?"


He nodded, "Yeah, most of 1-A has their costumes completed for tomorrow. Those who didn't send in a form most likely brought their own or already submitted the full outfit. I remember 4 names that did that."

I nodded, Taking note there was something happening tomorrow. I asked, "Uh, I don't suppose I can see my costume?"

He thought for a second, "Yeah sure, you can also meet the one who made it. So far she is the most promising of the first years. She submitted 88 items for the course entrance test. So I am feeling proud of her."

Powerloader smiled, and explained some more. "She is actually a bit of a troublemaker telling how many things she makes. Many of them are… Well, they are complete, but I'd say she needs to work on them more. I think I'll offer her a recommendation when the internships come around."

He kind of sounded like a proud father introducing someone to his daughter for them to hit it off. When he opened the door to the lab, smoke poured out of the room. "What did you do now Mei?"

A pink haired girl turned around and took a pair of goggles off her face. "Sorry, Sir! I just wanted to test my new baby. Check it out!"

She held up some kind of… I had no clue actually. Neither did Powerloader I think. He responded though, "Explain it to me."

She nodded, "So it can suck up fire and turn it into smoke. A perfect tool for fighting off fire based quirks!"

He nodded, "and how does it do that?"

She pointed to a large hole, "This is a vacuum that sucks it in and the smoke is dispersed from this ring. These are the handles from where you hold it. By the way, who is he?"

She pointed at me. "Powerloader seemingly forgot about me. Ah, right. This is Tota Shizen, he is from the hero course. From what I remember you made his costume. Before that, Tota, this is Mei Hatsume. Just so you know her name."

I nodded as she looked me up and down. "I didn't believe it at first… Your fittings are interesting. Anyway, let me get your costume!"

She went over to a pile of boxes. She opened some and closed them back up. The comment about my fittings though made me curious. Did she think I was blocky or something? Eventually she found it and handed it over.

Once found though, Powerloader made a noise. "Since it's your work Mei, I'll let you walk him through it. I have to get back to what I was doing."

She nodded and he gave a light pat on my shoulder before wandering out of the lab. Mei watched him leave. The moment he did she was right next to me making me take a step back. However she then put her hands directly up my shirt feeling my stomach. "Wow, Impressive."

I pushed her hands away, "Uhm, what are you doing."

She smiled, "Just checking out your body. You can definitely use some of my more advanced… Children."

She said it in such a way it sounded sexual. So I made sure to keep at a distance. I preferred feeling other people rather than getting felt up. "My costume?"

She smiled, "Right, Right."

She opened the box and took out my costume from it. "I made it to your specifications. However I should state that not everything you asked for was implemented. As it was either too difficult or unnecessary. After all this is supposed to be your first version. As time moves on you will likely want alterations and varying other tools. So the first year costumes are kept simple. Teacher's rules, we aren't allowed to go overboard."

I looked at the other boxes, "You made what 12?"

She nodded, "Yes and No. Only about 8 of those are for the hero course. 4 of them are more failed or alternative versions. An example is this one."

She opened up a box in a green costume. "This is the final version, but the prototype was too dense. It would have affected the person due to their quirk. Essentially they would overheat. I just didn't want to waste material."

Fair enough I guess. I pulled out my costume and looked it over. It started with a red and white shirt poncho hybrid. The material was soft, but to my surprise it was exactly as I wanted. I could absorb sunlight, and this basically magnified the sunlight into me. It could also do the reverse, magnifying it out."

It was certainly heat resistant, and flexible. Perfect for both expelling heat across my entire body or doing more straining physical feats. The pants were much the same. Though the poncho covered most of them. A custom pair of shoes too. I didn't even ask for those. They were steel toed and had cleats.

Finally was the hood and mask. They were separate from everything just like I had asked. It was a well made 1 way mirror. The inside was clear as day while the outside was a reflected surface. I smirked, "This is perfect. Thanks Mei."