
A story to tell***

I sat in the same position all night focusing on my senses. It was mostly just me training, but I was also waiting for the creature to show itself. Rumi was right in the end though. I slowly reached for the radio and turned it on. "Rumi? They are coming to us."

Rumi took a second to answer back, "How fast?"

The creature was creeping slowly forward. "Relatively slowly, it is still at the very edge of my range."

Rumi stepped out of the camping bunker. Her ears twitched, "I don't hear anything. Is it still creeping around out there?"

I nodded, "Rumi? I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. However I think we might want to call some other heroes in."

Rumi looked up at me, her question was obvious. So I answered, "Almost double the size of the car. I can't be completely certain though since it is crouched down."

Rumi hummed a little and pressed a button on her radio. "Ranger station? Ranger Station?"

She paused briefly and continued speaking once she got a hold of the ranger station. "This is Mirko, I have confirmed the existence of the creature. Call for extra hands, the creature is bigger than estimated and may need greater capture. I have not confirmed if the creature is intelligent yet."

Rumi looked at me, "I'm not one to normally call for backup. However, something about this makes my skin tingle."

I Shrugged, "Should I just sit back and watch you for now?"

She nodded, "Keep your eyes on it."

She cracked her neck and got into a fighting stance. I looked back to where the creature was, and my eyes went wide. The creature had gotten way closer, now I could see it clearly.

"It's white? How i-" Rumi tensed and she kicked off the ground. The creature had opened its mouth and fired off some kind of laser. Rumi dodged it though and slammed the creature's mouth shut with a kick. I realized Rumi must've noticed its actions and guessed what it was doing.

I watched Rumi dash around the creature looking for a way to attack it. I studied the way she moved and the creature. Rumi's skills were impressive to watch. The creature moved in strange ways though. It was as if the creature was fighting with multiple survival instincts.

When the instincts clashed the creature wobbled or twisted around. Yet at the same time it still managed to dodge or block Rumi's attacks. Rumi noticed it too and she changed her strategy. It had an easy time defending itself due to its multiple arms, however it lacked the ability to attack properly.

I shouted, "FLASH!"

Rumi ducked and I summoned a brilliant light. The monster roared as it covered its many eyes. Rumi capitalized and struck it with a heavy kick. The creature seemed to groan in a very human way. Rumi continued attacking, but suddenly the creature was covered in spines. Rumi ended up kicking one of the quills head on and it went straight through her leg.

The attention of the creature snapped to the forest. Sirens… It seems back up was on its way. The creature shuddered though, groaned and it looked up. "Not EnOuGH! MoRe HeROeS, But StRoNgER Too?"

I was stunned as it spoke, its voice was as if someone gave an Alligator vocal cords. However, it was human. Comparing the way Principal Nezu and this creature spoke was… Well Nezu was clearly an animal that gained the ability to speak. While this creature was a human, it was once human and it was now losing the ability to speak. 

It moved backwards dashing away into the night. Rumi was about to chase, but she flinched as the quill shifted in her leg. I moved to support Rumi even as she stared where the creature had disappeared into the night. "That thing… a mutant type quirk or an emitter?"

"It was human once." I added in, we would need to think about how to report this.

Rumi nodded, "Gonna be tough to explain this. Especially since I think it was holding back."

Holding back? I thought about it, "It was struggling with its instincts. Yet it hadn't used its teeth…"

Rumi nodded once more, she continued. "I fought several criminal teens who were still learning to fight. That creature fought in a similar manner. Though it clearly had experienced tanking hits."

I nodded and began walking Rumi backwards. It wasn't sunrise yet, but the sky was getting brighter. We would need to look at the quill stuck in Rumi's leg. Though that would likely be the job of whoever came to help soon. I shifted sensing the people who began marching through the woods. 

Rumi looked at her leg, "This is gonna be a bitch to pull out."

I smirked, and made a terrible joke. "That's what she said."

Rumi kicked me with her good leg and I crumpled backwards. At least this will be one hell of a story to tell.

-----So I cut the R-18 chapter from this part as it didn't flow in my opinion. As well as the evolution changes.-----