
Hisashi Midoriya comes home

Izuku's POV

Hi my name is Izuku Midoriya and I'm 5 years old. "Mom! Its computer time!" I shouted. "Computer time. Okay what video?" Mom asked. "The All Might one!" I shout happily. "I don't know that video is kinda scary to me. Besides I think you added 1000 views to this video yourself." Mom said laughing. As soon as the video started I got excited. "I can't wait to be like All Might and save people. Once I get my quirk I'll be just like All Might!" I shouted.

Author's POV

"Sorry kid it isn't gonna happen." The doctor said. When Inko looked over at Izuku she saw him frozen where he sat. "The kids who have quirks all one toe joint but Izuku here has two toe joints. Sorry kid but your also an omega." The doctor said. After Inko and Izuku left the doctors office, Izuku had fallen asleep on the way home. Inko decided to call her husband Hisashi. "Hey hunny." Inko said. "Hi hun what's wrong?" Hisashi asked."Izuku is quirkless and an omega." Inko said trying not to cry. "Alright I'll be coming home tonight so we can have a family dinner." Hisashi said. "Okay see you tonight love you bye." Inko said before hanging up the phone. As soon as Inko got home she woke Izuku up and carried him inside up to his bedroom. Inko turned on the All Might video and went to make dinner. When she got downstairs she saw Hisashi. "Hi Hunny how was work?" Inko asked. "It was good." Hisashi said. "Inko where is Izuku?" Hisashi asked. "He is upstairs in his room." Inko said continuing to make dinner. Hisashi makes his way upstairs to Izuku's room. "Izuku?" Hisashi asked knocking on his door. "Come in." Izuku said. "Hey mommy called and told me what happened. Hey hey it's okay I'm not mad." Hisashi said. "I'm sorry daddy." Izuku said crying. "Baby I'm not mad. So let's go see what mama made for dinner but we got to be quiet okay?" Hisashi said. "Okay!" Izuku said happily. "Shh." Hisashi said. "Hisashi, Izuku dinner!" The boys heard Inko call to them. "Alright let's go." Hisashi said. As Izuku and Hisashi made their way downstairs Izuku didn't notice the look the Hisashi was giving him. When Izuku looked at Hisashi he saw a smile on his face. "Daddy, mommy made Katsudon!" Izuku shouted happily. Hisashi sat Izuku down and went over to his chair after helping Inko to set the table for dinner. When Inko looked at her husband she saw him glaring at Izuku. 'Crap don't tell me that he hates Izuku being quirkless and an omega?' Inko asked herself. "Hisashi you okay dear." Inko asked. "Huh oh yeah I'm fine. Izuku would you like to go and have a sleepover with Katsuki tonight?" Hisashi answered/asked. "Yeah!" Izuku said. As soon as Izuku was done with dinner he ran upstairs to pack for the sleep over with Katsuki. "I can't believe he is quirkless Inko." Hisashi said. "Hunny it's not his fault." Inko said. "Your right but when my parents find out they will be pissed and I won't be there to save him cuz I'm leaving after Izuku goes over to Katsuki's tonight." Hisashi said. "Daddy!" Izuku shouts running downstairs to Hisashi. "Hey you ready to go?" Hisashi asked. "Yeah!" Izuku shouts. "Izuku do you want me to go back to work?" Hisashi asked. "Not till I finish kindergarten!" Izuku said. As soon as they make it outside Hisashi slaps Izuku. "Daddy you said you weren't mad." Izuku said running to Katsuki's house. 'Damnit now he'll tell Mitsuki.' Hisashi tought as he ran after Izuku. As soon as Izuku made it to Katsuki's house he knocked on the door. "Zuku your here!" Katsuki shouted as soon as he opened the door. "Kacchan can I come in?" Izuku asked. "Yeah." Katsuki said before pulling Izuku inside, closing the door and locking it. "Zuku did your dad hit you?" Katsuki asked. "Yes but you can't tell Aunty Mitsuki." Izuku said. 'I'm not letting Hisashi inside to hit Izuku again.' Katsuki thought. "Hey Zuku lets go upstairs." Katsuki said. "Okay!" Izuku said. "Katsuki why is Hisashi outside cursing at you?" Mitsuki asked. "Well he had hit Izuku but don't let Izuku know I told you." Katsuki said. "Alright." Mitsuki said. As soon as Katsuki went upstairs Mitsuki unlocked and opened the door. "Hi Hisashi." Mitsuki greeted. "Hi just came by to see if Izuku got here safely." Hisashi said. "Oh yeah he got here just fine but I think Inko is worried about you." Mitsuki said. "Alright I'll go." Hisashi said walking away. After Mitsuki closed the door she locked it and went to check on the boys only to over hear Izuku and Katsuki's conversation. "Kacchan I'm quirkless and an omega. Please don't hate me." Izuku said trying not to cry. "Why would I hate you. It just means I have to be the best damn alpha and protect you so please don't cry." Katsuki said. "Thank you Kacchan." Izuku said. "Boys its dinner time." Mitsuki said. "Okay." Both boys said. "Aunty please don't tell my mom that dad hit me." Izuku said. "Alright." Mitsuki said. All three of them went downstairs and ate dinner. "Alright boys go get ready for bed." Mitsuki said. "Okay." Both boys said. As soon as both boys were upstairs the phone rang. "Hello?" Mitsuki asked after she picked up the phone. "Mitsuki." Inko said. "Yes what's wrong." Mitsuki asked. "Hisashi was beating me but he just left to go to the bar so I'm coming over with mine and Izuku's clothes for however long Hisashi will be here." Inko said. "Alright." Mitsuki said. "Hunny is everything okay?" Masaru asked. "Yes, Inko and Izuku will be staying with us till Hisashi leaves which Inko doesn't know how long he'll be here so she coming over with her's and Izuku's clothes." Mitsuki said. "Okay." Masaru said. 'Knock knock.' Mitsuki heard. Mitsuki went over to the door and looked out the peephole to see who it was and saw Inko. "Inko come in." Mitsuki said. Unlocking and opening the door. "Thank you Mitsuki I appreciate it." Inko said. "No problem." Mitsuki said. "I want to sleep." Inko said. "Alright follow me upstairs after I lock the door and set the alarm, it locks all the doors to outside and windows." Mitsuki said. "Okay. And thank you again." Inko said. "Alright enough with the thank you' s. We need to go to sleep." Mitsuki said as her and Inko went upstairs to the spare bedroom. "This will be your room it has a TV and a bathroom and a walk in closet and it's own alarm system that me and Masaru had installed for incase you and Izuku moved in and Katsuki's room has safe room in his closest, but we have to put Izuku's hand-print into the system." Mitsuki said. "Wow you guys went all out does Katsuki have his own bathroom and TV?" Inko asked. "Yes. And now we all need to go to bed." Mitsuki said. "Alright goodnight Mitsuki your the best-best friend I could've asked for." Inko said. "Yeah same to you Inko, good night." Mitsuki said. As Mitsuki was walking to her room she checked on the boys and saw them sleeping soundly. Mitsuki turned on Katsuki's rainbow light and turned off his bedroom light. "Goodnight boys." Mitsuki said to herself before going into her room and climbing into bed with Masaru. The next morning Mitsuki, Inko, Masaru and the boys were awoke by the sound of someone banging on the front door. "Mitsuki I'll go see who it is." Masaru said getting up and going downstairs. As soon as Masaru made it downstairs and looked through the peephole he saw Hisashi and he was not happy. Masaru hit the soundproof button. "Mitsuki! Hisashi is at the door and does not look happy." Masaru yelled up to his wife. "Shit! Masaru we need to hide Izuku and Inko now!" Mitsuki shouted back. "Mitsuki is everything okay?" Inko asked walking into Mitsuki and Masaru's bedroom. "Yes but you and Izuku need to hide now Hisashi is here and he is pissed." Mitsuki said. "Okay." Inko said. Mitsuki and Inko walked into Katsuki's room. "Boys lets go into the safe room in Katsuki's closet okay." Mitsuki said. "Okay." The boys said getting up and going into the closet. "Mom?" Katsuki asked while entering his handprint into the security system. "Yes Katsuki." Mitsuki answered. "Why do we need to hide?" Katsuki asked. "Hisashi is here but I think he figured out the Inko is over here." Mitsuki said guiding Inko and Izuku into the safe room. "So I just need to hide with them?" Katsuki asked. "Yes Katsuki." Mitsuki said walking out of the room. Once Mitsuki is downstairs she nods to Masaru signaling him to hit the soundproof button again and let Hisashi in. "Hisashi good morning what can we do for you?" Masaru asked. "I'm looking for my omega wife and my pathetic useless quirkless omega son." Hisashi said with a growl. "Hisashi you may be an alpha but so am I so control your pheromones." Mitsuki said with a growl. "Command your omega husband to let me in." Hisashi growled out. "No." Mitsuki said closing the door. "Mitsuki should I lock the door?" Masaru asked. "Yes." Mitsuki said. Masaru locked the door and set the alarm system.