
Training and elementary school

Now i have become an elementary school student

I go to a kindergarten near our house. Each day mom takes me there and comes to get me in the evening.

And i didn't cry like all those babies in the first day. . . .




Ok maybe a little bit. I think my age is affecting my mentality.

Anyway Fuyumi is also in the same class with me. She is my best friend. I also see aunty Rei also.

She is very nice to me. If i could i want to help her in anyway . I wouldn't want such a good person being put into a mental asylum.

Well.....l i made a few other friends here too.....yeah

But all of these stuff is too boring for me so I prefer being quite.

Mom and dad as well as my teachers consider me as a GENIUS.

Yeah because i already know all these stuff.

That being said i finally started training. Since my body needs to grow more no weight training. But i do push ups, crunches,sit ups etc daily.

So my body can be said to be pretty good for a 5 year old.

I've been training my quirks too , to a minimal extent.

Well my parent wouldn't want their entire house destroyed .

My reflection quirk acts as an energy film.

When i use it ,a small energy film is created around where i want it to and the forces hitting it is reflected.

But the surface area of the film is less than my mother's and i can use it on other objects than my body.

Well the part of using outside the body is tricky. When i take it outside my body the energy dissipates.

So my training right now is to coat my energy on my toy sword.

As for hellbaze there is not much progress since i cant use it without alerting my parents.

And another thing i noticed is that my body absorbs the darkness around me.

Yeah i know it sounds crazy. But yeah that's right. I even experimented this by going into a dark room in day. I can feel it seeping into my bones with a cool sensation. And i think my body is nourished by it.

Maybe it's linked to the demon mode of meliodas.


"Tenmaaaa...." I was woken from my daydream hearing a loud sound.

In front of me stands a girl with short white hair and red streaks in it

"Oh...It's just you fuyumi. What happened" I asked with a bored tone

"Why are you sitting here, come play with us"

"Oh , no thank you"

"But why...you used to play with us all the time" She said with a small pout on her face.

That's so cute....

"Well last time i played with them i kicked all their butts" I said with a sheepish smile

"So they are afraid to play with me"

"No no excuses , now come with me" she dragged me along with her saying that.




In the afternoon

"Phew that sure was exhausting she dragged me along for the rest of the time."

As i was thinking about it i saw my dad coming through the door to get me.

"Dad..? what are you doing here..?

what happened to mom"

"She went to meet a friend of her's so today i came to pick you" he said grinning.

"Didn't you have job today..?" I asked with doubt in my voice.

"Yeah, but i took a leave for the rest of the day"

"Cool let's go then" I sad as he picked my backpack and got into the car that was parked outside.

Heading home i decided that this is the best time to him about my training


"Yeah, what happened tenma" he said without taking his eyes off the road

"About my training , when will we start it"

"Well don't you think it's a bit early to start it..."

"NO NO it's not, i have to start training early if i want to be the greatest hero"

"Well training is needed , but you can't become a great hero with power only, you'll have to study very hard"

"It's ok i know everything they teach in school you know" i said with a thumbs up.

"Well you are right about that"he said after thinking a little

"Well ok then , what do you want to train first"

YESS finally "I want to learn kendo"

"Kendo...?" there was clearly surprise in his voice

"Where did you heard about that...?"

"aahhh....IIIII....... I heard it from fuyumi. She said Toya was learning it"

"Well kendo is certainly good , but are you sure you want to learn it"

"Yes...yes of course i want to learn it"

"Well.... i have a friend who runs a dojo, let me ask him"

When i heard him i was really excited . That's how i met my new sensei Hamada Tatsuhiko

He's a fairly old man about age an of 58 or 60 with a lot of scars over his hands and face.

At first he was a really grumpy old man but when you get to know him he's really a kind old man.

He always calls me boy and when i call him old man he gets really upset . Apparently age is a taboo for him.

Anyway mom was really furious at dad for training me at a young age and scolded him almost for a few hours.

But when i said i was the one who asked him she finally stopped the lecture.

Dad was really grateful to me for saving him.

But she still locked him out of their room for a few days and poor dad had to sleep on the couch.