
Tragedy and resolve

"That senile old geezer, he's out of his damn mind." I thought as I ran around the dojo in my sensei's house.

"Hmm who are you calling old again" a cold voice drifted off behind me.

"Crap , you read minds now...?"

"I don't need to read minds to know what a brat like you are thinking" He said slashing towards me.

I dodged two flying curves coming at me.

This my sensei's quirk.

It's called Slash.

As the name implies it lets him fire off an energy projectile.

If he uses it with his hand the attack would be a blunt brute force.

But if he uses it with something of a sharp edge like a sword , the attack would be highly deadly and razor sharp.

And right now he's using it with a bamboo sword to chase me around.

"Come on boy , you can do better this." he said as he fired a few more slashes at me

"Better my ass , don't give me that bullshit , you just want to have some fun don't you sadist old geezer."

"Woah, watch the language.

Kids these day goes learning these from who knows where" he said smiling faintly.

Well to be short this was my life for a couple of years now.

I'm 10 years old right now and studies in 5th grade.

Fuyumi still studies with me in the same class.

we have been pretty close and goes home since we both live in the same direction.

But rarely do it because I got to go for training in the old man's house.

Also Shoto was born we were in 1st grade.

Who is now four and just awoken his quirk lately.

He's pretty fond of me because I used to go there all the time.

But it's been quite a time since my last visit.

I think i should go sometime.

"What was first thing i taught you when you came to me

NEVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE OPPONENT " I shuddered as i heard a deep voice behind me.






"Sigh....you never learn do you." he said shaking the head slowly

"Guess we have been training a bit too hard ,

Ok kid you get a one week off , go rest your body"

"What...for real....!"

"Yeah it's bad when you overdo it. So go home and get your mind and body relaxed" The old man said in a sagely voice.

"Old man..... You too have a heart.....!"

"Now get out of here before i change my mind."

Without even wasting a second i storms out of the house.

"That kid , what was that i felt during my last attack , it felt .. so ominous.....


maybe i'm just getting too old."

"Phew.....that was close ... i nearly released the mark.."

This was something i found out during the second year with my sensei.

All the injuries i got during the trained were healed by absorbing the darkness in night.

When i woke up in the morning i felt my body more stronger for a reason.

And a new type of energy very similar to hellblaze.

At first i could only draw out the dark energy with the size of a rice grain.

But after that incident the rate of the absorption of my body had increased.

So after another year i could finally draw out enough at the size of a football and when i used it on my body instead my eyes turned black and the demon clan mark appeared in my fore head.

This was a huge boost for me. It nearly doubled my overall strength and fortified my other quirks.

Sadly i still couldn't form any weapons or constructs with it yet.

Since i got a leave for the rest of the day i decided that today i'll give a visit to fuyumi.

So sprinting from my master house i took the side walk and hurriedly headed toward the todoroki residence.

After a few minutes i reached my destination and rang the bell.

Usually when i ring the bell auntie or fuyumi would come open it fast.

But today i had to wait a few minutes , till i heard footsteps and natsuo opened the door.

His eyes were red and swollen. So he clearly was crying.

"Natsu.....what happened ....? why are you crying....?" I asked as he was at the verge of tears.

Seeing that it was me he hugged me and started crying again.

"Hey what happened.....? Don't cry...where's fuyumi"

But he still was hugging me tightly and sobbing. After some time he finally stopped crying and explained what happened to me.

Apparently they had taken shoto to his quirk apprehension test and found out that he had a fusion of both the parents' quirks.

After this Endeavor started training him harshly and auntie was against it .

It's been a few days like this until she snapped yesterday and poured boiling water on shoto's face.

Due to this she was put in a mental asylum by his father.

"I knew this.....I knew this would happen , even though i promised myself that i would save them of this fate , i failed." I thought as several memories flashed through my mind.

"Of course... , that's why she was so out of place lately."

"And i was here thinking about training to get stronger all the time."

When i was thinking about it fuyumi also came to see what's happening.

"Tenma...! , what are you doing here?"

"What do i need a reason to see my friend..?" I walked in as saying.

We went to the drawing room and sat there.

Natsuo had already fallen asleep crying by now.

"I'm sorry.." I said

She was a bit startled "Sorry...? for what..?"

"I knew something was going on , but i was so focused on my training that i.."

"No.. it's not your fault."

"It is my fault , what friend am i , if i can't even help you when you needed it most....." I said as looked up ,

There were tears in her eyes as she said "Thank you.." and started sobbing hugging me

"Don't worry , i promise you that one day i will fix all of this." i said with a determined face.

After some time she cooled down and had a deep red shade on her face

"What happened fuyumi , don't tell me you have a fever" i said touching her forehead to see if she had a temperature.

But she jumped backwards with even more of a blush on her face.

That's when i realized that she was hugging me all the time. So i too had a deep blush on my face.

After an awkward silence , we talked about her mother's and shoto's condition a bit more before leaving.

And when i was about to exit opening the front door there was a big red headed man with muscular physique and a flame mustache in front of me.

The current number two hero ,

Todoroki Enji .aka Endeavor

Hey guys phantom here,

I actually forgot to put something here and just published the chapter.

Anyways this chapter centers around the charector development of mc and such so no big plot twist or something here.

So that's all please enjoy


N0rma1creators' thoughts