
New home , New life

After a few days we came to my new home.

It's mostly a normal building if not for the training dojo in the center courtyard.

And it's quite big.

Mom and dad are apparently heroes. Yesterday present mic and erazerhead came to our home.

Can you believe it.

The Real Thing.

present mic is really funny, he calls me "little listener"

even though he's loud sometimes.....or most of the time.

From the moment we came here dad has never left me.I think he's really doting. He can be an airhead sometimes and gets scolded by her he's really a good person.

And he's got such a cool quirk too. It's called 'Hellblaze' yeah i know the old man did a lot of work on this.

Well anyway it's cool. Long things short it's a black lukeworm flame that does not have any temperature but it burns away anything it's on. It's a really scary power becacuse if you lose concentration it will consume the user itself.

And mom's quirk is actually called 'Reflection'. Basically it can reflect anything coming from outside.

The catch is that when she uses it even light , sound , and even air is reflected off her.

Yeah that right it's like mirio's quirk , when she uses it she can't see hear or breath. Even so she made it powerful .

Yeah she's awesome.

Well enough of all that stuff, i'm really adapting to this very fast

I really like this family, it makes me feel very at home.

Even so becoming a baby is tough.

My activities are just sleep, cry, take a shit, and repeat.

That's right , that's all of my activities.

Well breastfeeding was really uncomfortable at first.

You know i'm not a child inside okay. But i think i managed somehow i think

my mentality is also slowly matching my age.

Well now it's been 6 months

I've already started crawling and stuff

and right now i'm trying to stand by holding onto the handle of a chain.

"YESSS After months of sweat and blood (actually no blood) i have succeeded."

As i stand there enjoying the pleasure of standing once more i heard a sound behind me


and i see my mom standing there dropping a bowl looking at me


so i stared back too *STARE*





Yeah that was pretty awkward staring at each other and suddenly she screamed


and dad came flying like prince here to save the damsel in distress

"WHAT HAPPENED WHY AR....." that's when he saw me standing.

again an awkward silence.

And then both of them practically screamed at their limits


Since it became like this decided to drop another bomb on them.







After hearing that too their brains essentially shut down

It was a scene to see.So hilarious.

"He talked.....his first words were mama...YEAH..." Mom was on cloud nine right now.

Dad was also happy

But i think he was disappointed that i didn't spoke dada first

So I being a good child decided to help the poor soul and called


Hearing that he was too happy that he went outside and told all the Neighbours that i spoke earning an earful from mom for acting like an idiot.

Well i guess this life ain't that half bad.

But What i'm really looking forward to is my fourth birthday so that my quirk may manifest.


"Today i met a new person."

Usually since i'm a child i can't go outside.But since now i can walk slowly i decided to spend my time by the window.

It's really hard to move in this small body you know.

So it took couple of minutes for me to get to the window.

"Aaah the gentle breeze and sunlight just perfect"

That's when i found my new best friend.

He was walking by infront of our house with some disbehaved hair and a dirty body

Suddenly he looked at me , started to cry with pleading eyes.

I felt so bad i told him to come in using my baby language.

"comeeee baaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaa" and gestured him to come in.

He slowly started walking in my direction. And when he got near the window i was in he jumped inside.

Since he was hungry i gave him the cookie dad bought to eat from the couch.

After playing with me for sometime he went back outside the same way.

And this continued for sometime that it became our routine.He would come inside and play with me

Then i would give him food,after that he would go back.

Until one day since mom had been noticing the disappearance of food from our house everyday.

So they both decided to hide and see what was going on.

Like usual dad had gone for work and mom was outside or so i thought.

He came through the window and we played.

But when he going to go they came out and caught us red handed.

So when they tried to take him outside i didn't let go and started to cry..

But mom and dad was adamant on throwing him outside so i had to use my ultimate trumpcard


"Nishishishi no one can escape my ultimate jutsu.

Behold my cuteness

Worship this lord Tenma"

HA HA HA HA........

And that's how we got out pet cat Tora.