
Conforntation and a new threat

"Endeavor....." I said growling.

"What are you doing here boy...?"

"What , can't i come to meet a friend to see how's she doing...."

"Since the one whose responsible for that is not clearly doing his job right. " I said earning a questionable look from him

"What are you implying boy...?"

"You still playing fool or are you just really a fool..?"

"You ..."

"Hold it right there. Which parent would leave their children home alone without even someone looking after them."

"That's none of your business boy. "

"Hell yeah it is , you make your youngest son do training which is clearly not suitable for his age ,

when he should be out playing..."

Before endeavor was upto say something i cut himself and continued

"Drove their mother to a mental breakdown , ignored other children and such , do you know what would happen to you if SOMEONE put a charge against you for this...?" I said with almost an evil grin

on my face.

"Tenma , you shouldn't ..." I heard fuyumi's voice from behind

"Stay out of this fuyumi , i wont watch you suffering anymore."

"Running after the symbol of peace , did you fall somewhere endeavor cause this is not the attitude of a hero at all. "

"You are not a hero , Hero is a title reserved for those who perform truly great feats!

Who would you save if you can't even save your own family."

"I turned around and told fuyumi "If something's up ring a bell , okay"

She slowly shacked her head and looked down.

Ignoring the big flaming man who was staring at me i went past him for the door and said when i reached his back

"And shoto is not you too , stop being so pathetic and stop pushing YOUR weakness on him" and opened the door going out.

Walking along the road i thought "Sigh .... i wish he would give it a thought. If it's this early then maybe i can get rid of shoto's daddy issues."

Meanwhile in todoroki residence.

A stunned Endeavor could be seen at the door

"What the .... hell just happened?"

"Did i just got reprimanded by a child ... a brat of all things..!"

"How dare he say something like that to me....." He thought recalling what the kid had said to him.

"Me .... a fake.....was i wrong all this time...?" That's when he saw his daughter looking at him from the hallway.

"Go inside right now...I have to think something" He said with the last part almost in a small voice.

But she still heard it.

Nodding her head she went back into the room slowly leaving the number two hear alone in the hallway.


When i got home i explained what had happened with the todoroki family , and boy they were furious. Especially mom .

During the last few years she had forged a strong bond with aunty rei and all the kids.

They were adamant on reporting this to the authorities first . But i told them it would only worsen their life right now , after giving it a thought they had agreed that to do what we could right now.

Fuyumi didn't show up in school monday . So i was worried something happened and called her. It happened to be that natsu had got a cold, so she was staying behind taking care of him.

After that day she did really showed up in school. And she was doing somewhat right too.

Looks like endeavor did really considered what i had said to him , must have been a massive blow to his pride seeing a child speaking down on him.

He decreased shoto's training difficulty and even took them to see their mother in the hospital too.

And according to fuyumi , it was a very awkward meeting none of them said anything first until natsuo broke the ice and talked to her.

The kids really enjoyed meeting their mom and she did too i guess.

We had gone to visit her too , she nearly cried and explained alot of things to my mother. They had talked very much.

"Maybe this might work after all " I thought staring out of the window in our classroom until a chalk hit my head.

I suddenly woke up from my daydream and looked around seeing all other laughing and the teacher was glaring daggers from the front at me.

"Che , it was such a cool scene." I thought as standing outside the class as the punishment from my teacher.

After some time the classes ended and the teacher walked out of the door saying "don't repeat this"

or something.

And the kids were pouring out of the class in a hurry to reach their home faster.

I entered the class and saw no one there .

Sighing walked toward my seat and took my bag and got ready to go home.

That's when i felt a hand on my shoulder a turning around i saw fuyumi standing there with a smile on her face.

"Why did you do that , you idiot." He said acting a little angry.

"Meh , the classes are too much boring for me" i said with lazy tone.

"Sigh , you need to study hard or you'll be left behind you know" she said walking towards the door.

I stared at her still with a care free look on my face.

"Looks like you won't learn , why do i even try." She said earning a chuckle.

"Don't just stand there , come on we gotta go home."

"Yeah yeah" .

"Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe ...., but this does put a smile on my face." I thought with a smile.

{Author : See what i did there}

"Come on or i'll go with out you...." A yell came again from the outside

"Jeez , wait a sec i'm coming."

Meanwhile in a secret hideout

"Who's there..." A masked man with tubes coming from all his body and visibly no face asked facing a dark corner.

"No need be alert all for one because i'm not your enemy. Or should i say ******* ************"The shadow said.

"How do you....." the leader of villains was certainly shocked but got his composure back fast and asked

"What do you want ?"

"He he as expected of a leader , i came to give you some information today." paused the shadow before continuing

"I heard you're fond of collecting quirks , i know some power full ones if you want me to give you info of"

"What do you need in return"

"Ha ha ha still not a spec of hesitation i see , my request is simple i need you to kill someone"

"Hmm okay then , what shall i address you "

"Ha ha ha i don't have a name , i'm just a nobody if you want call me shadow."

"Very well , we shall speak about the deal then .....




Finally complete phew...

Hey guys Phantom here,

Sorry for the late update , i had college today and stuff.

I still know this one is like a filler but i needed to complete the connection you see.

Don't worry since you'll see some real action soon.

So enjoy.


N0rma1creators' thoughts