
Born again , How dare you slap me

It all began in the town of Qing Qing, China.

With the news of mysterious "Luminescent Baby!"

Shortly thereafter these strange phenomena popped up all over the world.

The trigger for these newfound powers was never determined,

But it was theorized that this is the next evolution of human kind.

What was once extraordinary, become ordinary....

and dreams became reality.....

Out of the planet population, around 80% have developed unique abilities called quirks

Humanity had entered a new age - a society of super humans!

And in this world whirling in chaos.

A certain profession that people used to aspire only in daydreams stepped into limelight

A HERO!!.....

Musutafu city hospital labor room



Looking around , bright light penetrated into my eye making me blinded

("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah my eyeeeeeeeeee.....")

"Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he huewwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee"

"The hell happened to me i'm a baby again...????"

Starting to look around i saw doctors and nurses moving around a women who appears to be my mother is laying on the hospital bed and a fairly muscular man with jet black hair and emerald eyes is looking at me with a happy expression and tears in his eyes.

"Oh so he should be my father."

Seeing me go quiet panic could be seen in the nurses eyes. She took me and slapped hard on my butt.

("Owwww what the hell lady. Get your hands off me. How dare you slap me")

"Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Then the nurse took me wrapped in a towel and handed me to my new dad saying

"congrats sir, its a healthy baby boy"

"Look kyoko we did it....

I'm so happy...."

"Hai Hai yamato i know. Don't drop our baby okay" She said smiling gently.

"Drop him..! No way i would drop him ....he's my little hero"

he said while smiling like an idiot.

"This guy is my father.....well he looks like a happy go lucky person....and ...fairy handsome.





O.K he's an ikamen.

While i was in thought i heard my mother saying

"So what are we gonna name him...."

"Well you lose the bet , i will call him Tenma ...

Matsukaze Tenma." said my father.

"what i got my same name again....????

Looks like a certain while haired geezer did some meddling."

"Yeah... it's a good name...,way better than those you proposed before "Mom said thinking a little bit.

"Hey those were good too you know"

"No they were not "

"yes they were"







"AHA didn't i told you, i win " she said smugly.

The doctors and i were stunned by their performance.

"Ahem...Now sir can you please go out and wait.Both of them will be soon moved into a room."The lead doctor said clearing his throat.

Hearing that my father laughed sheepishly and hand me over to mom on the bed

Then went out of the room humming a song after giving a kiss on mother's fore head.

"Well someone's really excited , or i have been born into really weird family." i thought as tiredness crept over me and i started to sleep."


(Dad POV)

"i'm finally a dad...! "

As soon as i saw my son my heart started to race. It was just like when i met kyoko for the first time.Was i too weird. Nah it's just natural ."

"I mean just look at him he's so cute .That small strand of blond hair just like kyoko and emerald eyes just like me . I'm sure he will grow up to a fine young man."

"Sate sate sate

Now whom shall i call first....Enji.....mah no he still didn't tell me about his daughter's birth i'll call him later ....maybe shota....nah he'll be too busy to listen to me now...I know... i'll tell hizashi first if it's him he might even tell everybody else."

Thinking that i picked up my phone and called hizashi

"Yo hizashi ..."

"Yamato....did you miss me bro...."

"yeah i...."

"It's been an age since you called me"

"aah about that.."

"Don't tell me you forgot us bro...UNCOOL"



"I got a child..."

"WHAT...what are you gonna do with it....?

Don't do anything stupid, don't you know that it's illegel for heroes to do such things"

"It's mine you dumbass....."

"You mean you and kyoko ....."

"Yeah it's our child "

"Wow that's so cool , wait a sec i'll be right there to see the little listener"

*Cuts the phone*


"But you don't know where...."

And he cut off the call,

i think i made a mistake calling him.

I should have just called shota ...sigh....aah well no point now.

Yo guys phantom here,

And that's it for the second chapter.

It might be on the small side but trust me i have alot for the coming chapters.

So that's all


N0rma1creators' thoughts