Well, AHAHAHA, I have Reincarnated to the Word of My hero Academia, I know you know it, You wouldn't be here if you didn't ! and guess what ? I have the power of fate servants, and I have fused bodies with Senji Muramasa, and Shirou Emiya, yeah, Not confusing at all ahahaha, anyway, I will be the Strongest hero, there is no debate, but, How long will it take ? Well if you want to know why not give this story a Try !
"What does that mean?" Izuku blurted out, looking around him in frustration. "Calm down, it's your fault," Izuku continued, growing angrier. "You're blaming ME?"
Muramasa was taken aback by his reaction and said, "Listen, it isn't entirely your fault. When you tried to use your power earlier, you unintentionally summoned a horde of servants instead of a single one, and your body couldn't handle it."
Izuku gradually calmed down and asked, "And that's what destroyed my body?"
"Yes, it was too much for your body to handle," Muramasa confirmed.
Izuku sat down on a nearby public chair and said, "But that still doesn't explain why I now have your appearance?"
"It seems you haven't fully understood your abilities yet. When you use your power, you summon a servant, usually randomly chosen but fitting for the situation. In this case, it was me, someone who needed to save you," Muramasa explained.
Rubbing his temples in confusion, Izuku replied, "I still don't get it."
Muramasa let out a sigh and continued, "When your body exploded, I granted you my body to keep you alive. From now on, you will use my body to channel your powers."
Izuku finally grasped the implication of Muramasa's words and expressed concern, "What? What about my mom? She will freak out!"
"You can convince her that this is your ability. In this world with powers and quirks, people are more accepting. They won't mind much," Muramasa reassured him.
Izuku released a sigh, realizing he needed to adapt to this new reality. "I see. Well, thank you for saving me, and I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I guess we'll have to share our bodies now, right?"
Though invisible, Muramasa's voice sounded apologetic as he said, "I'm sorry, Kid, but this will only last for three minutes. After that, I will leave and never return. You'll have to learn and adapt to my body on your own."
Izuku was shocked but accepted responsibility, understanding that he was partly to blame for losing control of his powers. "But what about you?"
Muramasa reassured him, "I'm already dead, Kid. That's what heroic spirits are. And I won't return to the throne of heroes either."
"But you will still return to the throne of heroes, Right ?"
"Not anymore Kid, Listen don't blame yourself, it was my choice, I did something very bad in my past, so I wanted to help someone as a way of repenting for that, although you're a bit scary, I can see the power of a hero in you, don't fret over me, use my power with honor, and grow stronger, achieve your dream, and well...create your harem, HAHAHA"
Izuku couldn't help but drop a tear, he met this men ten minutes ago, but what this man has done for him couldn't be repaid in years let alone few minutes, so the only thing he could do is honor the man, and use his powers and appearance to be the strongest
"Thank you, Senji Muramasa, I would have died if not for you, I will honor you, and achieve my dream, goodbye"
"Goodbye Kid and Good luck"
Izuku listened to Muramasa's last words as he left his body, and he got smaller, almost the same as his height when he was in Izuku's body, Izuku kicked a rock, and then went back to his home with a sad expression on his face
With only two minutes left, Izuku returned home with a sad expression. He noticed police officers around the place, and he thought, "Mom probably called the cops."
He knocked on the door, and when his mom, Inko, rushed out, he greeted her. The police officer seemed confused, thinking he wasn't the real Izuku.
the officer looked at Izuku and said "Hey, Kid, You live here" Izuku looked at the police man and responded "Yes, sir"
"Oh thank god, your mom is worried about you, don't go around at night okay, there are villains in the night, you could get hurt" Izuku nodded his head as he tried to look innocent
The door than opened up as Inko came out rushing out "DID YOU FIND HIM, did you find IZUKU ?"
Izuku looked at him mom and said "Hey" Inko looked at the reheard kid and said "Who is he ? this isn't Izuku"
Izuku who remembered he had changed his appearance got shocked as he said "Hey, hey, It's me, mom, it's me!" the police officer was surprised as he said "Ayy, did you lie to me Kid? you think this is a joke !"
Izuku held his hand and waved them left and right saying "No, No It's me, I have a quirk! It changed my appearance" Inko looked at the kid and said "The doctor said that Izuku is quirkless" Izuku smiled and said "And what did I tell you mom? His a goo brain, Anti-Vaxxer, It's me! mom, it's me " hearing her son's words Inko smiled and said "IZUKU ! come here my baby, Oh I thought I lost you"
Inko hugged her son a big hug, as he almost suffocated on her breast, he then smiled ad said "I'm here mom, Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you mom" Inko grabbed her son and then brushed his hair and said "why did your quirk change your appearance? you're a red head now! Can you go back to your original appearance?"
Izuku dropped his head in apologetic manner as he said "Sorry, I can never go back, I know you loved my old appearance, because I looked like you, I'm really sorry mom" Inko smiled as she once again hugged Izuku and said
"Don't apologize, I love you Izuku, not your body, You're my dear child, I would never hate you, I love you Izuku" Inko embraced him and said she loved him no matter what he looked like.
Izuku Smiled as his worries about being hated for his appearance washed away and he said
"I love you too mom!"
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