
My Hero Academia : The Symbol of Power

Bakugo is a reincarnate? Not exactly..someone's soul and Bakugo's fused and give life to something new...someone new... His quirk got an upgrade? Because of his unusual soul..he gets some new powers.. Read to find out more and watch him try to become the no.1 hero and becoming the Symbol of Power... Will he be sucessful? Or will he fall short and die early.. ______________________________________________ +Image nor MHA is mine +It gets better as the chapters go and you can see my improvements.

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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73 Chs

Chapter : 43 The Earth is round

(3rd POV)

"A disaster relief hero cannot compare to other professional heroes it seems" The villain's voice held amusement.

His mist like body was slowly sucked towards Thirteen but he was not afraid. "A pity, considering your quirk" The villain opened a portal in front of him and he made the other portal appear behind Thirteen.

"Ahhh!!" Thirteen roared as she was ripped by her own quirk,half of her suit was shredded.

"Thirteen!!" "Sensei!!" The students shouted in panic. Thirteen fell on the ground like a puppet with its string cut off.

They rushed towards the Hero and they try to nursed her unconcious self.

The students found a small girl inside the big suit. The suit was much larger than her so her body looks mistly unharmed. [Author : HAPPY!?]

They have no time to think about the fact that their sensei was a small girl. Ochako nursed her while Sero and the others stood guard infront of her.

"How unfortunate one of you escaped, it seems that we have to make a change of plans" Saying so, the villain disappeared much to the relief of the students.


[Central Plaza]

A portal formed near the fountain where Shigaraki stood, watching over the fight between Aizawa and the villains.

His eyes were focused on the hero, analyzing everything noticeable, and theorizing the unnoticeable

"Kurogiri, Is Thirteen dead?" Shigaraki questioned without even looking at him.

"He is incapitated...unfortunately some students managed to escape" Kurogiri answered in a monotonous tone.

Shigaraki paused for a moment, before he slowly turned his neck around.

His eyes bleed out with anger, the surrounding was oddly chilly. "Are you messing around with me?"

Getting no response, Shigaraki concluded that it was true, "he..hE...He..HE..Hahahaha" His coarse laugh was filled with madness mix with insanity.

"..If you are not our ticket home, I would've turned you into ash"

Pausing for few seconds to calm his anger and to think through the situation, he spoke "If the pro heroes come here, then we are screwed. The plan has failed."

Silence prevailed for a moment before he continued "If we cannot kill All Might, then we should at least complete our other objective" He gestured a Villain to come to him.

"Connect me with the Devil." The vilain nodded to his order and touched Shigaraki's head.

Soon, he felt a connection with the target. "Hellspawn, the plans have changed, the heroes are comming..." he spoke some more things to Hellspawn.

"If you truly wish to be free...kill the brat" Shigaraki slapped the villain's hand away from his head and cut off the communication.

"Kurogiri, right after the kid's dead, warp him to Master. You have to hurry and make sure to deliver the corpse before his cells die" He looked at the yellow curve of the mist villain.

His Master can steal the quirks of other people but the person needed to be alive.Not alive but his cells need to be alive

The cells of a body only die out after 5-20 minutes after a person's death, so if Kurogiri can deliver the corpse of the kid right afyer his death. Then his Master will still be able to steal his quirk.

"Do not fail again." His words carried a heavy threat.

"Understood" Kurogiri warped himself to the Colapse Zone and gaze at the ongoing fight between Hellspawn and Bakugo from a faraway building.

'Is Hellspawn..losing?' He thought to himself as he take in the sight of the fight.

Hellspawn was suppose to be the perfect counter to the kid. They were sure that he could kill the kid easily. But now..

"What is going on?" Kurogiri muttered in confusion.


(Hellspawn 3rd POV)

'What did they feed the kids these days?' he thought to myself as the kid overpowered him in every way.

'Can't believe a student like him is this strong. If kids like these are popping up frequently to be heroes, the villains really need to consider changing sides.'

'I would too if I did not plan on retiring after this.'

The kid shot forward like a rocket and they exchanged for him. He winced in pain every time the kid launch his attacks. But he ignored the pain and absorb wahtever energy he could from the attacks.

It required greatfocus and control to absorb the fleeting heats in the air.

Their attack canceled each other out and it sended them both back few meters

'Good thing I absorb all that thermal energy beforehand. Else I would have already died at this point' He gave himself a pat in the head for the earlier preparation.

He had absorb thermal energy as much as he could before the ambush. Preparation was always better, a thing he learned from Batm- his experience.

"What? Getting tired already brat?" He mocked the kid as he saw him deep in thought. His face showed that he was having an internal conflict.

"Too bad. I could do this all day." He said again, hoping to anger the kid and maybe find some opening because he honestly looked someone very easy to piss off.

But the kid still did not attack or lash out in anger as he thought. Instead the kid's face hardened. The look he had was something he was all too familiar with.

The kid seems to finally come to a decision. And it must be a big decisions because his visage, now showed a willingness to take a person's life.

It made him remember about the past, where he was in a similar situation to the kid. He also came to the same conclusion.

'Taking ones life to protect another'

"I don't have time for this!!" The kid yelled.

Then a grim determination was etched arcoss the kid's juvenile face.

He was too stunned and deep in thought, the next thing he knew was pain. And then he was already on the ground.

A foot landed in his head with the power of a mountain. It was strong, the attack broke his horns and unimaginable pain assulted his very being.

The next thing was on instinct, he blocked a punch and he blew away the kid with a flaming breath.



He stood up, picking up his thoughts.


The kid was ready to kill him now, he felt no hesitation on the attacks anymore.

He was conflicted, he would be killed if he continued the fight without the same resolve as the kid. 'Was he also prepared to kill the opponent?'

The answer was uncertain. Maybe his past bitter self will be more than willing to kill the opponent, but the 'him' right now was not too fond about the idea of killing a kid.

He was a better man now, 'she' changed him..at least he hoped so.



He just gave the kid an intense look before he felt a foreign thing trying to penetrate in his mind. He allowed it and a voice sounded in his mind.

"Hellspawn, the plans have changed..." he listened at the voice. He seem fine outside but a war was raging in his heart.

"If you truly wish to be free....kill the brat" The voice left...leaving his heart and moral in a turmoil.


Should he dirty his hands one last time?


Should he break the promise with her?



'In the end, I am nothing but what they see..'

He came to a selfish decision, he was willing to take the life of the kid for his wish.

In the end, he really was just another villain, willing to sacrifice others for the sake of his desire.


He looked at the kid again, and apologized in his mind. Burying the hesitation in the depths of his will, his eyes shone with the light of a cold blooded monster.

Finally, he opened up all the stored energy inside him. No more holding back.

He would finish him at all cost. He needed to do this, sacrifice this and kill one last time.

'For our future' a picture of a happy family appeared in his mind. A happy ending he knew he did not deserve. A treasure he could never hope to have.

But with all his wickedness, he wanted that happy ending. He will become the devil to have it. To be happy and start anew with her.



"Forgive me.." he whispered and shot forth.



"But for that..I will do whatever it takes."



"Die!!" I took to the sky and pushed myself down in a burst of explosion. I descend onto the villain like a meteor.

It was too quick for the villain, he can do nothing but put both hands up to block, hoping to lessen the force of my attack.

I showed no mercy for my opponent, My fist met his arms and the latter bend under its might.

His arm cracked, unable to take my attack head on. His right knee folded itself under the weight of my attack.

The ground shook in agony, a crater formed under him and cobweb appeared in its surrounding.

"Haaaa!!" The villain roared and manage to push me away. I landed few distance away and looked at my opponent.

"Ha...ha...ha.." His breath was ragged, each inhalation seems like a tough fight for him. His arms dangled around him, broken and in pain.

"Motherfucker." I grit out in a pissed tone as I saw the fighting spirit in his eyes, it overshadowed all his injuries.

His eyes held a raging desire to win, reminds me of Midoriya's. My enemy he may be, but I acknowledge him as much as I hate him.

I don't like villains in general. They are pathetic and weak.

Unable to even defeat themselves and giving themselves to evil. They are people who cannot move forward and feel sorry for themselves.

Choosing the easy way out of problems. Not brave enough to challenge the world and not strong enough to face reality and break under it. Those are what villains are..

People who brood about the the cruelty of the world or worse, people who only cared about themselves and are bad for the sake of being bad.

And many more types of villains are there, the edgy avenger, the power hungry bastards, the one who thinks he knows best for the world etc.

But to sum it up, villains are just pathetic bitches.



'At least that was my belief until I met this guy..'

But seeing him so determined, I refuse to call him a pathetic bitch. Maybe my beliefs were wrong.

My opinion could be biased since our world is a superhero world, and I grew up kind of admiring heroes and hating villains.

"Bakugo!!!" My thought was cut short as I heard a call from behind. I turned around and saw my fellow classmate who is muscular and wore yellow costume.

His name was Sato, I remember him quite well because he was one of the nicest guy I met. He was also very honest, like a big baby.

...And finally, its because of his thick lips that looks like a pig's vagina.



No no..the reason I remembered him is not only because of his vaginal lips..As I said before, I remembered him because he was the nicest guy I know..believe me its not only because of his lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as he finally reached me. "I came to help you." was his reply

"That is stupid. You think I am some weak ass who couldn't handle a villain huh? " was my ungrateful reply.

"No no..of course not" he denied timidly

"Whatever, tell me what happened."

"We all got seperated by the Villain! But Ida managed to go out and call for help. Sensei-" He was cut off by an enraged scream

"Don't ignore me!!!" The villain leaped in the air, his fist in flames but it was not as strong as before.

"Look out!!" Sato pushed me aside, grit his teeth and his throat contracted, indicating that he swallowed something.

His body suddenly became more refined, his muscles bulged out more and they radiate more strength.

Sato swing his arm in a hook, hitting the enraged villain right across his face.

*Boom* the villain flew away from the force.

It was nothing impressive, the villain was heavily injured and he do not have enough thermal energy anymore.

During our clash, he was strong but as the fight go on he became weaker and weaker. Me barely using my explosions did not help so he did not have much fight left in his body anymore.

'No matter how much you try, everyone has a limit'

His body was not able to keep up with his determination. If he was the protagonist, maybe he would have plot armour to give him miraculous strength to keep up with his determination.

But sadly he was just an extra...No, extra seems a bit low to describe him...He was a bonus, yes that sounded better

"Hey, I'm gonna check on the other and search for more villains to beat up." saying so, I took to the sky.

I fly up as high as I could and looked around. Putting my power in my eyes, I enhanced my sight to a disgusting degree.

I saw Aizawa sensei still holding up well against the villains, Deku and the others travelling along the shorelines towards the central plaza.

Thirteen's injured body and the students surrounding it caught my eye. But I did not rush there as I saw no villains and I was better at hurting than healing.

My sight caught the sight of the mist villain warping away on top of a collapse building, he was gone before I could catch him.

'Was he spying on me the whole time?'

Then a sight that made my whole body boil with unadulterated rage greeted me.

My mind had no time to work, my body already exploded towards the Mountain zone.
