
Ch. 3 Preschool

( Haru Pov )

I'm five months old now, and I'm sitting on an old couch watching cartoons for kids.

' When will this suffering end!?' I shouted in my head as I couldn't look at the TV anymore.

Well, if there is one thing, I'm grateful it's that I don't have to use glasses to see anymore.

' Though my system hasn't appeared yet as well. Maybe a trigger should happen, or maybe it'll happen when I unlock my quirk.'

I looked at the baby rattle next to me as I tried to take it into my hands.

But my little snubs won't listen as I looked at my baby hands.

' I should also think of my future as well. Obviously, I could train along with my system, but what else should I do?' I went into deep thought as I didn't feel like staying in one place.

' Oh well, let's explore.' I looked around to find a way to get off the couch.

' My crawling skill has improved.' I thought happy with my crawling practice as I crawled to the edge.

' Seems pretty far... I don't think I could safely land.' I frowned as I looked at the old man sleeping on a nearby chair.

' Sigh, forget it. I'll just get some sleep.' I crawled back to my previous spot and laid on down.

I let my drowsiness take over as I stared at the ceiling.

' Please, let time move a little faster.'

( Sorahiko Torino Pov )

6 months later...

' Hmm, the kids are too calm...' I observed Haru, my students' child.

I looked at a book in my hand that explained the development of a child.

' It's almost a year now. This should be when a baby should be growing and develop some intellectual, emotional, and social changes.'

I looked at Haru's blank face as he moved a chess piece to capture my rook.

But a small twinkle escaped his eyes as he knew he'll win this round again.

' This book is bullshit.' I thought inwardly cursing at Haru's intelligent mind.

' This kid may be a genius, but I'm not losing to a kid.' I grumbled.

' Time to get serious...' I focused my attention on the board game as I started beating the brat.

" Lost..."

I smirked in victory as Haru accepted his defeat with a downcast face.

A few days ago, Haru was playing with a small puzzle but ended up completing it in a matter of seconds.

I continued to challenge him by bringing harder one, which led to this chess game.

I went easy on the first try, but this time, it appears he reaches his limit.

' Haru has a faster progress than any regular child.' I looked at Haru as he reset the board.

' This kid... there is no doubt about it. He's a prodigy. Sorry, Toshinori, but it seems your child's future can't be a normal one.' I thought as I looked at Haru who challenged me again.

I see the fire I'm his eyes as he waited for me to make the first move.

I sighed as I moved a pawn.

A few hours later....

' His motor and physical abilities have improved.' I thought as I looked at Garu walking around the house looking for something.

I looked at the TV watching a cliché hero movie.

Haru looked interested as he climbed the couch and sat next to me.

" Gramps..." He softly whispered.

" Hm?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

" I want to be a hero." He announced a she looked at the TV.

I then focused back on the movie.

" I see..."

' Maybe I shouldn't have watched this movie.' I thought with regret but also glad to see the young find a purpose.

I sighed as I thought of the future ahead.

' Hopefully, it'll be fine.' I prayed in mind as I spent time with Haru after the movie.

2 years later....

Haru had grown, he is two years old and his birthday is next week.

" Gramps..."

I turned to look at Haru, who was walking towards me.

" This..." he pointed at a flyer in his hand.

The flyer was advertising a bakery.

" Hmm... no." I refuse as Haru didn't give up.

With a small frown, Haru spoke again.

" They have...Taiyaki."

" Well, which didn't you say so." I picked up Haru under my arms as I walked towards the new bakery nearby.

We walked home slowly as i slowed my pace to match Haru's, who enjoyed his muffin.

We passed a playground as I noticed Haru stop as he looked at the children playing o. The playground.

" Hm? Don't you wanna play?"

" No." Haru replied as he continued to walk.

I looked at the playground for a second before shrugging and leaving with Haru.

' He's smart. Does he wish to spend time with his real parents?' I thought as I remembered the young couple pushing their child on the swing.

' Right, I'm sure he's curious.' I thought as I ate my taiyaki.

" Ah! That's right, Haru, you're going to school tomorrow." I looked at Haru's depressed face.

" No...." With a shaking voice, he tried to run, but I grabbed his collar and took him home.

" Old geezer..." Haru cursed.

The next day....

" Now remember to play nice and—"

" I know." Haru interrupted with a nod as he turned to look at the preschool building.

" Now get going. I want my freedom now." I kicked Haru, who gave me a peircing look before walking to the preschool.

" Ah~ finally, freedom..." I began walking back home as I realized how odd to not have Haru with me.

( Haru Pov )

" This again." I spoke to myself as I looked at the noisy children around me.

Every single one of them cried for their parents as the care takers tried to calm them down.

" It's okay, it's okay, your parents will be back." A caretaker tried to calm a child.

Once the kids calmed down, the caretakers started telling stories and doing puppet shows.

" Then the great Hero saved the princess from the tower and lifted the curse from the witch."

I watched the puppet show as there was nothing else to do.

" Woah!!" The children's exclaimed as the stroy captivated them.

' I think I'm dying... I can feel the urge to scream.'

I felt my patience running out as I sat behind the class.

' Maybe if I could show I'm at a higher level of intellect, maybe I could be bossted up to a higher grade!'

' Good job, me.' I thought of a perfect plan to achieve this.

( Gran Torino pov )

A few weeks passed since Haru was in preschool, and now I sit in front of his teachers and principal.

At first, I thought Haru must've gotten in trouble since I was called here.

" Mr. Torino...you're grandson, Haru, had shown excellent marks and academic ability." The teacher spoke as she looked at Hatu I'm distance who played with a rubics cube.

" Sigh, which is why we think it is best to have Haru skip a few grades as he has shown to read at a sixth grade level, which is praise worthy. All we need is your consent as you are his guardian."

I blinked my eyes a few times as I looked s

At Haru, who looked at me innocently.

' This little devil... he's already attracting attention.'

I sighed as I agreed. As Haru's guardian, I can't get in the way of Haru's future.

' I could support him. But in the end, it's his choice.'

" I agree, if Haru could continue studying the. That should be fine as long as he's comfortable with it.

" Hm." I could see the thumbs up Haru gave me front he corner of my eye.

" That is wonderful to hear, Mr. Torino. From a word of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Haru shall be attending at an elementary level starting next week as a first grader."

' A first grader....Haru will be studying with kids twice his age.' I nodded.

" Thank you for giving Haru this chance." I bowed as the principal smiled in response.

" No. The honor is all mine, to have a talent like Haru is an honor to teach and guide." She replied.

After filling a few paperwork, I took Haru back home.

" So how did you do it?" I know Haru is smart, but I was curious about how he could be able to convince his teachers.

" Their pay checks, if they could show results that a kid is capable of skip a few grades, then they would get a bonus."

" But they would try to keep you in their class to increase the grade average." I replied.

" The spelling contest."

" Ah." I nodded in understanding.

Kids at Haru's age could barely speak, let alone spell.

If he's able to win, then that'll show how talented Haru is and his teachers' lessons.

' Though Haru was able to learn by himself.' I had already come to terms with Haru being a prodigy.

' I wouldn't be surprised if he builds a rocket at home.'