
Ch. 23

( Haru Pov )

" Haha! We did it!" Haruto shouted as he slammed the contract on the table.

" we're finally going to make it big!!" He shouted, causing the rest of us to celebrate.

" Thanks to you, Fuyuki. If it wasn't for your negotiation skills..."

" It's fine." Fuyuki replied with a wry smile.

Hiroki gave her a thumbs up.

" Well, let's keep practicing!"

We continued to keep practicing as Haruto showed me ways to improve my guitar skills as well as my vocals.

Hanging with these people was an eye-opening experience to music and the industry.

Especially now. As our fame continues to rise.

( Haruto Pov )

I walked through the cemetery in silence.

It has been years since I've come back here, and seeing the familiar tombstone in front of me spark those memories again.

" ... father... sigh, I know it has been a few years since I have come to visit and... and... I know I failed as a son."

" But recently, I've been getting gigs. Can you believe it? Me?"

" I was too arrogant to receive your teachings, thinking if you could do it so can I. Yet I wasted so many years in doubt and never succeeded."

" Until... until I met my friends, especially the little kid. You should see him, he reminds me of you... I also gave him your guitar. If there's someone who's worthy of weilding such a beauty, it's him. Hope you don't mind."

I felt the wind picking up as I lifted my head.

It was getting cloudy.

" Sigh... I'm turning deaf... my quirk is finally catching up to me." I rubbed my throat.

" I could barely hear any sounds, I could only use my quirk to hear it. The sound waves... now it's fading... just like you told me it would."

I fell to my knees crying.

" I don't want to forget it. The music! Please! Help me!!" I received no reply, no help.

I realized I was alone as the creeping silence became more apparent.

The Soundwave that brightened my world now was fading away.

I didn't want to forget it. But most importantly, I didn't want to forget the music my father once played. The only reason I had kept playing was to surpass him.

But now I realized why Father became crazy.

The silence made him mad.

After a few minutes, I managed to calm myself as I stood back up.

" I... we have a gig tonight. And it might be my last..." I turned around left to prepare for tonight.

I felt my left ear ringing as I ignored it again.

( Haru Pov )

" So... what's up with your ear?" Emi questioned Haruto as he spoke about his condition.

" My quirk, Resonance, has damaged my hearing... so I might be playing a little off key-"

" And you're telling us now?!" Emi shouted as she stomped her way towards Haruto.

" What's the point of getting here?! Why now?!" She continued shouting, pulling his collar.

Hiroki was also confused as I stared at Haruto.

" I... I'm sorry. I didn't think we would make it all the way here. I wanted this to be my last chance to play, and I wanted it to play with you all even if we couldn't make it here..."

The room was silent as I decided to stand up.

" Well... This might as well be our last time playing together. We might as well make it memorable. " I spoke as I took off my glasses.

Haruto smiled.

" Exactly?!" He shouted.

" I'm in." Hiroki agreed as we all looked at Emi.

" Tch. Fucking assholes. Fine." She reluctantly agreed.

" Then let's go." Haruto smiled as he grabbed his guitar.

As everyone left the room I looked at my system.

It's been a few months since I plated with these guys and my system points have been increasing after doing mission and going into a few dungeons.

" Sigh. Well... this is for the best."

[ Eyes of Charisma ]

[ Progress 100% ]

[ 15,250 Sp to unlock ]

Killing monsters and completing small quest had led to this moment.

And I'm sure I'll be able to gather more in the future, but for now. I want to make it memorable for Haruto even if it's by using this kind of tricks.

[ Eyes of Charisma ] [ Lvl: 1/10 ]

( Description: Gives Subtle effects of influence and charm others. )

' This is basically mind control... but at least it's helpful.' I thought as I looked at the mirror.

My red eyes had a pink hue before covering it with the sunglasses.

This was to attract the audience more.

I walked outside and was last to arrive on stage.

" What's up, kid? Getting nervous?" Haruto asked as I saw the nervousness in his hands.

" Yeah." I replied as Haruto nodded.

" So am I." He smiled.

I smiled along with him as Emi started shouting.

" Ready?!" She asked.

We all nodded as Haruto started us off.

' Okay... Hopefully I have enough mana.' I thought as I covered my finger with mana and started playing.

( Haruto Pov )

I could hear it again.

That golden line of beautiful rythem.

It all came from Haru's playing.

The crowd tonight seemed to be more frantic than before.

They were cheering our name and most of it Haru's.

' I see... even though it was a short. It looks like my times playing is over.' I thought sadly feeling my whole body relaxing.

I didn't know why, but I felt like a huge burden has left my body.

' Maybe, It's you Haru. You can finish my father's dreams.' I smiled at the thought as I continued playing.

( Haru Pov )

' So this is the power of Charisma.' I thought as I saw the gazes of many people on me even though I glanced at them.

We played for hours and it seemed I reached my limit of mana as I felt the mana exhaustion take over my body.

" This is it." Haruto sat down against the wall.

I was lying on the floor tired to move a muscle nor talk.

" Yeah." Emi was sadden as well.

Hiroki was silent, and Fuyuki was on the phone with someone.

" Yes! This is... our last... gig." She spoke through tears.

" Yes. I understand." After that, she hung up and sat down.

Everyone looked at her as Fuyuki rested her hands on her arms.

" I think... I'll be quitting tomorrow." She said.

I was still lying on the floor, wondering what I should do next.

Doing dungeon runs, complete my school work or something...

" Come on. Let's go home." Haruto spoke as he stood up.

" Come on." Hiroki picked me up as we all walked into the van.

" Is that Little Haru!!"

" It's little Haru!!"

" Ugh." I felt depressed hearing that name.

We all entered the van quickly as Fuyuki drove.

" So, what are you guys going to do now?" Fuyuki asked.

Everyone was confused and shrugged.

" What?" Haruto asked.

Everyone looked at him as Fuyuki repeated herself.

" What are you going to do now?"

" What...?" He asked again as we all realized he couldn't hear anymore.

" Drive to the hospital." Emi spoke as Fuyuki immediately started driving towards the hospital.

In a few mintues we all saw Haruto in the hospital room taking a hearing test which he failed.

" It seems the auditory nerve and ear drums have been severely damaged..." The nurse reported.

" It also seems he'll need sign language class here." The nurse gave Emi a pamphlet that showed a sign language class.

" He could speak fine. It's just hell of having a hard time understanding everyone around him." We all nodded as we looked at Haruto.

" What?!" He shouted, confused.

I took a paper and wrote to him that he was shouting again.

" Sorry..." he whispered.

I sighed as I realized how troublesome this was.