
My Hero Academia: Reborn as Denki Kaminari (COMPLETED)

Reborn in MHA as Denki Kaminari. NO system or cheats. The only thing he has going on for him is his own ambition... Will he fly or walk? Will he be just another... side character... HE WILL NEVER ACCEPT SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!

HolyJoker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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112 Chs

Chapter 93

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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Chapter 93

Title: Meeting With A Doctor...


Time passed by like a butterfly in the wind, flying past Kaminari and he enjoyed every second of it… well, most of it at least. As he spent most of it playing games on his phone, all of them at super-speed while he saved people. 

Humanity is a race that keeps evolving and full of ingenuity, so Kaminari found a way to make work more fun. So he installed some games played at super speed and he can play them as his brain works fast.


He stood atop one of the buildings and looked down on the people below, walking about their day like nothing was wrong. Being so high up felt like he was looking at ants, but suddenly a small wind blew by and almost made him fall.

"It's gotten kinda cold lately." Thought Kaminari out loud as he looked up at the sky, or more correctly at a satellite just outside of orbit. Lately, he had gotten into the hobby of seeing what the government is up to.

His computer used all of the cameras in the city to find any crimes being committed or anything illegal. Of course, due to this method of search, there are some blind spots in his vision of the city, but he can be at any location in less than a second.

This was all due to him having access to the cameras and where people are in real-time. This way he created a pathway for himself to run on, of course, he couldn't even see or comprehend where he was going at this speed so it wasn't a viable method to fight in. 

He is currently playing some RPG game at super speed on his phone when he got a notification from his computer. It wasn't any crime report, just a reminder.

"Tch, I will have to stop playing now." He said, he was supposed to be working, but he played most of the time since crimes have been happening less and less every day. Nowadays he mostly just saved cats off trees and helped people who were about to get run over by a car.


[Work shift is over]

[New Record: 126 Cases Solved in One Day]

[Next: Visiting Children at the Hospital]

'Damn, I have to do that…' Kaminari forgot that he had to even go and do that. He doesn't mind kids being sick, he sees them on TV all the time but that is just a statistic that except a half-hearted pity will get nothing else out of him. But gazing at children when they are at the depth of despair and their sick-bodied, begging for life… that just makes his stomach turn. 

He wasn't some emotionless machine, he wouldn't like to see something like that. But if Kaminari wanted to have his fame build up so he had to do some things like this every now and then. 

Ever since he could remember he would wish that one day he could be as emotionless as he wanted for his goals. 'If only I could turn my emotions On and Off with just a switch.'

His mind was always working at super speed, so thoughts like this always come to the front eventually.

Though it wouldn't take long for Kaminari to arrive at the hospital. He waited for some trucks to arrive first so he was at the gates of a Children's Hospital, he had spent a huge amount of money on toys, hoping this would brighten the mood of the dying kids and his own too.

But while he waited there, many people noticed him and called over the Head Doctor.

"Hello there, Flash," the Head Doctor comes out to greet him. He was a tall man with slicked-back white hair and a gentle smile on his face. "I am glad that you came here to visit."

Kaminari looked at the doctor and smiled too. "When you asked, I couldn't say no to you Doctor Kanou."

"Hahaha," Doctor Kanou laughed once he heard that, "I will be considered a Hero myself for being able to get you to come here."

The man's easygoing nature made Kaminari chuckle too. "Well, what can I say, I am quite famous now."

Doctor Kanou nods at that, he too knew about Kaminari's rise to fame and even had some premium merchandise. He wondered if he could make Kaminari sign them. But doing that felt too rude to ask so in the end, he asked. "So why don't you come inside?"

"I am waiting for some toys, the kids will get them," explained Kaminari with a gentle look on his face. 

Once Doctor Kanou saw this he cannot help but feel like the Hero in front of him was quite the kind man.

"So how have your hands been?" Asked the doctor, worried as he looked at the bandaged limbs.

Kaminari saw that the doctor was worried, but reassured him by smiling. "Don't worry, I just get this heavy scratchy feeling every time I overuse them. But generally, it's okay."

Doctor Kanou felt relieved at that. He was the one who performed the surgery on Kaminari. He did so because the man in front of him was the only one to find his theory on Organ Transplant interesting. 

As a Doctor Kanou doesn't have a good reputation due to his medical book on Organ Transplant between Quirk users, for example, someone with a regeneration Quirk, if he donated a kidney to someone with a fire Quirk, would that person get enhanced regeneration or kidney improvement? 

Those were generally good questions to be asked in the science community, but due to the fragile environment of Quirks and their regulations, things like this are generally not talked about publicly so Doctor Kanou suffered a lot of backlash.

"Hmmm… that should be good then," said Doctor Kanou, "Still though, anything else shows up, you have to tell me since it could turn into a dangerous situation. I still have your original hands so we can reattach them back if anything goes wrong."

He was worried that much was obvious to Kaminari. Doctor Kanou is someone who thinks of him as a very good person, he knows that Kaminari is not a perfect Hero in reality, but he also knew no one is. What Kaminari is doing in the eyes of the Doctor is all for the greater good.

'I feel guilty for the world putting so much pressure on him,' thought Kanou, 'But sadly this is how things must be, Denki Kaminari, I will be the shadow to your legend. I will help make you into the Symbol Of Peace that this world needs, only you are qualified to stand at the top.'

Kanou is someone who had seen how Kaminari is, someone like him truly would make anyone feel safe and sleep leisurely in bed, without worry. So the Doctor's opinion was quite high of the Lightning Hero.

Plus, he was extremely baffled that Kaminari being able to use Overhaul's Quirk like this is nothing short of a miracle in his eyes. It's something that has such a low chance of success that it would be considered impossible, but for some reason, it worked on Kaminari. From his point of view, it was like destiny wanted Kaminari to be able to do this.

"Also, Doctor Kanou, can I ask a favor of you?" Inquired Kaminari, waking up the Doctor from his thoughts.

"Of course," agreed the Doctor, "As long as it's within my power I will help you with all of my being."

"Hahaha," Kaminari laughed uncomfortably, feeling that the devotion of Kanou was too high, "No need to be so serious Doctor. I just wanted to show you something."

Kaminari pointed at his thumb with his right hand and as soon as he touched it. It explodes into a mess of gore, but almost instantly it is reformed back once again.

Kanou's eyes turned wide as saucers in shock when he saw that. He knew just how much potential the Overhaul Quirk had, he still remembered the news about the big shot villain, but he never expected Kaminari to gain such control over the quirk in a short time. 

But he calmed down once he deeply thought about it. Kaminari was someone who is considered talented and even he couldn't refute that, the kid by just reading a book once he will be able to tell you the core of the subject about what was being talked about.


Of course, for Kaminari this was a whole other view on this thing as he just used his Electrification Quirk to speed up his thoughts, so technically he wasn't some kind of genius, just that he spent more time on things. 

So when Doctor Kanou looked at him like he was looking at the future messiah, it made him even more uncomfortable. 

"Amazing!!" Yelled out the Doctor, everyone in the hospital heard it, but they ignored him, leading Kaminari to believe that this happened quite often. "Simply amazing!! To be able to use a new Quirk at such a level! Even the original owner would have needed years to reach such levels."

"Hahaha, you are too polite Doctor Kanou." Politely interjected Kaminari. While one week might seem very little time for someone to master a whole new Quirk, but to Kaminari, that week can be turned into months? Years? Decades? Even he doesn't know how much time passes from his view of things.

This was a 'cheat' so to say as he can learn most things quite fast. But <Overhaul> Quirk had been quite easy for him to use as he already knew biology and chemistry at high levels so that helped with it. Simply, he already had the basics down.

Doctor Kanou was about to go on another rant, but Kaminari caught him before he did and put a hand on the man's shoulder. "Kanou, you are a great doctor, so I would like to make you an offer? This will make you famous too. Will you accept?"

Doctor Kanou is confused by this, he isn't exactly an ambitious man and is happy with what he had going on. 

But since he sees Kaminari's gentle smile he decided to accept. "Sure, I will leave everything to you."

"Kekekeke~" immediately Kaminari started laughing which concerned the Doctor with what the young man had planned and where did he fit in the plans.


A/N: Kanou is a doctor, and someone who truly admires what Kaminari is doing. From his point of view, Kaminari is the one and only person who can be the future Symbol of Peace. He doesn't see people like Endeavor, Izuku and such as people who can compete with All Might. There is a reason he was willing to perform the 'surgery' on Kaminari.