
My Hero Academia: Mineta's Redemption

What would you do if you were reincarnated as Mineta? Blake himself felt like he was cursed for having ended in this situation, he hated that character and thought that he was disgusting, but once he saw life through his eyes, something became clear and slowly but surely he started to understand him like he never felt he would.

RisingCaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


A few days later.

"Did you guys received your letters already?"

"Um. I passed." Yui nodded and took a sip of her milkshake. "Class 1-B"

"Really? Me too! Not only that I was also first in the ranks!" Awase smiled and showed the picture he took with his smartphone of the ranks showed in the video from the hololetter.

Minoru looked at the picture and nodded slightly. Their actions made quite a stir and they even become news after this information was somehow leaked, they were the first group of students in thirty years to do teamwork in order to pass the practical exam... Thankfully the journals only had their names and ranks, they didn't know their appearance.


"Congratulations Mineta shounen!" A ripped man smiled and gave him thumbs up. "And that's right, it was meant to be a surprise so U.A. didn't tell the media anything about it, but I'll be giving lessons at U.A. from now on!"

Seeing All Might like that was actually kind of thrilling, he really admired the man back in his previous life, and in this one, he was a true hero, putting his life in the line every day to defeat countless villains and save as many lives as his quirk allow him to.

For him, if there was a line dividing a hero from a soldier or a mercenary, that would be the meaning of what one does, heroes do not fight for their country, they do not interfere in military battles and are neutral in this regard, heroes only enemies are those who threaten peace and seek to harm the innocent.

Back in his previous life, the closest to this concept were the people that used most of their lives and resources to expose the lies and evildoings of the governments, the elite, and how they worked to divide humanity, putting men against women, black against white, ethnicity against ethnicity, culture against culture, religion against religions, religion against science, etc. Always making sure that people would never unite and fight under the same banner and threaten their hegemony.

"You passed the written exam with perfect grades, and also the practical test, here are the ranks!"


| 1ST AWASE YOSETSU | 50 | 45


| 3RD MINETA MINORU | 30 | 45

| 11TH KODAI YUI | 10 | 45

... ]

"I also want to apologize on behalf of the school, one of our teachers slipped up unintentionally the awesome things you and your two friends did in the practical exam, but don't worry, we threatened them with legal actions if they disclose more than your first name!

"With that said, shounen, welcome to U.A.! PLUS ULTRA!" All Might punched forward and smiled at the screen once more before the hologram turned off.

Seeing this, Minoru started smiling, it was the biggest smile he had ever had since reincarnating, a sincere and genuine one, he was really happy!


"We did really well thanks to that stunt." Minoru spoke with a small smile on his face, "I bet everyone was shocked after seeing what we did."

Yui stopped drinking her milkshake and closed her eyes. "We worked like real heroes."

Awase clenched his fists and stood up, he stepped on the sofa and then on the table and shouted with all the might his lungs could gather. "WE ARE FUCKING AWESOME! HAHAHA!"

And those were the last words their group managed to speak before being thrown out of the snack bar.

The rest of the day was spent literally doing just some leisure activities, if Awase hadn't invited him, he would probably be training at his laboratory or working out the logistics of his next contract, after all, he already published 5 books from Harry Potter series, and they were pretty much the only things sustaining him.

"Hey, Minoru-Kun, I wanted to ask you this sooner, but I forgot to do it, how the hell did you get so strong? Aren't those balls made of hair or whatever your quirk's supposed to be? Don't tell me you're one of those 'one in a hundred million' freaks with two quirks?"

Hearing this, Yui also turned to look at him and said. "That's right, I don't remember your quirk affecting your strength when we were kids, could it be that you didn't show me your other quirk at the time?"

Minoru smiled and shook his head. "That's not a second quirk, it's pure training. I have been doing everything I could do to get stronger in the last five years. I'm pretty much at the peak of what is humanly possible without 'cheating'." He turned his head to the side before speaking those last words, technically he surpassed what is humanly possible and he did that by cheating if you considered the serums as a cheating tool... However, they didn't need to know that.

"Eh? Is that so? Then I should start training even more than you! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to defeat you in battle with the level of strength you've shown during the exam even if I scored better than you. Damn you're too fierce!" Awase's face got serious as he smiled and clenched his right fist.

"I wish I could be strong like you guys." Yui silently commented on the side, her face was so cold that it looked like she was mocking them.

Minoru almost choked after hearing her words, damn, she could reduce and increase an object's mass and size and was speaking about being strong... Heck, if she ever manages to make her quirk strong enough to do this with skyscrapers or super-dense objects, she could be one of the most dangerous individuals in the world.

Once they arrived at the bust stop Minoru stopped and looked at his watch, it was time for him to leave.

Turning to the others, he smiled slightly and almost laughed seeing how Yui blushed whenever Awase got too close to her. He wasn't a specialist, but he could bet her heart was beating faster when he got closer.

"Well, I see you guys another time then, today was really nice."

"Haha, I see you later then, farewell Minoru-Kun!" Awase smiled at him.

"Bye-bye, Minoru." Yui waved her hand and left with Awase.

Seeing the two leaving, Minoru smiled and took the first bus that appeared.

Blake watched him leaving with a smile, however, after the bus disappeared far away at the horizon, he was still there, at the same place he once was. His face was somber, and his eyes were sharper than ever as he turned around and looked west, towards the sea, blue transparent energy wings bloomed from his back, and with a single jump, he started flying with extreme speed.

As he crossed Musutafu, memories crossed his mind, with each one his body seemed to crack slightly, as if it was about to break into tiny pieces, however, the blue energy of the wings got bigger and spread around his body like an aura, and slowly fixed the cracks.

"I wonder how much time do I have left, and if I'll succeed this time, to think that I would go back to this world once more... at least I finally heard my words." Clenching his teeth, he brought his hand towards his chest and frowned.


"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes, I have decided this a long time ago, just after my third death," Blake answered.

"And what does that means exactly?" The voice spoke with curiosity.

"The more you live, the easier it gets to see through your own mistakes, but when you're like me who made so many of them, who saw so many things, you can't help but question your own mental health." His eyes shined for a moment with a red shade before turning blue once more.

"Your soul was corrupted... Honestly, I'm very surprised, to think that you held your wish for so long just to make sure that it would be perfect. Although, I'm not very sure of your definition of perfect." The voice laughed.

"Shut up, you don't need to quest my methods."

"Why? Aren't we one and the same?" The voice asked.

"At some point, we became something else, and if there's one thing I know, is that I don't want my true self to go through this once again, the cycle created you first, then me, but now that I know where the mistake is, I can easily solve it, so long as I have enough time."

"Well, we did had many adventures, but I was still the first to do what you're about to do, so even then, we are pretty similar."

"Only in this aspect, look at what you become. So much power in a hollow shell, I could call you demon and they would curse me because you have long surpassed the power of attributing meaning of any word." Blake frowned and pointed at the void in front of him. "If I were to become something like you, I'd be better off dead instead."

"Hehehe! C'mon, don't be so harsh, the only reason this became possible is that in one of our reincarnations I grew in power enough to devour an entire universal law, you know very well that no god allows someone to reincarnate with their memories, you can deny my existence as much as you want, but without me, there wouldn't be you, HAHAHAHA!"

Blake frowned and shouted. "Shut up and just do it, you won't be affected anyway, so there is no need to keep wasting my time."

"Fufufu, very well then, good luck... 'Blake' haha, I hope you succeed, but make sure to remember that you have only one chance, no matter which stage you choose, once you succeed at making real contact, you'll have a limited time to do what you want. After all, split souls shouldn't even exist, and to where you're going I can't reach."

"Fine." Blake quickly answered.

"Tsk, you're no fun, farewell."


"Sigh... To think that I was really like that before, I do wonder how surprised you'd be if you knew the truth... 'Blake' haha... The beginning isn't where you think it is, Minoru." Blake squinted his eyes as he approached a swirl in the middle of the ocean.

Seeing that thing, he frowned, and after preparing himself for a few seconds, he extended his wings as far as he could as the energy in then got increasingly dense and his figure became semi-transparent.

"Let's see how much time is left." In the blink of an eye, his figure became blurry and he left countless after images behind as he entered the swirl.

In the middle of the swirl, there was a gigantic hole, he started flying downwards non-stop, the speed was such that he was even surpassing the water particles, making them look like they were slowly moving upwards.

After some time he arrived at a giant cavern that was kilometers below the level of the ocean, the place was incredibly dark, there wasn't a single source of light.

He closed his eyes for an instant, once he opened them again, they had changed to a red shining color and he could finally see through the darkness.

There in the middle of the cavern, a giant finger was coming out of nowhere, as if it had pierced the very fabric of reality, weird dark and white particles were coming out from the shattered space around the finger, and if you approached it and looked for enough time, you'd notice how the cracks were slowly getting bigger.

"Humph... I wonder what humanity's reaction would be if they actually discovered this... well, I did promise I would solve this, didn't I?" A Flash of familiar silhouettes he saw a few days ago, went past his eyes for a moment. Bitting his lips he looked at this finger with a frown.

"... I'm sorry I couldn't anything at the time... everyone... I swear I won't let that sacrifice be in vain." The silhouette of a woman appeared on his mind, black tears started falling from his eyes as the area around them started to shatter slowly.

The long black hair that was normally tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side was the only thing he could perfectly remember. He really missed her, at that time, he was such a brat, with no redeeming qualities, in the end, she ended up with Awase... 'Haha, in the end, you were the only one alone actually...'

"Minoru... If you only knew how much I sacrificed. This is probably the true meaning of redemption." He looked at the hole one more time as his body slowly disappeared from within the cavern.

I swear I won't be able to sleep if you guys discover who Blake was talking about and what is going on here, I have been working in this for so long, hopefully, it wasn't that clear, if you discover this, then congratulations, you're fucking Sherlock Holmes.

RisingCaoscreators' thoughts