
My Hermes System

A Speedster in a Fantasy World More than a thousand years ago, portals opened up in the world. Swallowing up the world whole with the vile creatures that came out of it. The humans struggled for years as their weaponry could only get them as far as fending them off. But everything changed when the first super human was discovered, a child that was born after the portals have appeared. From then on, the humans have discovered that there were others, and they all held the same power... A power that was known as the System. And those who were born with it were called System Holders. The System Holders, with their mysterious powers, were the ones who helped recover the world from the monsters, once again reclaiming it. And now, a hundred years later, a System Holder was born, the Holder of the Hermes System, the Gatherer of Souls.

Romeru · Fantaisie
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446 Chs

Chapter 172: The End of the World

"I know you are busy with your mortal affairs and I hate to intrude on your toils. But it is time for you to do your job…

...There's a message I wish sent."

Van could only stand still; watching as Hercules slowly approached him. He could run, but there was a chance that Hercules might just be able to catch up to him. He seems calm now, but he did kill Reed just because he started spying on him.

If Van was right, then this man is as strong as Charlotte… or maybe even stronger. He truly did not want to antagonize someone like that.

"Stop right there!"


Van's flickering thoughts were then disrupted as someone suddenly jumped in front of him. The silhouette's ash-grey hair reflecting the moonlight, almost reflecting a silver glitter through his eyes.

"...Miss Nisha?"