
Memory Land iv


Mr. and Mrs. Martin had opened as many doors as they could but still haven’t found Adewale and Adetutu. Mr. and Mrs. Martin became exhausted and decided to take sit and rest. As they were sited, Mr. Martin said unhappily to his wife ″I think we are all gonna die here″.

″Is death all you could think about right now because I don’t think we will die. If we are still alive since the day we got here what makes you think we will die now. We will get out of this alive with our children″ said Mrs. Martin to Mr. Martin.

″Is that supposed to cheer me up or what? Am so tired dear, I don’t think we can make it. We have been through many doors still no sign of the real them but scary memory of them. And all we have seen so far are the scary them and this is the last day″ said Mr. Martin unhappy and annoyed.

″I know but still, we can’t give up. We don’t even know how many hours we have left. I think it better we continue moving″ said Mrs. Martin.

″I know, but please let rest for some moment″ said Mr. Martin, then Mrs. Martin agreed.

As they continue siting, Mrs. Martin reminisced on all the doors they have entered then she remembered the first door they came across. Mrs. Martin crossed checked the first door with the other doors they have came across in her memories and noticed the words engraved on the first door are deeper than the other words engraved on the other doors then Mrs. Martin realized the first door must have been the right door. Mrs. Martin said to her husband ″dear, there is something I need to tell you″.

″Hope it is not we starting our journey back because am not ready for that right now″ said Mr. Martin, not wanting to continue walking.

″No. It’s about the first door we came across″ said Mrs. Martin.

″You mean the one I prevented you from entering?″ asked Mr. Martin.

″Yes″ said Mrs. Martin.

″What happened to it?″ asked Mr. Martin.

″The words engraved on it were engraved deeper than the other doors. I think that is the sign the shaman talked about″ said Mrs. Martin.

″Are you sure about this? I did not take a proper look at the door″ said Mr. Martin.

″Yes, I am. It is the right door and you prevented me from entering″ said Mrs. Martin annoyingly, and stood up.

“You can’t be sure that door is the right door because of some words engraved deeper on it” said Mr. Martin.

″It is the right door, am sure of that and you prevented me from entering. We have to get going now″ said Mrs. Martin.

″How do I know it’s the right door when my instinct said otherwise″ said Mr. Martin.

″I shouldn’t have trusted your stupid instinct then we wouldn’t have gone through all those trouble. Get up and let go″ said Mrs. Martin with anger.

″It’s not my fault″ said Mr. Martin as he stood up.

″It’s yours, just let.....″ said Mrs. Martin.

Mrs. Martin was cut short of words as she saw many Adewale and Adetutu running toward them. Mr. Martin also saw them and said to his wife ″I think we should get going now″

Mr. and Mrs. Martin both ran as fast as their legs could carry them, the memory Adewales and Adetutus also went after them.

Adewale and Adetutu came out of the 6th door smiling then they both sat down beside each other on the grass in the garden in front of the doors.

Adetutu felt sad concerning all what she saw from the 1st door to the 6th door about Leo and Deo, then she said to Adewale ″Leo and Deo really had an interesting and lovely life. They never leave each other during trouble and hardship time. But it just Leo was always the cause of her sadness and she wasn’t able to change him″.

″I wouldn’t go into conclusion about that ’cause it remains a door and that may have answers to all our questions″ said Adewale to Adetutu.

″According to all that we saw in that door, it doesn’t talks about one lifetime. It talks about different lifetimes which means, Leo and Deo had lived a different life for like a hundred or thousand years. And again they possess unimaginable powers. I don’t think we need to go into the last door, it shows they are not us but someone else. They only just look like us and we should stop deceiving ourselves. The doors are only full of their memories not what can help us get out of here” said Adetutu, worried and not wanting to go into the last door.

″I keep telling you we are here for a reason why don’t you just hold on to that? These six doors have told us how unbreakable their love and bond are. It also tells us that they are immortals who are always reborn. I am sure whatever is in the last door we finalize everything for us. who knows maybe even show us a way out of this place″ said Adewale.

″Am worried, A. We have no idea how long we have been in this place and we don’t know the kind of situation mum and dad will be in right now. I just want to go home″ said Adetutu worried.

″Am also worried and I want to go home but we are out of options here. We can’t find a way out you know that yourselves after looking through the whole garden only to find dead ends. I think these last doors can help us out of here″ said Adewale.

″Okay, but let’s take a rest before we go into the last door″ said Adetutu, and laid down on the grass looking at the bright sky.

Adewale laid down next to Adetutu and said to her ″I can’t get myself to stop thinking how you suddenly becomes gorgeous after five years. No wonder you hate video call″.

Adetutu smiled and said ″I never changed and are you saying I was ugly five years ago″.

″No, that wasn’t what I mean. You have always been beautiful to me. It just that I hardly recognize you now that you have become a lady″ said Adewale with a smile.

Adetutu smile and said ″you have also change. You seems more mature now and not that big head Adewale″, then they both laugh.

″You are really good at bad mouthing. Is that all you could remember about me? What about my look?″ asked Adewale.

Adetutu looked at Adewale and said to him with a laugh ″you face look like that of a fish″.

Adewale smiled and asked ″really?″.

″Just joking. You are handsome″ said Adetutu, then both smiled.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin ran for their lives to the first door as the memory Leos and Deos came after them. While running, Mr. Martin noticed the color of the piece of clothing on their wrist is changing slowly. Mr. Martin said to Mrs. Martin ″Honey, we don’t have much time″.

″I didn’t say we have much time” said Mrs. Martin to Mr. Martin, as they continue running.

″You might wanna check on the piece of clothing on your wrist″ said Mr. Martin.

Mrs. Martin looked at it and saw it has halfly changed color, and said ″holy Jesus”. Mrs. Martin said to her husband “we are running out of time and you caused all these″.

″It better to keep our mouths shut and save our strength so we can run faster″ said Mr. Martin.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin kept running till they got to the first door, they opened it and entered without even looking back then closed it back.

Not noticing their surrounding, Mr. and Mrs. Martin stopped running and stared at the door (catching their breath) thinking the memory Leos and Deos might enter then suddenly the door disappeared and that startled Mr. and Mrs. Martin but were relieved. Mr. Martin sat down on the grass breathing heavily and not minding his surrounding while Mrs. Martin looked around (also breathing heavily) and was surprised by what she saw.

Mrs. Martin said to her husband with a smile ″darling, I don’t think such a place like this exists on earth″.

″Would you please let me rest? I don’t even know if you are a man or woman anymore you don’t get tired″ said Mr. Martin exhausted.

Mr. Martin lay down on the grass to see the bright sky and was shocked then he quickly stood up and looked around him to see a beautiful garden with trees and his smiling wife.

Mr. Martin asked his wife ″Are we in the garden of Eden?″.

″Who knows? What a lovely place it is″ said Mrs. Martin with a smile.

″Yes, this is it. This is where they will be″ said Mr. Martin out loud happily, realizing this is where their children will be.

″What?″ asked Mrs. Martin, confused by what her husband said.

″Every single door we have entered none of them has such a lovely place like this. Am sure this is where our children will be″ said Mr. Martin to Mrs. Martin.

″Yeah, you are right. Let’s get going we don’t have much time″ said Mrs. Martin with a smile, realizing this is where their children will be. .

″But where do we start this place looks so big″ said Mr. Martin, as he looked around again.

″Let’s just walk″ said Mrs. Martin and began to walk.

As they began to walk, Mr. and Mrs. Martin checked the piece of clothing on their wrist and saw it still halfly changed color just then a glowing butterfly flew to Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin was surprised to see such a butterfly and stretched his right hand out then the butterfly stood on his hand.

″Darling take a look at this. It’s a glowing butterfly″ said Mr. Martin (with a smile) to Mrs. Martin .

Mrs. Martin saw it and said ″we don’t have time for a butterfly, let it go″.

″You don’t, I do. I must take it home″ said Mr. Martin.

Mrs. Martin stopped walking and looked at the glowing butterfly, Mr. Martin also stopped walking. Mrs. Martin said to Mr. Martin ″are you dumb or what? Have you forgotten your real body is with the shaman? How are you going to take it out of here? Let it go, we don’t have much time″.

″How dare you say am dumb? I don’t even care am taking it home. Guess how much we can make if we take it home. It will be the most wanted butterfly on earth″ said Mr. Martin with a smile.

″Are you sure you are alright, darling? We are rich for christ sake. Let the butterfly go″ said Mrs. Martin in anger.

Mr. Martin didn’t listen to his wife instead he tried to close his other hand on the butterfly but before he could, the butterfly flew away from his hand. Mr. Martin said ″no, no, no, you have to come with me″, as the butterfly began to fly away. Mr. Martin followed the butterfly and Mrs. Martin tried calling him back, but he didn’t listen.

″Sometimes I wish I could just strangle him. Darling your foolishness and childishness will get us killed if you don’t come back right now. We don’t need a fucking glowing butterfly, we need to find our children″ shouted Mrs. Martin to Martin.

Mr. Martin choose not to answer his wife and continued going after the glowing butterfly then Mrs. Martin had no choice but to go after him. Mr. Martin followed the butterfly while Mrs. Martin begged her husband going after him to come back with her but he did not listen.

While following the butterfly, Mr. and Mrs. Martin both sighted their daughter and son a bit far from them. Mr. and Mrs. Martin called out their names and ran toward them, but they didn’t hear them.

Adewale opened the 7th door and said to Adetutu ″are you ready for the last adventure″.

″Yes, I am″ said Adetutu with a smile.

″Ladies first″ said Adewale with a smile.

Just as Adetutu was about to enter the 7th door, the glowing butterfly flew to her. Adetutu smiled on seeing it and said to the glowing butterfly ″what a beautiful creature you are″, Adewale also saw it.

The glowing butterfly flew around Adetutu while she smiled then it flew toward Mr. and Mrs. Martin’s direction making Adewale and Adetutu looked toward their direction. Adewale and Adetutu saw someone running toward them but didn’t recognize who they were at first. As Mr. and Mrs. Martin get close to Adewale and Adetutu screaming their names, Adewale and Adetutu got a clear view of who they was and was shocked to see them.

″Mum, dad″ said Adetutu, shocked to see her parents.

Adewale and Adetutu both ran happily toward them. Upon getting to each other, they hugged. Mrs. Martin hugged Adewale while Mr. Martin hugged Adetutu and the butterfly danced around them happily.

They all separated then Adewale asked their parents ″how did you get here mum, dad?″.

″We don’t know how we got here. We have just been wandering around for a while now″ Mrs. Martin lied to her children.

″Same here. We also don’t know how we got here. We woke up and were here. I think we might all be dreaming″ said Adetutu, and they all smiled.

″So what have you guys been up to?″ Mr. Martin asked his children.

″Those doors″, Adetutu pointed at the seven doors, ″We have been going through them, it has all the memories of Leo and Deo″ said Adetutu.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin looked at each other and back at Adewale and Adetutu upon hearing what Adetutu said. Mrs. Martin asked her children ″who are Leo and Deo?″, pretending to have no idea about what they are talking about.

″We don’t know. But guess what mum and dad... they have our faces″ said Adewale.

″Your face? You mean they look like the both of you?″ asked Mr. Martin, also pretending.

″Yes, like we are twins. Adewale thinks we are in their memory land and maybe there are us which I don’t believe″ said Adetutu with a smile.

″For real?″ asked Mr. Martin.

″Yes, but it’s a maybe dad. Am not sure. Maybe you should come with us into the door then you will know why I said that″ said Adewale.

″They can never be you guys and we will love to come with you but we all need to leave″ said Mrs. Martin.

″Why and where are we going?″ asked Adetutu.

Mrs. Martin didn’t know what response to give her children and looked at Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin cut in ″she means we will be going into the doors later since we have got plenty of time here. But first, there are lovely places that the glowing butterfly will like to show us″ said Mr. Martin (with a fake smile) to his children.

″Really? I love this butterfly. I think we should go check out those places since there is no way out of here except we wake from our dream″ said Adetutu with a smile.

It was like the butterfly heard and understood what they said and it stopped dancing around them then it lead the way and they followed. As they followed the butterfly, Mr. and Mrs. Martin walked behind their children to have a silent conversation. Mr. Martin said proudly to Mrs. Martin. ″I think my foolishness and childishness helped us find them with the help of the butterfly″.

″Is that what you are supposed to be thinking about right now or be thankful that they haven’t know who they are through those doors before we got to them″ said Mrs. Martin to Mr. Martin.

″Just admit that I did great″ said Mr. Martin proudly.

″Okay, you did great but there is something weird about this butterfly. It has been helping us since we got into this place and again it now leading the way to only God knows where″ said Mrs. Martin.

″Isn’t that good″ said Mr. Martin with a smile.

″Would you just think for fuck sake. Ever since we got here you have been acting like a kid. What’s wrong with you?″ asked Mrs. Martin .

″Nothing and my childishness have helped us. Hasn’t it Mrs. Martin″ said Mr. Martin, trying to prove his point.

″You know what, let’s just find the exit. The shaman said it will be close″ said Mrs. Martin.

″Sometimes I wonder if am the husband or you″ said Mr. Martin, and went to their children.

The glowing butterfly took the Martin family to a dead end where a door was, and Adewale and Adetutu were surprised to see the door. Adewale said ″that’s weird. We have walked the whole garden while trying to find a way out and this door wasn’t here before″.

″Which means the glowing butterfly knows more about doors than you both″ Mrs. Martin (with a smile) said Adetutu to Adewale.

″I think so. Let’s see what’s behind the door then″ said Mr. Martin.

″But wait. The door has no words engraved on it like the other doors″ said Adewale.

″Who cares about words that are engraved on them? Am sure that makes this door to be special″ Mrs. Martin with a smile.

″Adewale is right. I don’t think we should go into this door″ said Mr. Martin.

“For the same reason dad?” Adetutu asked her father.

“Yes” said Mr. Martin.

Mrs. Martin moved close to Mr martin and whisper in his ear ″every door we have come across always has words engraved on them except this one and that can only mean one thing. The exit out of this place is this door so we need to go into it″.

Mr. Martin (with a smile) said to Adewale and Adetutu ″let’s check it out kid. It might not be a bad idea″.

Mr. Martin opened the door revealing nothing but white then Mrs. Martin said to their children ″you first children″, and Adewale and Adetutu entered the door.

As Mr. and Mrs. Martin were about to step into the door someone hold their hands and prevent them from entering. Mr. and Mrs. Martin looked back to see who it was holding their hands and were shocked upon seeing Adewale and Adetutu.