

''The world is full of many and different beings, different tribes, different religions, and beliefs. But I was made to believe and fear Him [God]. My parents told me how mighty and powerful he is, they also told me about the two religion that worships Him, and that they are very close to him and even sees Him once in a while.

As a child, it was so easy for me to believe everything they told me about God. I love God, believe in Him, and worship Him, I was even eager to know more than what my parents told me about Him. So I began my findings only to find out little about what my parents told me about God was true. No one truly knows who God is or has ever seen him, they all characterized Him accordingly to the scripture in the Bible.

I had to confront my parents about their lies, but they insisted that it was the truth they told me about Him and that if I believe, he will appear before me one day. And that was what I hold on to.

Then I find out that I originated from gods and my life would never be normal like a Human. Here I also am kneeling in front of God. I know it may sound confusing, but to make everything clear let's start with my parents.....

A girl at the of 5 was cornered by some group of boys [5 in number, both them and the girl wore the same uniform]. The boys were harassing her when a strange boy appeared out of nowhere.

The strange boy said to them from behind, ''let the girl go''.

The boys all turned back to see who it was. They saw the strange boy strangely looking at him.

''And who are you?'' the leader asked the strange boy.

''Let the girl go'' said the strange boy to the boys as he held his fist.

''I know who he is. He is the superhero trying to save her from the villains'' said 2 boys to the others (mocking the strange boy) and they all laughed.

''I suggest you run along to your poor parents unless you have a death wish'' said the leader to the strange boy.

Hearing this made the strange boy angry and ran toward them. On getting to the leader's front, the strange boy punched him in the face very hard that the leader fell to the ground. The others kicked the strange boy away and helped their leader up as their leader hold his cheek in pain. The leader got angry and ordered the others to attack the strange boy.

The strange boy was able to defeat all of them by knocking them all to the ground but he was wounded and weak. The strange boy manage to get to the girl and asked her ''hope you are okay?''.

''Yes I am, but I don't think you are'' said the girl to the strange boy. The strange boy smiled at her then he fainted.

The strange boy opened his eyes to see himself in a hospital. He looked toward the door of the room he was in and saw a man and woman talking to the doctor and also the girl he helped. After the conversation with the doctor, together the man and woman with the girl came to him.

The man asked the strange boy as they got to him '' how are you feeling?''.

''Better I guess'' said the strange boy.

''We want to say thank you for helping our daughter'' said the woman to the strange boy.

''Sorry for our manners, we are her parent. Am Mr. Martin and this is my wife Mrs. Martin. Am sure you have met our daughter'' said the man to the boy.

The boy wanted to stand up to greet them properly but they told him not to and to rest his body.


The strange boy was discharged from the hospital and was taken home by the Martins family. The strange boy was dumbfounded upon entering their home because he has never seen such a big and lovely home as that of the Martins.

The strange boy was told to sit down and he did then Mr. and Mrs. Martin sat down together with their daughter in the middle.

''First, I will like to know your name because I haven't got the chance to ask you'' said Mr. Martin to the strange boy.

''My name is Adewale'' said the strange boy.

''Wow, you have a nice name and it sounds familiar with that of my daughter's, her name is Adetutu'' said Mrs. Martin to the strange boy.

''I noticed in the hospital that no one came to check up on you or even create an awareness that you might be missing. I don't understand why, can you please share light on the matter'' said Mr. Martin to Adewale.

''I don't have anyone, am an orphan. l sleep on the streets wherever I am when night falls'' said Adewale.

''Oh, that's sad for a little boy like you. We are sorry'' said Mrs. Martin to Adewale.

Mr. Martin looked at her wife and gave her a sign that they should leave the sitting room to have a private conversation, which she understood.

''We will be right back Adewale'' said Mr. Martin to Adewale and left with his wife, leaving Adewale and Adetutu in the room.

As they got to the kitchen Mrs. Martin asked her husband ''What is it, dear?''.

''Am thinking we should take Adewale in'' said Mr. Martin to Mrs. Martin.

''No, that's a bad idea'' said Mrs. Martin.

''I don't think it is a bad idea, he needs help and we should help him'' said Mr. Martin.

''We can't just adopt a stranger in the house with our daughter. We don't even know what he is capable of or who he truly is'' said Mrs. Martin ( worried).

''I know we don't but I want us to help him. The street is not a good place for kids like him, he could become worst if we let him go, dear. Let's take care of him like a son, in that process we will be repaying his kindness for helping our daughter'' said Mr. Martin.

Mrs. Martin had no choice but to agree with her husband since he insisted.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin returned to the sitting room to see Adewale and their daughter laughing and talking.

Adewale and Adetutu stopped on seeing them then Mr. and Mrs. Martin sat down back as they both smiled.

''I don't know to repay you, Adewale, for helping our daughter but if you don't mind. We would like you to come live here with us'' Mr. Martin said to Adewale.

'' Here?... I will love to'' said Adewale excited to hear that.

''Then you are welcome to Martins' home'' said Mr. Martin to Adewale.

''Thank you so much sir and ma, am very grateful'' said Adewale with a smile and happiness in his heart.

''You must be an adult in a small boy body if you could be so thankful in this way. Well, you don't need to thank us because Adetutu will be lucky and happy to have you around. And again you can be an older brother to her, am sure you are older than her'' said Mrs. Martin to Adewale.


Adewale school is still in process and every piece of equipment he is to use in school has been bought by Martins' family. Ever since Adewale has been living with Martins' family, Adetutu seems to be the happiest person on earth even her parents have never seen her in such a happy state. They thanked God for bringing Adewale into their home.

One night, Mr. and Mrs. Martin were watching a tv program (Adewale and Adetutu were asleep inside), then the program was changed to that news and the news talked about a boy that ran away from the orphanage home. The picture of the boy and the number to call were displayed on the screen [if found].

Mr. and Mrs. Martin was confused and surprised to see that the picture being displayed on the Tv screen was that of Adewale's. Mr. and Mrs. Martin looked at each other shocked then back to the Tv.

Mrs. Martin asked her husband as she stared at the picture displayed on the TV screen ''isn't that Adewale?".

''Am sure we are both not dreaming right?" said Mr. Martin staring at the picture too.

''So he lied to us that he sleep on the streets whereas he ran away from the orphanage home. I knew it was a bad idea taking him in'' said Mrs. Martin annoyed.

''What do we do now?'' asked Mr. Martin worried.

''We do nothing than to call the number and return him'' said Mrs. Martin and picked up her phone then pressed the number on her phone and dialed it.


Adewale and Adetutu {Adetutu dressed in her school uniform} had just finished their breakfast, and they both sat down in the living room to watch a movie while they wait for Mr. and Mrs. Martin.

The doorbell rang, ''who may that be?'' Adetutu asked Adewale.

''I guess we will have to find out, so am gonna check'' said Adewale and left to the door.

Adewale opened the door and was shocked by who he saw, It was a man and two ladies from the orphanage home.

''Adewale'' the man called his name.

''What are you doing here?'' Adewale asked the man.

Just then Mr. and Mrs. Martin arrived at the living room and saw Adewale standing holding the door as it was opened. Mrs. Martin went to the door and saw the people standing at the doorstep. ''Who are you and what going on here?'' Mrs. Martin asked the people.

''Good morning ma. We are from the orphanage home. You called us last night'' said the man to Mrs. Martin.

''Okay, come in'' said Mrs Martin with a smile to them.

Adewale didn't want to let them in not until Mrs. Martin told him to.

They all sat down in the living room. Adewale sat down alone, the man and the two ladies sat down together, and Adetutu sat down together with her parents.

The man said to Mr. and Mrs. Martin ''First, I will like to thank you for taking care of Adewale for the past two weeks. We are deeply grateful for everything you have done for him''.

''You don't need to besides we were just repaying his kindness. We are also sorry for not contacting you on time. We got the message very late'' said Mr. Martin to the man and ladies.

''There is not much to discuss. This is him. You can take him with you'' said Mrs. Martin to the man and ladies.

Adetutu and Adewale became shocked upon hearing that.

''Thank you so much sir and ma'' said the man with a smile to Mr. and Mrs. Martin.

''No, no. You can't let them take me please'' Adewale plead to Mr. and Mrs. Martin.

''There is nothing we can do than to let them take you. You belong to them not us'' said Mr. Martin to Adewale and stood up, then began to walk to the bedroom.

Adetutu went to her father and kneel in front of him holding his leg. ''Dad, don't let them take him please'' said Adetutu to her father with sadness in her voice and heart.

''He doesn't deserve to be next to you or loved by you. He is a liar, darling. We don't need a liar in our family'' said Mr. Martin to his daughter, and took control of his leg back then left.

Adetutu also begs the man and the ladies not to take Adewale with them but her mother stopped her and holds her down while she watched as they leave with Adewale.