

[#r18] [#SLOW BURN] [#INC][Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] My life changed for better or for worse after Harley injected me with an experimental drug that transformed my body into a hunk. And I have awakened a freaking Eroge System. Time to make money and create a harem of my own. But, only if it was that easy. My life was filled with beautiful girls, sex and shit tons of problems... Hidden family secrets, Vampires, League of Assassins, Anti-Mutant organization, My freaking unstable power, The one who laughs... Oh, and not to forget fucking Deadites... ...and many more... This is the story of Multiverse, so anything can pop up from anywhere... [SLOW BURN] If you are not into slow-burn, pass along. Don't read. I am getting enough complaints from casual readers who want to know everything in a single chapter. But, if you have patience, read the first vol and then decide... As for blue balling, read vol-2 and decide for yourself. Lacking action? Read vol-3 and decide. [NO MINDLESS ORGY OR FUCK DOLLS] [NO NTR] [IN*ST> Yes] ********** This is fan fiction. I don't own the characters or plot except for the characters and plot I created. I am also posting this on Scribblehub. Cover picture is AI generated. Support Link: www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space] Discord: https://discord.gg/bzcSPgV3Ux __ If you are going to ask me for permission to translate or post my fics on other sites, ask me. The answer will be no. So, don't bother and don't steal my hard work.

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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201 Chs


[Lancer Square] [Luxuriate Club] [Time: 1:00 PM]

A strip club is one of the few places where two groups voluntarily come together who have such precipitous contrasts in net worth and familiarity with violence, each group with a head-and-shoulders edge in one category. The basic math of a tropical storm

The club usually opens after 6:00 PM. But today is a special day. Today is my debut as the youngest strip club owner. Natasha agreed to accompany me, but in return, she wanted me to treat her to lunch and dinner. Well, I ain't got any problem with that. It's like one of those po*n video titles that start with- A day with...

In my case, you can say, A day with Black Widow.

Since I am about to take over it, I had Natasha call them to arrange all the dancers exclusively for me. Since I am their new boss, I must check everything properly. Obviously, I have to start with the beautiful girls. They are the main attraction of the class, after all. Then, I will check out the rest. I don't want any problems later on.

After parking the car, we went toward the entrance. Two burly and muscular bouncers wearing black suit greets us and opens the door with a smile.

Damn! They are big. Allow me to tell you what bouncers in strip clubs are like. My knowledge comes from various games and obviously from movies.

Bouncers are big, big guys in clothes that are chosen to accentuate that. They're very polite, call everyone *sir*, and there's always one stationed at any point where a customer might get the idea he could break a rule or two.

Bathroom door, by the dressing room, especially by the entrance to the private booths, you will pass by someone who looks like a bank vault door. And he will tell you, "Have a nice time, sir," in a very friendly voice that will help remind you, once you're back in the dark little booth with Amber or Julliet or Cherry, that you are free to do not a single thing more than she says you can.

A middle-aged woman greets us upon entering the club, "Welcome, Boss. I am Madame Clara, general manager. The girls are ready as per your order... They are waiting for you in your personal zone." She says with a charming smile.

I can't tell if she is a milf or a cougar because of her heavy makeup. She looks... I don't know what she looks like. Maybe an Asian or an American. It's kinda difficult to tell just from her voice... The perfume she drenched herself with is kinda nauseating and gross. Did she empty an entire bottle? Fucking gross...

She is wearing a loose, thin black top that is barely covering her boobs. There is a navel ring dangling on her belly button. A pair of black high heels and black trousers covered her legs. Her long black hair is tied like those nurses working in an OT.

What surprised me was her arms... Needle marks! Black patches! This bitch is a druggie on syringe.

Fury said no drugs. And I don't want drugs in my club.

"Nat. Would you do me a favor and send her to a rehabilitation home?" I say with a smile.

"Already done. The authorities will be here in 10 minutes," Natasha replies while texting on her phone.

Ah! Spy. Sometimes I forget that she is a spy or was... She already took the steps before me.

"Noooo!!!" Madame Clara pulls a needle out from her hair and lunges at me like a freaking maniac, "Die!!! You fucker..."

"Get the fuck away from me. Old hag," I slap her cheeks hard enough to put her down on the floor, unconscious. Ah! I hit her too hard. It may be due to muscle enhancement.

Blood is flowing out from her blasted mouth, and what's that?! A set of broken fake teeth is lying on the floor.

"Nice reflex. Take a look at this," Natasha says as she shows me a picture from the wanted list on her phone, "Looks like you solved the case of *Missing Clara* The notorious drug dealer."

Madame Clara isn't a cougar... She is a freaking 85 years old druggie granny.

Clara is a drug dealer from the Bronx. She lures in young students from school and colleges and turns them into drug addicts. Then she blackmails them, forcing them to work in strip clubs and brothels. Unable to endure, many students committed suicide, and some even went missing. The police had only one name as a clue, *Lara*. But they never found her. She went missing three years ago.

"Looks like she had been hiding here. Well, good for you. You will get her bounty," Natasha says while patting my back.

Eeeww! Fuck! Sticky shit. Her makeup is all over my palm. I need to wash my hand.

"Bounty! How much?" I ask. Since we are talking about a drug crime lord who is a druggie herself, responsible for destroying countless lives. We are talking about some big money. We are talking about millions.

"Here," Natasha takes out her handkerchief and holds it before me. I took it and rubbed my hand clean of that sticky makeup, "50 Million dollars for dead and 10 billion dollars for catching her alive." She says with a smile,

"I see 10 billion dollars..."

Huh?! 1... 10 billion dollars!!! Am I dreaming? Let me see... I pinch my cheek... Oouch! Nope, it's real.

"10 freaking billion dollars!!! What is she? An alien? Did she try to assassinate the President? Huh?" I ask. I can't contain my happiness and astonishment. This still feels like a dream.

"She is one of the ten creators of second generation MGH *Mutant Growth Hormone* If she can create, she can destroy. Moreover, she might know the locations of her teammates. So you can imagine her value- Right?" replies Natasha while fiddling with her phone.

I just wanted to have a good time on my first day in my strip club. I wanted to see some hips moving, pole dance, special dance, lap dance, private dance... I wanted to see those beautiful girls move their asses. Haaa. Bitch spoiled my day. It looks like I got entangled with some nasty criminals. But where are those two bouncers?

I ran outside, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Don't worry about those two. They are just some small timers. She is the real big fish," Natasha closes her phone after taking a picture of Clara.


The police came within 10 minutes. They took Clara away. Thanks to Natasha, the police wrapped up the matter quietly. They searched the club and found a shit ton of illegal drugs. Thankfully, there weren't any addicts or victims among the girl and the staff.

According to the staff, the two bouncers who ran away were hired by Madame Clare two weeks ago. The police did some questioning as per protocol and left. The previous owner is a good woman. She came down to the club after the police called her.

It took 4 hours to wrap up the investigation. Madame Clara didn't wake up. An onspot test showed that she was high on drugs. Hence she was sent to the hospital. So, right now, I have no idea why she tried to kill me. Maybe she didn't want to go to a rehabilitation home. Who knows? The police said they would transfer the bounty to my account within the week.

Although it spoiled my mood, it's a good thing. Thanks to me, many lives were saved. I can be satisfied with that, but I wonder how the families of those victims are doing... Maybe I should donate some of the bounties to their families... Natasha will help me with that...

Ohh! I am starving.

[Ring] [Ring] My phone is ringing. I took it out of my pocket. Ah! It's mom.


AN: Let's avoid any confusion. So I will give a spoiler about this chapter.

Fury wanted MC to catch the druggie and get the bounty because he knows MC likes money and he wants another favor from MC. You know Fury and how he does his work. That comes later. As for Clara, I already mentioned she was active 3 years ago. So, she was laying low, binding her time while cooking drugs while keeping the club clean. But a druggie can't quit drugs. When Fury gave the club to MC, she thought it would be just someone easy to manipulate but she saw Black Widow with MC and lost her cool under the drugs effect.


She had been laying low for 3 years to avoid attention. I doubt she would risk her neck by giving drugs to the girls. Or Maybe she is a double agent and that report was a fake. Who knows??? Secondly, didn't MC inform her he is coming? It's not impossible to replace girls in a place like a strip club. You can't expect me to throw all info in a first person POV fic. You know the rules of first person POV right? MC only has the info he sees and knows. I will drop a extra chapter every 10 chapters to take care of the plotholes. THINK FOR A MOMENT>

I will release another extra chapter. It's hard to fit everything in in a first-person POV style. I WILL NOT GIVE ANY MORE SPOLERS> So wait and read as I release chapters.


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[+4 Advance chapter] [Upto Ch: 29]


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