
My Handsome Doctor

Married to a foreign man who has never been recognized is a tough challenge for Leandra's life. Not to mention that he was abandoned by the lover he loved very much and had to bet on his dream with his father. Leandra is a beautiful 18-year-old girl who is forced to follow her father's will. His youth had to be snatched away because his father arranged an arranged marriage with the man of his choice. If he wants a decent life and achieves his goals, he has to give up other dreams. "Now you just have to decide whether you choose to go to medical school and marry the son of your father's colleague or live in misery?" Leandra's anger was very rumbling, she wanted to be angry and argue. Her father was so stubborn, never wanted to listen to what Leandra wanted. Even though it was granted he was always given conditions that Leandra would hate.

Endang_Lesstari · Urbain
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43 Chs

Treated By Doctor

Since he couldn't take care of her on the sofa, he was forced to carry her to the bedroom. He was confused about whether to compress his stomach or not because he did not dare to be afraid of being thought presumptuous. Finally, Rigel went into the kitchen to boil some hot water and carried it to his room. He tried to wake Leandra who finally realized.

"Drink warm water first," while handing a glass of warm water to Leandra.

"Thank you, why am I in the room for a minute? Are you carrying me?"

"Yeah, sorry. After you passed out on the couch, there was no way I could leave you there."

"Okay, I'm not holy anymore."


"Yes, you just hold my body."

"I just carried you here, compress your stomach with this warm water."

"What are you doing here, want to see my stomach too?

"You're a pervert Doctor, aren't you?"

"Don't talk recklessly, I'm never weird huh."

"Yes, there you go."

Rigel immediately left the room and continued his work.


Call from Leandra's mother.

"Yes, ma'am?"

["Healthy, kid?"]

"Usually, Lea's guest came. It hurts, Mom."

["But it's okay now, right? Have you had some warm water?"]

"Yes, just now Rigel gave me medicine and warm water, how are you doing?"

["Thank God, Mom, Dad and Leonal are fine. You don't have any problems with your husband right?"]

"No, mom."

["Don't be mean to your husband, pity him."]

"What's the matter, mom. Not really."

["Remember Mom's message, don't make your husband angry, especially if you don't say hello, don't just do it."]

His mother seemed to just know what happened to her son's life.

"Why can't you, what if you're upset, ma'am?"

["No matter how regretful it is, keep saying hello, you can't have problems with your husband. If you want to take a shower, prepare your clothes or you want to work, prepare your work clothes and what you need."]

"It's complicated, ma'am. Can't you take care of yourself, can you?"

["Yes, of course, you can, but that's a form of attention from a wife. Do you cook?"]


["Yes, while your husband accepts all that, but be more friendly with your husband, try to open your heart. I am also waiting for your grandchildren."]

"Oh, mom what the hell."

Not long after that, her mother's phone call ended and Leandra continued to compress her stomach while lying down. Slowly the pain subsided after he rested. He thought about what his mother had said as if knowing what had happened only his mother had told him in such away.

After night fell and to be precise it was Monday night, meaning they were ready to return to their activities. After Leandra cleaned herself up, that afternoon she lay back downplaying her cellphone and for some reason, her head felt heavy and fell asleep with the cellphone right next to her cheek.

Rigel who entered the room to take a shower did not pay attention to Leandra if the cellphone was very close to her head. However, after taking a shower Rigel found out about this and immediately took the cellphone. However, Leandra seemed to be awakened by Rigel's movement.

"Yes! What are you doing!"

"I just want to take your cell phone to your head, it's not good for health, Lea."

"You can't wear clothes first," said Lea because she woke up and her eyes immediately widened when she saw her husband's athletic body, he called it cornbread.

"So why? Are you tempted?"

"What the hell, no-no. Why have I seduced my uncles."

Rigel immediately walked to the closet to get his clothes. He chooses which clothes he will wear.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Eat anything."

"Tonight I want to go, do you want to come home or come?"

"Where to?"

"There's an event at my colleague's house, if you want to come, please get ready."

"No thanks."

Leandra wanted to come along because she didn't want to be alone at home. But he lost his sense of prestige.

Rigel prepared as neatly and as fragrantly as possible. For some reason, men's perfumes always smell better than women's.

"Where are you going?" Leandra asked curiously because her perfume smelled so good.

"I didn't say that earlier. Why?"


"What are you doing? Just tell Lea."

"Smells great, satisfied!"

Rigel laughed because Lea finally spoke the truth.

"So I can't smell what how?"

"Oh, what the hell, if you want to go smell good or not, it's none of my business."

Rigel straightened his clothes and put on his watch.

"Yeah, I'm gone, anything's wrong, just call, if you miss it, just say it's okay."

"I won't," he sneered.

After that Rigel went to drive his car. Leandra is at home alone and feeling bored. But what can you do? About 1 hour after Rigel left the electricity at his house went out instantly, at first it was normal but it was raining heavily. Leandra became afraid and forced herself to contact Rigel, even though she was embarrassed.

"When are you coming back?" asked Leandra quickly.

["What is it?"]

"Power outage, heavy rain."

Rigel was silent for a moment.


["I checked my cellphone and it turned out that there was a notification that one complex had a power outage, I'm going home now."]

Immediately Rigel ended the call. Leandra smiled slightly at Rigel's treatment but she got goosebumps that night was so dark. He waited for Rigel in the living room Because he thought if anything happened it would be easy to get out of the house.

Not long after, the sound of Rigel's car was heard in the yard. Before Rigel typed the door, Leandra had already opened it.

"Excuse me," said Rigel when he entered the house.

"Humm, come on in."

Rigel just smiled, even though it was dark but it was visible when he smiled.


The sound of lightning at that time was so strong that Leandra was shocked and reflexively hugged Rigel beside her.

Leandra didn't say anything, but she did hug Rigel so tightly.

Rigel turned on the flashlight on his cellphone and shone on Leandra who was still in his arms.

"How comfortable?"

"Ordinary!" while removing his arms from Rigel.