
Chapter 25: Stay Away From My BF.

Edmund sat by Marga

Emily: I'll leave u both to talk, I'll see u Marga in the library later

Emily left

Marga: Edmund, what do u want?

Edmund: I just want to tell u that I really want to be your friend if you'll allow me to be

Marga: Of Course, u can be my friend

Edmund: I've always wanted to be your friend for a long time but I couldn't say it

Marga: Was it me you were afraid of?

Edmund: Yeah, because u know u were just....

Marga: Just what?

Edmund: Just crazy

Marga: Thank u, Mr. Edmund

Chole rushed to Mia who was in the class

Mia: What is it, Chloe?

Chloe: You must come see something for yourself

Mia: Just tell me already

Chloe: Just follow me

Mia got up and followed Chloe to the Canteen

Chloe: Check this out

Mia: Not with my Boyfriend

Mia and Chloe went to Edmund and Marga

Mia: What are u doing with my boyfriend?

Marga: As u can see we're talking

Marga said as she got up

Mia: Stay away from my BF

Everyone was watching them, Mia took a glass of juice and poured it on Marga's hair

Marga: How dare u

Chloe: This serves u right, Marga

Chloe and Mia left

Edmund: Marga, I'm so sorry about her

Marga: Edmund, just leave me alone

Marga left, Ann had packed all her things and she was now home

Ann: I'm going to make cookies starting from tomorrow and sell them, Cassie and Marga can also help me since they'll vacate soon

Cassie and Marga were in the same School, Cassie was being kissed by a handsome guy. Cassie slapped the boy

Cassie: How dare u kiss me?

Kurt: I love u, Cassie

Cassie: Kurt, we can never be together cos you're a playboy and would later break up with me so I don't want that to happen, Excuse me

Cassie left