
My Hair Length Determines My Super Saiyan Power!

One day I woke up as Raditz in his spacespod flying toward Earth. I know the story, why should I die like an idiot? Eh? How come my Super Saiyan transformation is as strong as Super Saiyan 3!? ---- Just thought it'd be fun with Raditz as Super Saiyan. His hair is already long enough as a Super Saiyan 3 xD Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Toga01

Toga · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Trivial Wish

During the ride on Yamcha's aircraft, Raditz had brought the topic about his Gravity Chamber which everyone had seen when they trained at King Kai's place. At first, they had thought it was something exclusive from space. But turns out it was actually manufactured by Dr. Brief.

Raditz had told everyone about his Gravity Chamber on board the aircraft mainly because he wanted Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan to do more gravity training. As for Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, and Chiatzu, they had human physiques and would have a much harder time adapting to higher gravity than Saiyans and Namekians. Though Tien Shinhan had three eyes and might have some kind of special bloodline and might have some unexpected gains with gravity training. Especially since Tien Shinhan was the only human among the human group that managed to master Kaioken during their one year training at King Kai's place.

"Even though Piccolo will have a much lower battle power for a long time until he fuses back with Kami, and if his base battle power is much higher, he should become even stronger after fusing with Kami." Raditz looked at Piccolo and thought about the future Super Namekian.

"But right now we don't have any reason to go to Planet Namek, nor any good ways to form close relations to a skilled Dragon Clan Namekian to migrate to Earth and make Dragon Balls for Earth." Raditz thought.

"For now, it's best to not let Kami fuse with Piccolo so we end up without the Dragon Balls then..." Raditz shook his head.

"The fight with Turles was really crazy, but to think I didn't feel scared at all... This is the Saiyan blood's side effect right? They really are fearless warriors for a reason." Raditz then thought back to his almost dying state from the earlier battle. It was his first actual fight in the Dragon Ball World, yet he had simply rushed in so foolishly without fear which did not seem logical.

"The good thing is that the battle won't be affected by nervousness or fear. But at the same time, I seem to turn into a hotblooded musclehead..." Raditz frowned.

"But then, again it's not so dangerous as I thought... I got the Dragon Balls to wish me back if something really happens..." Suddenly Raditz remembered the cheat in the Dragon Ball World.

"I really feel like punching Krillin and Gohan...!" Suddenly remembering about the Dragon Balls, Raditz had just heard them retell the whole story to how Turles and them had come and even caused a forest fire which burnt down the whole forest nearby. Seeing how the forest was barren, Krillin and Gohan used the Dragon Ball to restore the forest.

"I really wanted to make a wish! Although I know the planet names like Namek and Yardrat. And that Frieza Force's database got their coordinates. But there is no way for me to go back to them and ask them for the coordinates... I had wanted to use the Dragon Balls to ask Shenron for help." Raditz sighed. Now he would have to wait for another year before the Dragon Balls were usable again.

"No, wait! I can ask King Kai for help! He always helped Goku finding planets to when Goku wanted to teleport there." Raditz remembered.

"I got plenty of time, so I should learn Instant Transmission first! Hm... Should I bring Goku with me? Because the story has diverged from the original storyline, Goku never left Earth for Namek, and never boarded Ginyu team's spacepod so he will never end up in Planet Yardrat. Teleporting would come in handy after all. Then I might as well bring Piccolo? Unfortunately, Gohan is too young, he would probably waste more time than necessary to learn it. With his talent, it's better for him to focus on training instead. I can always bring him to learn Instant Transmission in the future." Raditz planned in his mind.

Raditz followed Goku and Gohan and stayed over at Mt. Paozu for awhile. He needed to teach Gohan to control his Great Ape transformation.

Chichi was really angry when Goku had just returned home after his training at King Kai, especially for brining away the 4 year old Gohan at that time. Luckily Raditz had not followed them home at that time and managed to escape Chichi's outburst.

This time when they returned home, Chichi warmly welcomed everyone. She also treated Raditz especially well like a textbook wife treats her husband's family warmly, Raditz as her brother-in-law had a satisfying time staying over at Goku's home.

With Goku and Raditz's guidance and help, Gohan only spent 3 transformations before he could control himself from attacking his friends. Only a week had passed since Raditz started living at Mt. Paozu. It was likely his human part which made him have a much easier time from losing reason.

"Good! Now you're good to go. Even if you can't control your body, you won't endanger others either when you transform. Now you can continue training on your own." Raditz said to the naked Gohan.

"Goku you're going to Bulma now?" Raditz asked Goku who seemed impatient to leave for West City.

"Yes! I'm really eager to have my own Gravity Chamber to train in! Let's have a fight after I've trained myself stronger!!" Goku said happily.

"Sounds good. I left my spacesuit over at her home when I first arrived on Earth. It's made with the ultra stretchable materials specifically made for us Saiyans to transform into Great Apes without having to worry about our clothes getting destroyed. Can you ask Bulma or her father to make some training clothes with similar effects? It would really be useful for me and Gohan." Raditz said.

"No problem! See ya!!" Goku waved goodbye and flew toward West City.

"Hm... Goku seems to have fully recovered from before..." Raditz muttered after seeing Goku all happy go lucky again.

"Uncle Raditz, daddy had a really long talk with grandpa before he came back home. Grandpa said he never ever blamed daddy and wished for him to live a happy life. Grandpa also said he would watch over us all from heaven." Gohan explained for Raditz after hearing his muttering.

"Chichi really does seem like a really good housewife. Her cooking skills are great and she's a former martial artist with great strength for a human. So she can really handle cooking three meals for three hungry Saiyans everyday without keeling over from exhaustion. The only weird trait she has is that she, who came from a martial art family is so intent on having Gohan to become a scholar when he grows up..." Raditz thought back to the week's experience.

"But home tutoring isn't a bad thing since there are no schools nearby in the mountain. But what's with the overscheduling? Gohan isn't allowed to play in the forest nor with Goku... For God's sake, he's just a 5 year old kid! Instead Chichi wants Gohan to study and study until night after home tutoring. And even in his sleep, she has the sleep learning audio set with headphones for Gohan to wear while sleeping..." Raditz facepalmed.

"Anyways... I tried yelling for King Kai. But I bet he's either sleeping or playing with his car." Raditz had tried yelling out in the middle of the mountain for King Kai's attention. But it didn't seem like King Kai noticed him at all.

"But that's also fine, I happen to need to replenish my training clothes. Might as well pay King Kai a visit." Raditz smiled and flew to the Lookout.