
Appreciation of Conquest

'I'll never ever submit! I will never forgive you, you hypocrite!' The realm core sealed its entire features, refusing to give up.

Elysia momentarily felt like a villain because her family would force the corrupted realm core to submit with a hard reset. However, its original owner was the corrupted Immortal who had brought countless disasters to the Divine World.

Some of Maia's heavenly cursed items were given to He-Dao to destroy because they were too dangerous, but those worth saving would be purified or had to go through a hard reset.

'Maia used you as a private realm to store her monster army. I don't know how many souls have fallen into her hands, but will you spare those who beg you for mercy? Will you spare their lives? No? We shall cleanse this realm and make you open a new page as a nice realm.' Elysia heaved a subtle sigh as she couldn't let her conscience grant the evil kindness.