
My Girlfriend is a Succubus

GIRLFRIEND FOR RENT APP. is an application that helps you find a girlfriend by offering you a fair deal. The higher your CHARISMA, the more opportunities you will have to unlock a greater number of women and you may find the girl of your dreams. All in one clip.. Dylan read this on his phone and just out of curiosity opened the app... Noticing the boy's unfortunate state, the app itself started giving him small personal missions to try to help him and improve his charisma. ◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈ Warning: This is a surreal story and should be taken as such. Summary: The general idea of this novel is to gain experience based on missions to level up by obtaining charisma points. + charisma = + girlfriends This image does not belong to me, all credit goes to its creator and if you want it removed or replaced with a better image, you can post the image in a comment... Good luck so they don't delete it.

SHAMEFUL · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Recovery days. ( 1 )

✨ Please, Take your time to read. ✨

My days as a patient begin in the early morning, with a hearty breakfast delivered to bed, followed by a shower, later grooming, and all my activities are closely supervised by Ruth's ever-watchful, watchful eyes. ...

Then they take me to the living room, where Valeria helps me with several of my daily recovery exercises.

At the end of the exercises, I stay somewhere on the first floor, where I can read or rest until the snack arrives.

This place can be in the living room, patio or somewhere inside or outside the house.

After the aperitif, I start going over some class notes, taking the time I need before the girls from the university, arrive so we can all eat together.

In the afternoon, Sofia gives me a review or helps me with some school courses.

At the end of classes with Sofía, I stay in the room alone or with the girls. to watch movies or some fashion series until dinner...

Finishing dinner, I wait for Ruth, she has to finish cleaning the kitchen or washing the dishes. go up to the bedroom together, where Ruth administers my meds, so she can sleep through the night without any problem.

To start again the next day...


For the next two weeks this was the day-to-day routine for Dylan, having to sleep between 8 or 9 at night and wake up the next day...

In the beginning of the third week, the Gray family began to have problems with money, to be more specific, they had problems in buying the medicine for Dylan's recovery. The whole family was so focused on recovery that practically everyone forgot basic things like money...

Being in Dylan's complete care, this consumed all of his time, preventing him from looking for a new job..

The two girls are studying so Ruth couldn't count on them and Valeria, she has her own factures to pay. It is impossible to help at home with expenses...

Finishing dinner, for the first time Ruth touched on this topic saying. ►"daughters, tomorrow I have some job interviews and I need one of you two to take care of Dylan."◄

Immediately both girls look at each other's faces and start pointing at each other at each other..

At that moment Dylan clears his voice to say. ► "Mother, you don't have to worry, I'll be fine, Valeria will arrive at 9 in the morning and..... "◄ before Dylan finishes speaking. Ruth raised her hand interrupting her words and said: ► "Tomorrow, Valeria has to leave early between 10:00 or 10:30 am .." ◄

► "Fine, I'll stay" ◄ comments Sofia raising her voice, but Jade interrupts her sister saying. ►"I better stay, classes for tomorrow aren't that important."◄

Sofia frowns and remains silent, for six seconds, before adding. ► "You're right sister, tomorrow I will have the most important classes..." ◄

She her at the end of her comment she nodded a couple of times and she looks at her mother to give her truthfulness and emphasizing the last part of her comment.

Sofia's comment illuminates Jade's face and she also nods, for her part Ruth returns to the subject and confirms. ►"Okay, when dinner is over I need you to come with me, because I need to explain several things that you must do."◄ Saying this, Ruth gets up from the dining room and takes Jade to the second floor...

On the other hand, Sofia, lifts plates and glasses from the dining room, taking them to the sink, this night Sofia has to wash and dry dishes, while Dylan walks to the living room to sit and watch some TV...

Dylan seemed to walk in slow motion.The time walking, from the dining room to the living room was the same time that Sofia took to wash, dry and put away the dishes, clean the dining room and arrange the chairs.

The time was such that when Dylan arrived and settled on the sofa. Sofia was already coming out of the kitchen.

► "Honey, can you go upstairs for a moment. "◄ Ruth calls from the second floor.

► "Sure" ◄ answers Sofia, while she dries her hands on her blouse.. When Sofia manages to reach the second floor, Ruth hands her a smartphone and comments. ►"can you give it to Dylan please."◄

Sofia receives the smartphone and says in amazement ►"Wow, the GT-pro 4k."◄ Ruth rolls her eyes and gives an annoyed snort, the lady turned around ignoring Sofia's excitement and walks to her bedroom commenting. ► "We're going to wait for you, don't be long..." ◄ Having said this, Ruth doesn't wait for Sofia's answer and walks to her bedroom muttering under her breath the curse of her poverty...

Sofia ran down the stairs and reached the living room in a couple of seconds, handing the smartphone into Dylan's hands and commenting excitedly. ► "What are you waiting for, turn it on, urn it on, turn it on." ◄ Sofia orders with enthusiasm, to see how the new device works. Sofia's emotion was such that she could be seen several meters away...

Due to Dylan's clumsy hands, Sofia's excitement increases by the second. these slow movements were not provoked by Dylan on purpose and I try to press the button with all his might..

Sofia quickly reached her limit and was about to snatch the device from Dylan's hands, but Ruth's voice calls out to her again and interrupts her actions. ►"Honey, we're waiting for you."◄Ruth's scream is heard from the second floor, Sofia's gaze travels between the second floor and the Smartphone, then to Dylan's face and this is repeated several times...

► "Go up to see, I hope, your return "◄ Dylan comments with a smile to Sofia..

Sofia doubts and it shows in her look, her eyes have that complicated look of not wanting to leave, but Sofia decides to trust and makes a quick decision, saying. ► "Okay, I'll be back in a moment." ◄ so Dylan nodded with a smile on his lips ..

► "Go up to see, I'll wait, your return. "◄ Dylan repeats again.

Sofia confirms, but she doesn't move from the place and it takes her a couple of seconds to react saying. ►"I'll be right back, "◄ Dylan smiles and nods again but Sofia continues to hesitate.

Sofia turned around and walks in the direction of the stairs, after several steps she stops and turns to look back and warns Dylan with severe signs saying. ►"don't turn it on"◄

Dylan smiles at the comment and shakes his head a few times. ► "no, I won't." ◄ Listening to Dylan, Sofia feels a little more satisfied, she nods and walks several more steps and stops again giving another warning. ► "DON'T do it." ◄ At the moment of her words, Sofia points her finger at Dylan, but then her smile betrays her.

In response Dylan leaves the device on the sofa and says. ►"I'm not lying. I'll wait for you."◄


After looking insistently towards the living room, confirming that Dylan is not holding the device, Sofia went up to the second floor and upon entering her Mother's bedroom, she heard some of the last indications that Ruth comments to Jade.

Finishing her instructions, Ruth tells the two girls that it was very likely that she would be No home until the afternoon.

because she has to attend several job interviews, this is to save fuel, that would be the main reason why she won't go to school to pick up Sofia

Sofia must stop by or order food at home, Ruth did it this way so that the girl does not waste time with her friends at the university....At the end of her instructions Ruth went to the closet to prepare her clothes, for the shower. while the two girls leave the bedroom...

Sofia was ready to run to the living room, but she is stopped by Jade and after hearing her reason Jade holds her arm and comments quietly. ►"we need to talk"◄

Sofia immediately frowns and asks ►"From what? "◄

► "Not here, let's go to my bedroom" ◄ Jade comments and Sofia scrunches her face, she tries to complain since Dylan was waiting for her in the living room, but Jade holds Sofia's arm and drags her to her bedroom ..

Before entering the bedroom, Jade comments in a whisper. ► "Do you know why Dylan got hit? "◄ Sofia's curiosity is aroused and she immediately approaches Jade and asks. ►"why did they hit him?"◄

► "Before starting the fight, the leader of the boys told his friends that Dylan likes men." ◄ answers Jade in a low voice.

►"And that what? "◄ says Sofia.

►"How? And that, And that, of course it matters and it matters a lot, and I want to cure Dylan. "◄ Jade comments aloud.

Sofia reacts and tries to shut Jade up but the girl tries to run away. ► "How do you intend to do that?" ◄ Sofia asks, crossing her arms.

►"As we have. ◄ Jade comments pointing to both of them and adds. ►Remember that he is also your brother and Valeria should help too." ◄ Jade says pointing to Sofía and then walks towards her bedroom, opens the door and makes a couple of motions to Sofia to come in and continues..►"Come in, I'll show you my plan."◄


After Sofia disappeared on the second floor, the excitement of turning on the new smartphone began to consume me from the inside and I went back to look at the device 100 more times.

Stretching my hand more than 20, to hold the phone in my hands again, but something inside me told me not to do it, that I need to wait for Sofia's return.

Why or for what ?

Everything is in the attitudes and the different behaviors of the members of this family...

Ruth and Valeria's attitudes are very similar: this pair of women is always looking for a way to continue improving through effort and work, but they are very sentimental. to the point that you only have to treat the pair of women wello get what you want or need..

Sofia's attitude is different, more authoritarian and you have to obey her instructions to get rewards.

Before with Jade it was all hostility and contempt, regardless of the word opinion or comment and let's not even talk about the possibility of discussion, no matter what he says or does, for Jade it was always wrong and it was a bad thing try to talk to her. "All is NO"

But now, after having defended her against those bums, entire attitude has changed 180° degrees...


While Dylan wasted time talking to himself, he heard some voices coming from the second floor hallway and approaching the stairs.

Both girls did not take long to appear, leaving Dylan with his mouth open. With their faces red and full of shame, the two girls went down the steps one by one.

Both girls' outfits were provocative and revealing, letting Dylan's imagination run wild.

Sofia wears short mini jeans, revealing small pink panties and a short white sleeveless T-shirt type: top, and by not wearing a bra her breasts are marked as well as her nipples..

Jade wears a pink stretch mini skirt, to highlight her behind with a low-cut black blouse exposing her black bra..

Both girls arrived in the living room and immediately headed towards the sofa where Dylan was sitting and settled on each side wanting to hide their faces from him...

Sofia looks at the smartphone next to Dylan and nods a few times, then holds the device up and hands it to Dylan, ordering. ►"turn it on."◄

Dylan was so distracted that he didn't hear Sofia and kept looking both ways and just nodded awkwardly. before holding the smartphone..

Jade leans her body against Dylan and places her hand midway up her thigh with her fingers brushing dangerously against the sleeping dragon...

Dylan discreetly tries to break away from Jade, but Sofia stops her from moving by saying ►"what are you waiting for." ◄ This causes Dylan's eyes to go back to the girl and he swallows a little Saliva, before lowering his gaze to white thighs of Sofia...

Sofia watches as Dylan's eyes cover every inch of her thighs and the girl spreads her legs showing an incredible view ..

After several seconds Sofia slams her legs shut and with a big smile on her lips she hands over the Smartphone saying. ►"begins"◄ Suddenly Jade removes her hand from Dylan's thigh. Her dragon had woken up and it was quite noticeable, marking her pants. This amazes the two girls and they are left with their mouths open.

►"Girls"◄ calls Ruth from the second floor..

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨

something is happening with the servers, pay attention. !!!