

He woke up in a familiar world that had greatly changed. his familiar school had become a mystical school that teaches about systems and magical...............................

DaoistlFwTrp · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Great changes

Barry 9 points.... the class immediately burst into laughter "how can you get only 9 out of a 100 points" said someone to the green haired boy at the back seat of the class. it took a few minutes before the class calmed down, Barry who was being talked about had a carefree expression and not even paying attention to his surroundings, he was thinking about the new video game he found out yesterday and couldn't wait to go home and play.

The last class for the day ended and it was time to go home , Barry didn't waste a single second backing his backpack and walking out of the class.

On his way home he saw an old and haggard man carrying a very heavy bag almost the same size as him, Barry took pity on the old man and decided to help him. "where are you going to", he asked the old man " I am going to the next street ahead", "let me help you since I am also passing by ", he took the heavy bag from the old man and they walked to their destination in silence, after 10 minutes they reached the old man's house it was looking really old and shabby, Barry gave him the bag and bade him farewell But was called back by the old man and was given a tech-like green wrist watch and said "this is your reward for helping me, make sure to keep it well." following that Barry thanked him and left. On his way home he scrutinized the watch and realized that it was really cool and it even matched with his hair color which was green, is hair color has been like that since he was born which was really weird he then put on the watch and it fit his arm like it was made specially for him. when he got home he suddenly got tired he then ate his lunch took his bath and went to sleep.

Barry woke up and went out to take some fresh air outside but he was both stunned and surprised as he kept walking down the street because all felt familiar and unfamiliar at the same time .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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i had to rewrite the this chapter because my sister accidentally

swiched off my computer and i didn't save my work

hope you guys like it

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