
My gay system

I'm a normal guy... just very gay so after 80 years I died and was reincarnated into another cultivation world... What?? GAY system? HELL YEAH TIME TO FUCK cute guys ACROSS THE dimensions with this magical system. The mc will strengthen himself in the Cultivation world. btw *lust* will world hop bringing back tons of femboys from anime worlds World hopping/fuck/sex/butt sex/ tons of sex/ gay mc/ foot fuck many fetishes/ no incest/ plot (Im a lust filled fuck check out my other books there shameless too... I making this story to relief my sexual fantasys) Enjoy if you like leave if you don't The cover art is not mine but the sexy dude looks exactly like the mc maybe a little to close in looks.. odd

Deadauthor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

New world!!

Welcome host to the universe of no game no life. . .


Lust should've been delighted to hear the systems welcome to a new world even if it was abrupt. as this place was one of his favorite animes ever.


His mind was preoccupied with the fact clouds where beneath him. He tried to move Atleast slightly slowing himself down hoping his body was strong enough for him not to turn into a cute mush of meat upon impact. But he couldn't even close his eyes let alone move only his vocal cords worked.

In horror of a possibly gruesome death he screamed in unwarranted fear




Screaming like he was being butchered he heard a similar sound above followed by the instant appearance of two people


The two people one man the other girl looked at him as they fell in fear with the ground inching oh so closely.

The crusty looking one with brown hair looked at lust with slight hesitation for a second as if he came up with an idea. however after looking at the ground and his sister he dived to this strange man

grabbing both of lust arms wrapping them around himself as he wrapped his sister with his own arms.

Unable to move lust yelled pissed at this guy's shameless actions.

"Ehhh Wtf are you doing asshole??"


Feeling this assholes body tense up he knew he was about to smack into the ground.

"Mother fucke..



As this happened

a small boy with otherworldly powers was a thousand miles away looking Infront of himself in confusion.

" Where are they? They should.. CRAP!!"

Realizing the situation he disappeared already at the site where lust fell. With a blink all the smoke in the area was blasted away leaving only three people. Two of them where injured badly with one even coughing blood.

The third person however caught his eye not for any other reason then that he couldn't feel him. Like at all.

Had he not had direct vision of this mysterious person Tet believed finding him to be impossible.

Still alive somehow

"Uhhggg stop coughing blood on me asshole"

Although lust said this he now having regained movement gently slid the two of them off his body.

The shameless pair ignored his kindness completely as they were to concerned with each other.


Shiro started bawling at the sight of her brother badly wounded only to be patted on the head by an unbroken hand

" Don't cry it's a minor flesh wound at bes.."

sora said this however even an idiot could tell he was lying he coughed a few mouthfuls of blood straight after.

" Maybe a bone wound?"

His failure of a joke went unnoticed by the crying Loli as she knew this was serious. Unable to think logically she succumbed to her emotions screaming out loud.


Silence clouded the area for a few moments after this while sora started struggling to even breath.

But just as Tet was about to step in Lust opened a vile dropping the liquid contents on Sora's body.


"What type of bullshit is this situation? You two MORE then owe me. That liquid on him will heal him completely so stop crying"

" Thank you"

Shiro went back to obsessing over Sora's wellbeing as soon as she said that leaving lust to ponder over life's purpose.

"Wtf was that SYSTEM?? Not to mention the fact I just saved someone who attempted to murder me. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY IM ALIVE. FUCKING EXPLAIN!!"

Unable to have the heart to vent his confused anger on the two next to him he yelled inwardly glaring at the blue screen that popped up.

Ding. . .

Host survived the fall because of your tier 1 divine ice fox body. . .

Accidently he yelled outloud shocked " DIVINE WHAT???"

Before he could ask questions about this to his system a legal shota came into his vision.

"Divine?? Anyway who are? No scratch that thank you for fixing my mistake."

Lust scratched his head still a little angry as he said sarcastically: " Oh your soooo indubitably welcome Majesty"

Used to people talking like this Tet responded naturally" No need for such high words you saved them afteral.."

Before he could continue lust started flailing on the ground in laughter yelling outloud Aperently suicidal .

" Your a so called god yet you fail to realize sarcasm hahahahaha I'm dieing "

At this moment many would think his brain lost all logical function sadly I would have to agree.

As if already there Tet said with a few veins popping up on the side of his forehead:

" Yea your right you will be dieing you keep laughing at me"

as he said this in his eerily child like voice, a pressure none on this planet could take slammed onto lusts body. Tet smirked at first when the unexpected happened lust jumped into the sky before Neil towing Infront of him realizing the error of his ways.

"I'm sorry master punish your disciple" Said this as he looked to the ground trying not to giggle.

Tet felt defeated uncaring he said:"Whatever I'm not falling for it twice. Just tell me your name"

Standing up he glared at the brother and sister duo as his fun distraction went away. With a pose he pointed to the sky.:

" I am LUST Raychild one day I'll achieve a massive heram while becoming the strongest"

"Hmm interesting never heard a human say that."

Tets interest was piqued all be it still slightly annoyed by lust he could make for great entertainment. With a flick sora appeared next to lust as he announced starting from one finger going to ten.

"Seeing as the three of you are new to this world one way or another. It's best i explain the rules here."

1. All murder, war, and robbery are forbidden in this world.

2. All conflict in this world is to be resolved through games.

3. In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value.

4. As long as it doesn't violate pledge three, anything may be bet, and any game may be played.

5. The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.

6. Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.

7. Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.

8. Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

9. In the name of god, the previous rules may never be changed.

10. Let's all have fun and play together!

Sora and shiro stood silent taking all the information in. while lust looked at Tet like he's boring.

Tet felt that his explanation was presented perfectly so when he saw that disdained filled face he got annoyed again and asked.

"What's wrong?"

Tet asked lust who was in quite the mood having been forcibly injected into this world from his shower falling out of the sky to saving someone who attempted to kill him.

"Nothin you just made a boring ass world is all. How am I supposed to grow stronger?"

Sora and shiro we're shocked at lust words

Whispering into lusts ear "Are you INSANE?? he's a.."

Lust sidestepped him so fast he cracked the ground

"Let me stop you right there asshole. strength doesn't mean God yet that's all he has. stop throwing around that word like its chicken.

Anyway all's I'm trying to say is I want to fight"

Tet ignored what he said as arguing would be meaningless he thought best he learned as everyone else on the path of strength does.

Even if what one says is truth the bigger law is always right.

"And you can so long as it's within a game. Now if that's out of the way oh wait.. almost forgot sora and shiro your bounded to lust for the next three years "


Tet left leaving the three in despair filled silence Until lust jumped for joy looking at the sky.

"Hell yeah"

Annoyed from someone's stupidity sora said

" tch, Idiot why are you so happy? He's gone and you took the only question"

Haveing been the person who just attempted to kill him he felt pissed just looking at the guy let alone the snarky comments.

"SHUT UP Asshole how about you apologize for trying to kill me." lust grabbed his shirt in anger

Sora thought what he did may have been wrong but if put in the same situation again he'd do the same.

"Why should I apologize you look just fine to me MONSTER"

"Take that BACK"

"No what human can survive such a fall"

"Arrrgg that's it"

Fed up with the bullshit he kicked the ground shattering it in a web like fashion as he propelled forward whizzing through the air like a missile crossing three miles in an instant before slamming on the ground like a meteorite leaving a small crator.

Most of the distance was because he jumped off a mountain so when he landed a loud boom echoed.

" Damn I'm strong but Now what do i do?"

He was just reborn a couple days ago so the fact he's in another world again took awhile to digest of course he over looked something.

" Hello there idiot"

A voice he thought impossible to hear again rang into his ears.

"How the fuck are you two here???"

Shiro pointed to her head " Just think about it "


He felt dejected looking at the weird duo Infront of him as the way he does things is entirely the opposite of them. They plan everything done to the smallest detail while he loves simple things quite frankly he thinks this place is boring to a certain extent.

" This place best have some cuties for me if I'm going to be stuck with the two of you."

The three relized their fate so they tried to smooth over what just happened.

"Well we're stuck with you too just be content that there's already a cutie shiro"

Sora picked shiro up like the cub in lion king. only the reaction was different.

"Eww I smell girl on her that's not a cutie"

Lust sniffed the air in disgust


"watch your mouth in the presence of shiro"

Sora felt personaly betrayed how could no one bow to the sight of shiros cuteness? This man is EVIL!!

Before another dumb fight could commence shiro spoke up being the voice of reason.

" STOP... I'll would like some proper clothes dummies"

When she said that each of them looked at themselves then each other. sora and shiro we're basically in pajamas while lust was in a bathing suit.

" yeah I need some clothes too so I'm willing to put this down for now"

"For shiros sake I will do the same"

With that done they walked for 10 minutes in a random direction each silently cursing

Tet for not dropping them at a town. However three schmucks popped out of nowhere demanding their cool electronics in exchange for their clothes and info.

Sora had a great idea when lust suddenly spoke up first.

" Good however the game with be a simple dual me vs the three of you easy how about it?"

" Looks like we got a cutie how about we change up the game instead of those cool toys we want you"

Feeling flattered as he heard someone call him something besides an idiot. lust decided to go easy on them with a nod and a achente he beat their faces in before stripin them clean of their clothes.

Sora shrugged finding this quite boring he walked to the now near naked trio slapping one of them.

"Tell us everything you know about this world"

The three bandits awoke quickly telling them everything they knew.

After a long narration boring narration no one asked for Sora got everything he needed leaving the three new beggers alone. on a long journey to the city.

The distance between where they are and the city would take a while to walk. Of course if lust ran this would take a few minutes at most shiro and sora would teleport due to being bounded. But lust made them walk as payment for trying to kill him.

5 hours later : In the kingdom of Elikia capital

Arriving at a inn to rest the trio lean against the building cooling off from their long journey. However not even ten seconds later a loud cute flustered voice stole their attention.

" Speed it up"


Two girls one emo the other not sat around a circular table gambling with very high stakes.

This caught the attention of lust sora and shiro causing a blond woman seated on a table nearby to see their curious looks and explained the situation further piqueing sora curiosity.

" You three curious? haha Usually info would be gained through a game but this is on the house.

Those two over there are playing a gambling game. The winner gets to rule the kingdom."

Sora was about to chime in when lust overreacted

"WHAT!! Who would agree to that BULLSHIT??"


Not used to his tier 1 cultivation yet his voice rang through out the inn even though he barely used any force.

Everyone even the two playing a game with life and death stakes looked at lust in surprise.

"Idiot ever heard of think before you act? Are you five??"

Shiro even added pointing to her head


Looking around the room he realized his blundor but he didn't need sora to tell him that. So In anger he yelled out something he shouldn't have.

"Screw you I'm actually 70 asshole"

Once his unbelievable statement was said his face turned red as he thought himself an idiot. Everyone besides three people assumed he just said whatever came to mind to get out of the situation. As for Sora shiro and the ma??? lady they knew one way or another he was not lying.


It took awhile for everyone to go back to what they were doing but as soon as they did the blond girl spoke again.

"ooook... Let me Finnish. Her grand father apparently had a dying wish wanting the heir to be the best gambler"

While lust sat down on a chair in sadness sora asked trying not to laugh finding this hilarious.

" So even the ruler is decided by a game? Interesting"

Who knows what he was cooking up in his mind. However shortly after an idea came to mind all of his attention was switched to the present caught by a leather bag filled with shiny gold coins ready for the Picken.

"What? Am I stunning?"

The blond girl had quite the pair on her...


Sora walked to a chair Infront of this busty blonde woman. immediately he got straight to the point

"how about we play a game ourselves. Want to gamble?"

Amused by the man Infront of her she grab her bag of gold coins.

" No you see this? I've all i need"

"Are you sure? ever wanted three slaves?"

As soon as he popped this sudden question she jumped as she couldn't believe they would actually do it.

"WHAT!!? Your Gunna use yourself as a betting chip. For what?

Instead of an answer he pointed to her bag of gold coins.

Immediately she grabbed her bag hiding it like they were theifs. only to put it back on the table after thinking about the situation more.

" Ok so a bag of gold for three slaves not bad I'm interested... But what's the game?"

"Simple single hand poker"

" Do you want to be a slave or something?."

she thought the game would be something that had everything to do with skill so they could Atleast be in an advantage somehow but now... she just stopped thinking.

"Whatever I agree"

Both of them raised their right hand saying outloud.

*I swear by the pledges ACENTE*

Unlike what she expected not even 3 minutes later she was left depressed without any shinny gold coins.

" Better luck next time"

Sora went inside the inn with lust and shiro having money to spend he sent away a distraction.

" Lust go upstairs into the first empty room I got to hustle this fool"

Dejected from his previous embarrassment he did what he normally wouldn't. He listened going upstairs.

3 minutes later shiro and sora lyed on a bed while lust sat in a chair.

Silence crept it's way into the room until sora broke it suggesting

" Look we're stuck together for the next three years. We should Atleast try to be more open..."

After he said this he saw Lusts disgusted look before he relented going first.

"I am sora and she is shiro you already know that part so I'll tell you what you don't. Before falling down from the sky almost dying horribly we grew up in a world unchallenged by problems everything was easy and boring. Until one day playing a chess game we went against the toughest player we ever went against Tet. Long story short we beat him thus ending up here."

Lust looked at shiro for confirmation once she nodded he sighed as no Loli can lie so sora said the truth. Unless he was an asshole he would have to tell his story he did but just a part of it.

" Well as my name implies before this I lived a life of lust... I didn't just fall into Degeneresey upon birth a sad event happened making me realize that Im a lustful person yet even though that was 70 years ago only recently have I been able to realize lust is not just my path but the path I want to take unforced by anyone"

Shiro and Sora didn't expect a full life confession so they took awhile to think though this social situation.


"That's uhh Deep... anyway fuck all the sad stuff let's conquer the world"

Sora unable to think of any other nice way out of this stuck his hand out.

" why not"

Lust put his hand on top of his agreeing also trying to change the topic

" For the first time you two agreed omg"

While shiro was shocked


And like that the true start of many adventures in this and other worlds begin.

I said I would release this yesterday but... Anyway even know clean up is needed the story is their so.


Deadauthorcreators' thoughts