
My gay husband is a pervert

Kong Xian Wang one of the most eligible bachelor in China. Not only young ladies are head over heels for him but also the married and older ones. His one glance can captivate one's soul. But....... There is a problem.... There are certain rumors floating about him.... what are the rumors??? He is not into the opposite gender. He is a GAY!!! "What? CEO Kong is a gay?" Mai Yue Rui couldn't believe it. "Then what is that what I saw?" "The way he looks at the opposite gender it's absolutely of a straight person." "Btw why I am thinking about that... He is the most annoying person to me. He irritates me so much." "Wait... Now where did this come from? A bouquet of rose from the CEO?" KXW:I am offering you the honor to marry me. MYR: Is this what you call proposing for marriage? KXW:Yeah MYR: I am sorry sir I won't marry you. KXW:What do you want? Money, home, makeover? I can give you anything MYR:If you knew who I am then you wouldn't have asked me that. KXW:What do you want? MYR: I want peace. Leave me alone. KXW:Not leaving. MYR: Even if you are the only person on Earth I won't marry you..... .......... MYR: Why are you here. I don't want you in my life. I don't want you to ruin my life again. Stay away from me..... ........... MYR:Mr. Kong Xian Wang I am willing to marry you. KXW:As you wish wifey. ********* Hope you will like the story ********* You can check out my other other: •Treacherous Serenade Of Love ********* Btw the cover is not owned by me... I just edited it... Discord: https://discord.gg/GtnhPWpaaZ

ira_ni1049 · Général
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274 Chs

Something is not right

Ruo arranged her dress neatly and went near Xianwang.

"Good evening Mr. Kong." She said while tucking her hair behind her ears shyly.

Xianwang was still looking for the blue-eyed lady. The sudden disturbance by Ruo made him frown and angry. He looked at her in annoyance to see who it was and then totally ignored her.

"It seems boss hasn't recognize me. I am Ran ruo the manager of marketing department." Then she gave her angelic smile.

Xianwang still ignoring her and looking for that blue-eyed girl.

Ran ruo still didn't loose hope. She made herself more composed and went straight to the point.

"Sir, we, the people of our department came here for some refreshments. So by playing a game I came up with this task to sell this packet to the first man...cough cough person I see outside."

Xianwang still not listening.

She acted more shy and continued,

"Luckily it was you so I don't have to feel embarrassed in front of other people. Will you help me sir?" She made a pitiful puppy face.

Xianwang was looking at other side as in there was no one beside him. Then he put his hand inside his pocket.

Ruo thought that her act was finally bringing result so she gave a sweet smile.

But instead he pulled out his phone and called his driver to bring his car.

Ran ruo was stunned. She didn't know he would ignore her like this.

But she still continued to convince him but all went in vain. After a while Xianwang's car came and he opened the door to get in. But Ruo stopped him by holding him by his sleeve.

"Big boss please help me this once. Okay you don't have to give me anything. Just take it with you" she tilted her face to the right and slightly pouted. Then she tried to hand him the packet.

Now this made Xianwang angry like hell. He shrugged his shoulder and let his sleeve out of her hand. His sudden force made Ruo loose her balance and she fall on the ground.

Xianwang put a glance at the content inside the packet. After recognizing the content inside Xianwang smirked and said,

"Suits you."

Then he crinkle it with full force and threw it beside her. He got into his car and after closing the door he opened the window and said,


And finally he left. All this time he had the cold as ice reaction on his face while being in action.


On the other side the fellow colleagues were chuckling. The female colleagues couldn't take it anymore. They returned to their room and burst into laughter. Even Bailu and Xuhao were laughing. Though Yuerui was laughing like crazy in her mind but she worked very hard not to show it in her face. She hide her mouth with her one hand and chuckled slightly.

Ran ruo was so angry. She didn't expect that she would get humiliated like this. When she returned to the room all of them become silent as mute.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing." Everybody replied in union.

Ruo frowned. She knew that everyone has seen everything. So she quietly went to her seat and drank her drink.

"Let's continue the game." one of them said.

Now Ruo's gaze fixed on the chits.

'Something is not right. I have to check it.' She thought.