
My Game Glitched And I Became OP

In 2123 the world has evolved so much that games can't even be told differently from reality. The popular VR game "Blade Works" is one of the highest-grossing games in history and one of the most popular. People spend most of their lives in the game because it blinds them from the harsh reality they live and to live in a game that feels and looks like reality why wouldn't they? Alex Shean is a regular high schooler, who spends time with his friends while bonding over games he loves. One day he kept hearing talk about a popular game called "Blade Works" and he decided to check it out; out of curiosity. Still, after only an hour of playing, he couldn't really see the big deal about it besides the graphics, but this critique was only because he was constantly being killed as a new player and was about to rage quit. And soon after, his game had a very bad glitch that removed him from the game and wiped all of his previous progress, but when he returned and looked at his stats he was in shock at the sight in front of him. **** The thumbnail art isn't mine. I may suck at writing but I hope I can improve over time. 1 Chapters/Day.

helsing · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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3 Chs


In 2123 the world has evolved so much that games can't even be told differently from reality. The popular VR game "Blade Works" is one of the highest-grossing games in history and one of the most popular.

People spend most of their lives in the game because it blinds them from the harsh reality they live and to live in a game that feels and looks like reality why wouldn't they?

Alex Shean is a regular high schooler that loves to hang out with his friends and bond over games.

"Yo! Alex you wanna play some "Blade Works"?"

Alex, a boy with dark hair and silver eyes looked at the brown-haired teen, "Blade Works? what's that?"

"Dude, do you live under a rock? it's one of the most popular games in the world right now! and everyone's playing it...but~ you need a VR helmet..."

"Uhm, sure. My little brother has one I'll just use his and add you when I get home."

"Sure! my tag is "BlackKnight"!"


Alex made sure to remember his friend's username and was kinda curious to check out the game.

At home, he sets his bag down and walks into his little brother's room.

"What is it, big bro?" His little brother with his sparkling eyes looked up to his brother Alex.

"Hey uhm, do you think I can use your VR headset?" he looked nervous as he asked because his brother is usually very protective of his stuff.

But for some reason, his brother must have been feeling very generous that day, "Sure, just be sure to bring it back when you're done!"

"Oh alright..!"

Alex grasped the headset and walked to his room where he sat on his bed and put it on.

Everything around him turned white, and a bright display screen appeared before him.


|Crash of Power|

|Infect of Campaigns|

|Contract and Revenge|

|Despair and Evolution|

|Blade Works|

Alex scrolled down toward the end of the games his brother had and chose the already downloaded Blade Works game.

[Loading game....]

The white void turned into a black one and had a loading bar at the very bottom.

When fully loaded the dark screen turn into what looked to be a very high-graphic game that was almost like reality.


[Welcome to <Blade Works>]

[Would you like to edit your appearance?]

"Uhm, Yes."

[Height: 185cm]

[Hair Color: White]

[Eye Color: Silver]

[Facial expression: Neutral]

[Facial Appearance: Handsome]

[Scars: None]

"Alright~ that should be good."

[You are now entering the world of Blade Works. Good luck!]

When Alex opened his eyes he saw a world full of lush grass and large trees, mountainscapes, and waterfalls. He saw other players, all with different appearances and classes, some mages and some swordsmen.

He opened his status display.


[Username: Silver Sky]

[Level: 0] (XP: 0/1000)

[Class: Swordsmen]

[Skills] - (N/A)


[Attack Power: 5]

[Attack Speed: 4]


[Strength] - 2

[Agility] - 2

[Endurance] - 2

[Vitality] - 3

[Dexterity] - 2

(Free Attribute Points: 2)


"So...this is the game, I guess I should add Mathew."